September 12, 2013

Week 2 of our "New September Season"

September will focus on
scripture from
Genesis and Exodus.

This Sunday's scripture reading: Genesis 21:1-3, 22:1-14
"Binding of Isaac"

The Conversations begin...

Our FALL Faith Conversations are ready to begin this Sunday.  You still have time to sign up on Sunday for a conversation.  As a reminder, Daily Faith is an open door opportunitiy, meaning you can attend ANY Sunday!
  Faith Conversation Hour
is 10:45- 11:45 AM



Our new curriculum was a big hit last year, and we continue with it this year!  Every Holy Moly lesson follows a four-part sequence: Discover, Relate, Connect, and Create. Each week, kids watch an animated Bible story video, talk about the story, read their Bible Storybook or Bible, and try a creative leaflet activity. 

For youth ages 4 yrs - 3rd grade.

Friendship Club

Every Connect lesson follows a three-part sequence: See, Explore, and Make. Each week, tweens focus on and reinforce a theme by watching a witty video, exploring biblical text, and creating projects that range from games to art and more.
For 4th and 5th grades.


Enjoy Sunday mornings at 10:45 AM for conversations and learning and then join us at 6:00 PM for additional fun and sharing. 

For students in grades 6-12th.

Daily Faith

Weekly discussions center on issues of faith and daily life. What are the faith questions you wrestle with? What does it mean to live every day from a Christian perspective? Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join in with other adults on Sunday mornings to discuss current topics and reflect on Emmanuel (Christ with us.) These lively conversations will focus on a new topic each week.
  This conversation has an open door policy and you are warmly invited to come spend time getting to know your brothers and sisters in Christ! You are encouraged to come every week but you can also join in for any discussion on any Sunday.  Led by Ray Oeltjen & Rhonda Eppelsheimer.

A New Kind of Christianity

This book explores the paradigm shift in the church... is the church in sync with our deepest beliefs and commitments?  Ten questions are explored: How do we articulate the faith? What is the nature of its authority? Who is God? Can we understand Jesus only through an ancient Greco-Roman lens? What exactly is the good news the gospel proclaims? How can we understand the church and all its varieties? Why are we so preoccupied with sex? How should we think of the future and people of other faiths? And perhaps most important: What do we do next? Here is a provocative and enticing introduction to the Christian faith of tomorrow.  Led by Chris Moore.

I Am My Beloved's: Song of Songs

The rabbis were discussing the books of the bible, debating which was best, and rabbi Akiba said "all of scripture is Holy, but the Song is the Holy of Holies." Despite its holiness we do not read this book in church, except by accident. So we miss the power of God's desire for us and how our lives are transformed by a passionate desire for God. This desire is modeled in the passion of two lovers singing to each other. It is a passion which is both a little embarrassing in its intensity and fierce in its self-abandonment. It is, if you will, "an attribute of God himself."  Led by Stuart Holland.

Special delivery...
                 check your mailbox!

Be sure to watch for your Listening Team letter, arriving in mailboxes Monday or Tuesday.  Inside you will find an invitation to the:
Discernment Gathering
Saturday, September 28
9:00 am- 1:00 pm

It also contains a catorgorized summary of information gathered from conversations during the Listening Season.  Be sure to fill out the back and turn it in, as directions indicate.  Your input will help facilitate our gathering.

Each Sunday, we will share additional information on the "Discernment Gathering", so you can understand the importance of your attendance and how YOU play a role in the church's future and ministry direction. 
* Nursery and child care provided, light snacks will be available.

See you this Sunday!  Enjoy the sunshine!

Community of ChristChurch
5170 NW Five Oaks Drive
Hillsboro, OR 97124

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