Appointing a guardian for your minor children
Deciding who will raise your child in your absence is one of the toughest decisions you'll face as a parent. Many parents say the first step is to admit that no one is good enough.
Once you get past the idea that the best parent for your child is you and no one else can compare, you can move on to choosing the next best person. Make a list of all the possible candidates, and then sit down with your partner and talk over the pros and cons of each one.
A few things you may want to consider:
Whose parenting style, values, and religious beliefs most closely match your own?
Who is most able to take on the responsibility of a caring for a child — emotionally, financially, physically, etc.?
Whom does your child feel comfortable with already?
Would your child have to move far away, and would that pose any problems?
Does the person you're considering have other children? If so, would your child fit in or get lost in the shuffle?
Would the person have enough time and energy to devote to your child?
It’s very important to remember that unless you specifically name a guardian in your Last Will and Testament, anyone can step forward and ask for the job, and a judge will determine who gets custody. Choosing who would be best fit to care for your children in your absence is, without a doubt, one of the most difficult decisions you will ever have to make. That is not, however, a good enough reason to postpone the decision.
No one knows better than you and your partner who can and should care for your children if you cannot… do not leave that decision for the courts to decide.