July 26, 2012
Greetings from True Hope!

Jesus warned that in the last days many false prophets would come onto the scene and be so convincing that they would be able to deceive everyone ... except the elect of God!

Why will the elect of God not be able to be deceived by these wolves in sheep's clothing, these psychics pretending to be prophets of the Most High God? 

Because God has given us who are His the means by which to PROVE the PROPHETS!

And, surprise, surprise!  The elect are not deceived, not because they threw the baby out with the bath water - - simply rejecting any and all who appear or claim to be prophets!  In fact, God tells us to NOT DESPISE prophesyings (messages from prophets) because - - are you ready for this?  God does not do anything unless He first gives notice THROUGH HIS PROPHETS!
  • Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.  Amos 3:7
The elect are not deceived because they learned and applied what God through His Word and His servants the prophets teach them about the ministry of true prophets!

Check out our our new Subscriber Appreciation offer!  Dr. Timothy's instructional study article titled:  "Proving the Prophets!"  You really should get this study both for you own benefit and for the benefit of your loved ones and friends!

You will find the new Subscribers Appreciation offer  in the lower right hand column or by clicking here!

Many Blessings!
Dr. Timothy
They have a new look and both now have a shared theme so that whether a person visits our True Hope Churches website or the new True Hope Bible Institute website - - they know that they are visiting a ministry of TRUE HOPE!

Visit them today and let us know what you think or if you find any problems or issues that we may have missed!

Help us reach more of God's people! Please forward this to an interested friend

From Dr. Timothy D.TH
I was talking with a brother in Christ recently whom I had invited to join the Ministry Leaders' Cooperative (the new ministry extension of True Hope Ministries) ... and he responded by informing me that he was not much of a "joiner"!

Even during the conversation in which I invited him to participate, the Lord let me know that - initially - my friend would not do so. 

Why not?

Was it because he was nearing retirement and was winding down?  NO!  Was it because he wanted to wait and see how this thing develops?  NO!  Was it because he didn't want to pay the registration fee?  I don't think so!

The Lord gave me to understand that my friend was holding back because, in all his years of ministry leadership, he had repeatedly been disappointed by RELIGIOUS men in position of leadership!  One disappointment after another over the many years of his faithful service has brought him to the place that he only wants to disciple the few (if you can call 30 or 40 a few) saints that have placed their trust in him for spiritual leadership!

All the disappointments over the decades of his faithful service to Christ has made him, well, gun shy!  In the now numerous conversations with my friend (we only became acquainted a few months ago), I have been totally awe struck by the incredible insights he has about God's TRUE designs and desires for The Church of Jesus Christ!

He has such incredible talents at talking with the saints who desire to know Christ on an intimate basis - - yet he is not confident that God has a place of powerful leadership and mentoring younger ministry leaders!

The really sad thing is that his is not a unique situation!  So many men and women who have been in ministry leadership for years have been shunned by RELIGIOUS people in leadership that they have become discouraged to the point that they have finally believed the devil's lies - - that they have nothing to offer, or that what they do have to offer will only be rejected once again, or that they are not needed because they don't fit the "mold" that the religious people have convinced them that they must fit in order to have value!


Well - - NOW HEAR THIS!  You are needed!  Your years of disappointments in return for your faithful service in Christ's ministry has only been the training ground that has brought you to this time ... the last days of  the Church!

God is raising up men and women all over this land and around the world that He has chosen to be the ministry leaders for THIS generation ... and YOU are part of what is being raised up!

YOU ARE NEEDED!  Your faithfulness in spite of disappointments and frustrations has developed you to mentor and encourage those younger men and women that NEED the benefit of your experience because the religious men and women in positions of leadership in the church community will be doing all they can to thwart the message being delivered in these last days to the saints of God who desperately need to be fed the PURE, UNTAINTED, WORD OF GOD!

You have resources - spiritual, mental, emotional, social, business, and many other resources that not only can be but need to be shared for the mutual benefit of other ministry leaders!  Ministry leaders whom God does not want to walk this path alone and who are and have been praying for others who can help them accomplish what God has asked them to do!

Are you young or new in ministry leadership?  Don't feel like you have much to offer other leaders in ministry?  Then you have a need!  The need to gain the benefit from the experiences, wisdom and insights of those who have been in leadership for more than a few years!  And as you grow in ministry, others will need and can benefit by your spiritual growth as a leader!

