Inside CC Update
Community of ChristChurch
May 30, 2013

This Sunday is our big adventure as we combine our worship service, the Annual Congregational Meeting, Holy Communion, and recognition of our Senior Grads...  all into one morning starting at 9:30 AM.  We Look forward to recapping the past year, looking ahead to our next adventures, and voting on: the proposed By-Law changes, the new 2013-14 Council and next fiscal year's budget.  All important destinations as our church journeys along God's paths.  We also look forward to sharing in the joy and triumphs of our Seniors as we celebrate in their graduation.  We hope you will join us for this special Sunday!

Listening Season Update

I know it feels to many people that the Listening Season has taken its time in getting off the ground. All I can say is that good things come to those who wait, and the more I learn about Listening Seasons the more I believe that they are a very good thing. The aim of a Listening Season is to build community and strengthen relationships. We do this by sharing our stories with one another. When we do this all kinds of things emerge... the things we are passionate about are revealed, the pressures we face in our day to day lives come to light, and transformation occurs. Through intentional one-to-one conversations the stirrings of God's Spirit also emerge and we grow into a community empowered and energized to act in the world; to 'make a difference' as the song says.


We will continue the Listening Season throughout the summer. Our goal is to connect with at least 100 people throughout this process. We will provide lots of opportunities for you to let us know that you'd like to participate. Throughout this time the Listening Team will meet regularly to gather the stories of the congregation, looking for patterns and trends that may be signs of God’s Spirit acting in our midst and could become the seeds for new ministries within the church. We'll share these patterns and trends in a congregational event that will be scheduled in the fall, inviting everyone to discern and participate in what the Spirit is up to in this community. We hope you will all embrace this Listening Season and if you get a call from a Listening Team member, please consider accepting the invitation to be heard.


God's peace,

Pastor David
(on behalf of the team: Lois, Larry B, Cindy, Tracy, Chuck, Chris and Larry W)

Listening Team Members

A small chest freezer is available - contact Beth Habecker or Steve Delamarter if you are interested!

Community of ChristChurch
5170 NW Five Oaks Drive
Hillsboro, OR 97124