It’s Spring!
I don’t know about you, but we love Spring. It means that camp
is close and Cub Creek in the springtime is beautiful! As you
look through the woods, you can start to see the colors
popping: reddish buds on the oak trees, small green leaves on
bushes, wild violets are blooming in front of Bears Den, the
yellow forsythia bushes are bright all through camp, and the
tulips have bloomed in the driveway. Don’t even get us started on
the Redbud blooms! We just can’t wait! The bees , who live closer
to the cave, also made it throw the winter! Yahoo! They have
started to buzz around and Lori is excited that they’ll be
producing honey. Spring also is the start of longer days.
It’s staying light outside for longer which is really helping
boost the mood!