This is why the True Hope Ministry Leaders' Cooperative has been formed ... and why it is formed as a cooperative.  The definition of a cooperative is:  "an autonomous association of persons who voluntarily cooperate for their mutual ... benefit."  (

Willing to work together for the mutual benefit and success of one another ... being mutually concerned about each other's success.

Members do not have to transfer ministry credentials to True Hope, although every ministry leader with True Hope credentials will have memberships in the Ministry Leaders' Cooperative.

Even if it is not the True Hope Ministry Leaders' Cooperative, you are needed by some group of leaders ... so don't let the devil convince you that you are better off by "not being a joiner"!  Who is it that the lions attack?  The strays, the fledglings, the damaged of the flock who have veered away from being involved!  God didn't use the analogy of a lion in describing satan!  The tactics of the devil are quite similar to those of lions!

They roar to convince you that your cause is hopeless.  They stalk you until they see you struggling to keep up and then when you have finally strayed off and are alone - - they come to devour you!

Not a joiner?  Really?  Only if you have believed the lies of the devil!

Hear God's Truth instead ... YOU ARE NEEDED!  God needs you to be a blessing to others and others need the blessing God means you to be!

Many blessings!

Many Blessings!
Dr. Timothy


The World At War With Syria - - - The Whole Pre-Trib Psalms 83 - Isaiah 17 - Ezekiel 38-39

Ray Gano - Prophezine

What I am about to write will no doubt surprise some of you and probably several will think I have gone off the deep end. But with the study I have been conducting several years, I can no longer agree with what many are putting out there regarding a pre-trib battle scenario; specifically the whole Psalms 83 - Isaiah 17 - Ezekiel 38-39 Scenario.

Just to fill those of you in who may not really be up on this idea, here is the proposed idea in a nutshell…

  1. Israel is surrounded by enemies
  2. Israel, through the IDF defeats the immediate surrounding enemies, wins and gains the land.(Psalms 83)
  3. This then triggers the destruction of Damascus (Isaiah 17)
  4. Which in turn triggers the Gog Magog War (Ezekiel 38-39)

It is a nice scenario, in fact I have written on it myself agreeing with it. But I cannot agree with it any longer.

I got an email recently from a gentleman asking about a book called Isralestine by Bill Salus. In fact, I have been getting a lot of questions about the book as well as questions about a pre-trib Gog Magog War with everything going on in Syria. I hope to address all of that in this article.

The Psalms 83 idea which originated with Bill Salus is fairly new idea, well Gary Stearman wrote about it back in the mid 1990’s and I assume that the idea did not fly that well because he did not write about it again until recently.

To be frank what Salus has promoted is what has been called a “political fairy tail” and one that has literally ripped scripture out of context. What he did was find three words in Eze 37:10 "exceedingly great army" and then backwards engineered this grand idea that is when he came across Psalms 83 his “ancient blueprint.” This idea does not stand to solid scrutiny and in fact twice Salus has entered debates and twice he refused to defend his position.

Now this is not an intentional “hit piece” on Salus, what I intend to show is the flawed logic in this whole pre-trib Psalms 83 - Isaiah 17 - Ezekiel 38-39 Scenario. The fact that it is with the Psalms 83 idea that Salus wrote about is what “begins” this new and expanded scenario.

Psalms 83 – A Petition To God

Nowhere in reading Psl 83 do we see the intervention of man as proposed by Salus. Instead we clearly see that in this chapter it is God who intercedes on the behalf of Israel. When you clearly read Psl 83 for what it is, you literally see it as a petition to God asking God to personally intervene and not through the works of man or the IDF as Salus claims. In fact if people would just sit and actually read the entire Psl 83 chapter one would see that. But what amazes me is that no one is really willing to crack open the bible, instead what I am witnessing is what I call “parroting the parrots.” Many have clutched on to this idea as “gospel” because of all the “facts” and footnotes. Where actually it is mere words of men and their books, and not what scripture truly states.

The problem that I have with this entire psl 83 - Isa 17 - Eze 38-39 is that IF this takes place, why does Christ need to return in seven years when Israel can do it themselves?

