Volume #7
July, 2010



Upcoming Festivals!!!

July 30-August 1
Lights. Camera. Help.
(Austin, Texas, USA)

August 6-29
Independent Film Month Atlanta (Atlanta, Georgia, USA)

August 13-16
Atlanta Horror Film Festival (Atlanta, Georgia, USA)

August 20-22
Atlanta International Documentary Film Festival (DocuFest Atlanta)
(Atlanta, Georgia, USA)

August 26-29
Landlocked Film Festival
(Iowa City, Iowa, USA)

August 27-29
Animation Attack!
(Atlanta, Georgia, USA)

August 27-29
Atlanta Underground Film Festival
(Atlanta, Georgia, USA)

And Don't Forget. . .

November 12-14
LA Film Weekend
(Los Angeles/Beverly Hlls, CA, USA)

Dear Subscriber,

We would like to apologize for being out of touch with our updates recently. However, we have been extremely busy at Indie Film Depot! We have been like ninjas waiting quietly in the shadows creating our plan of attack!

First things first. . .film festival anyone? Oh yeah, we are very proud to announce a festival that is owned and operated by Indie Film Depot. Call for entries is open now, so submit while you can to LA Film Weekend or through Without A Box. For more information follow the LA Film Weekend Twitter and keep an eye open for regular updates from us.

Next on the list. FREE streaming films from Indie Film Depot!  While you are reading this, there is a room full of geeks somewhere in Los Angeles reprogramming our site and trying to make new friends via the internet. To learn more about the up and coming FREE streaming films check out our NewsWire. Filmmakers that are interested in displaying their films to the world and generating performance based revenue email filmmaker@indiefilmdepot.com
LA Film Weekend will be held in Beverly Hills, CA, between November 12th and November 14th. The Writers Guild Theater and Laemmle's Music Hall will be dedicated to LA Film Weekend for the duration of the festival. Between these two venues, LA Film Weekend will be operating 4 screens and nearly 1100 seats.

If you are interseted in submitting your film to be considered for LA Film Weekend you can submit through Without A Box or directly through the festival website.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact us anytime. We look forward to working with all of you and hope that Indie Film Depot will become your favorite indie film resource.
Indie Film Depot