Community of ChristChurch
Inside CC Weekly Update
May 16, 2013
(Wear your RED to church!)

      Scripture Reading: ACTS 2:1-21

Treasurer, Laura Taylor will be giving a Council update during service.

Also this SUNDAY...

Faith Conversations, ChristKids,
              Friendship Club and AM OPUS & CREW

All conversations and classes conclude this Sunday.  We hope you have enjoyed the past year of offerings!  There is one more opportunity for conversations... *Big God, Big History will hold their final class on Sunday, May 26th.  Special Guest speaker, Pastor Dan Brunner, will share his knowledge on Ecotheology through a wide array of lenses, including history, scripture, anthropology, spirituality, and eschatology. 
ALL are welcome to join in this conversation.

Greetings friends,

As the Easter season comes to a close I wanted to draw your attention to some of the things going on at Community of ChristChurch in the coming days.

New Worship Series on the Lord's Prayer

This Sunday is the fiftieth day of Easter and the day in which the church celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit and the mission of God extending to all nations. It is also the day that marks the end of our narrative biblical journey. Having traveled through the Bible from Genesis to Galatians from September to May, we will now focus on a couple of shorter worship series for the summer months.

So, on May 26th we will begin a five week series on the Lord's Prayer. We will focus on five verses in the sixth chapter of Matthew (9-13) where Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray. Pastors Sally Roach and Stuart Holland will be sharing the preaching duties with me during this series to allow me to take some vacation time during the first two weeks in June.

On June 30th we will begin another series, this time drawing on some of the wisdom writings found in the Old Testament. In particular, we will focus on two books, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. This series will take us all the way up to September when we will begin a new narrative journey from Creation to the early church. See you in church!

Events Coordinator Internship

Many of you know my niece, Trisha Koppert, who began worshiping with our congregation last fall. About a month ago, Trisha approached me with an idea to create a volunteer internship position here at ChristChurch. She is interested in applying her gifts of organization and planning toward making it easier for folks in our church who are interested in volunteering. By interviewing members and leaders of teams she proposes to create a comprehensive book with all the necessary "who, what, where, when and how much" of activities and events so that members  both seasoned and brand new will feel equipped to plan and implement events throughout the year. I appreciate her passion for this and am thankful for willingness to jump in with both feet. So, if you get a call from Trisha, please help her out in this endeavor. Her questions are designed to help us build on the good ministry we already do and to make volunteering inviting to more people.

Listening Team Update

I know it feels to many people that the Listening Season has taken its time in getting off the ground. All I can say is that good things come to those who wait, and the more I learn about the listening process the more I believe that this is a very good thing. The aim of the listening process is to build community and strengthen relationships. We do this by sharing our stories with one another. When we do this all kinds of things emerge... the things we are passionate about are revealed, the pressures we face in our day to day lives come to light, and transformation occurs. Through intentional one-to-one conversations the stirrings of God's Spirit also emerge and we grow into a community empowered and energized to act in the world; to 'make a difference' as the song says.

We will continue the Listening Season throughout the summer. Our goal is to connect with at least 100 people throughout this process. We will provide lots of opportunities for you to let us know that you'd like to participate. Throughout this time the Listening Team will meet regularly to gather the stories of the congregation, looking for patterns and trends that could become the seeds for new ministries within the church. We'll share these patterns and trends in a congregational event that will be scheduled in the fall, inviting everyone to discern and participate in what the Spirit is up to in this community. We hope you will all embrace this Listening Season and if you get a call from a  Listening Team member, please consider accepting the invitation to be heard.

God's peace,

Pastor David


We Have Room for YOU!

The next 2 Sundays are your last chances to secure your camping reservation.  The camp out is at L. L. "Stub" Stewart State Park between Buxton and Vernonia, August 23-25.  Many opportunities for you to enjoy, including: Frisbee golf, walking trails, bike trails, potluck, campfire, and worship service. 

For additional info please contact Tom Roach  503-846-1816 or Marcia Branch 509-292-9310.

Not camping?  We invite YOU to join us at the park on Saturday, August 24 for a day of fun and games, potluck, fellowship, and worship in the great outdoors!


Habitat for Humanity

Community of ChristChurch Build Day

Signup in the church Entry on Sunday or contact John Heffner 

 Special EXTENDED Service, June 2nd
               Come share the JOURNEY!

Two of the most important parts on a car are the windshield and the rearview mirror.  While they are both important, they also serve two totally different functions.  The rearview mirror gives you a picture of where you have been, the past.  While the windshield gives you a picture of where you are headed, the present and the future.

We are expanding our 9:30 AM service on June 2 to blend worship and the annual congregational meeting into one special service as we journey into our future. Please plan to make the trip to church, as the service will contain many additional elements:  review of the past year, voting to pass the budget and Council for the next 2013-14 fiscal year, special Listening Team experience,  and continued praise for all our ministries as we move ahead.  We also will be acknowledging our graduating Seniors and will conclude our service with communion. 

*Activities will be planned for a portion of the time for our younger youth along with extended nursery care.

Many thanks for the EXTRA work this week at CC...

A few weeks ago, a piece of our sound equipment decided it was time to quit an hour before servcie was to start!  Luckily, we have GREAT skilled Tech Geeks (Bruce Henderson & Dave Slack) who managed to patch us up till our new sound board arrived. (A God thing?  We had ordered a new sound board a month prior from a generous donation!)  This week, with three long nights/days of work, the board is ready for it's debut this Sunday! 


With EAGER smiles and energy, two very helpful members (Larry Wade and Kris Hoggard) pressure washed the outside windows and entryway ... all the better to see God's wondeful creation!

So, if you see Bruce, Dave, Larry or Kris, be sure to give them a pat on the back and say THANKS for the extra work!

Have a great week... See you on Sunday.

Community of ChristChurch

5170 NW Five Oaks Drive
Hillsboro, OR 97124