Israel destroys her neighbors as Salus promotes

Israel destroys Damascus with a proposed nuke as many out there propose

Israel wins the Gog Magog war and burns weapons for seven years.

This is what is being taught and people are buying it.

This, Then That…Then The Rapture… The Real Problem

HERE IS A REAL PROBLEM….It is a fact that many people are using this scenario as a means to predict the timing of the rapture. Sure many will not come out and actually say it openly and boldly stated. Instead it is alluded to and I have heard this idea come from many teachers out there. In fact Tim LeHaye even promotes the idea in the opening scenes of his “Left Behind” movie with Kirk Cameron.

What is being alluded to and even being taught by some is that all we have to do is watch for this sequence of events to take place and then we know the rapture is at hand.

Folks, this is highly un-biblical for no man knoweth the hour. In fact it is this same sort of argument that the Mid and Post tribbers give…What do they say? “We just gotta wait it out.”

Why do we as pre-tribbers condemn the Mid and Post Tribbers when we ourselves are promoting a sequence to predict the rapture just like they are? Isn’t this a double standard?

There is absolutely no sign associated to the Rapture; it is a stand alone event that must take place prior to the tribulation.

Victorious and Emboldened Israel Kowtows to a European?

The many people who are standing on this idea, they are overlooking a major point.

Israel will own everything from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates River, from Turkey to Egypt and to the victor goes the spoils.

Now, I know many Israelis and they are a hard tenacious sort of people. In no way will they gain that much land, power and resources and in turn give it over to some guy from Europe claiming to be the messiah.

The obvious outcome of this scenario, which no one seems to really see is that the Israelis will be emboldened because it was God who stepped in on their behalf. They will see this scenario as a fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham. If any of you have met Israeli's you know that they are a hard, shrewd people and you know that what I say is true. They will stick to their guns because they have God on their side and the whole world knows it.

But again we are discussing a scenario here and it is this sort of logic that people do not think about.

What most people jump to is that this scenario opens the door for the Antichrist to come in and claim the spoils, and “allow” Israel to rebuild the temple. Why does Israel need permission when they own it already and Islam is wiped off the face of the earth?

So out of this, if this took place according to how some of these teachers are presenting and if you take it to the logical conclusion, again I have to ask "Why does Christ need to return in seven years to "rescue" His people when they can basically do it themselves?"

In fact why is there a need for Armageddon when the nations that Israel goes to war with have been destroyed by them (IDF) already?

When we read the scriptures addressing the Day of the Lord / Armageddon, why is it that all the countries mentioned are all Muslim Middle East countries? Not one is a European country.



Midweek True Hope LIVE! Has Changed Day & Time ...

The midweek session of True Hope LIVE! now meets live on line every  TUESDAY at 7:30pm ctz!

Join us weekly for this free, live web/phone conference that is Scripturally sound, very enlightening & encouraging, captivating and motivating!

Did we mention that it is FREE?!

Currently our study is on God's Grace - - the power to live free from sin's dominating control!

To learn more, visit our web site - - click here!
Thanks to the help of Brother Michael we are up and running on Facebook - - finally!
(If the link doesn't work, please let us know!)

WANT additional prayer support?  Need to keep it private? Email the TRUE HOPE PRAYER LINE!

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Courtesy of Dr. Tim Clinton, AACC

“The ornaments of your house will be the guests who frequent it.” Author Unknown

God loves it when we “praise” Him. Psalm 22:3 portrays a picture of “God inhabiting the praises of His people”. The Hebrew essence of “inhabiteth” is a depiction of the Lord sitting down and dwelling. Our praises are so precious to Him that He stops and abides with us in the very midst of our praise. Think about that.

The word “praise” occurs nearly 300 times in scripture. Interestingly, a vast majority of those references are in The Psalms, including:

“I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.” Psalm 9:2 ESV

“I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will praise you.” Psalm 22:22 ESV

“You who fear the LORD, praise Him… glorify Him… stand in awe of Him…” Psalm 22:23 ESV

“Shout for joy in the LORD, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright.” Psalm 33:1 ESV

“He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.” Psalm 40:3 ESV

Praise the LORD! Praise, O servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD!” Psalm 113:1 ESV

Are the waters deep? Are you lonely? Discouraged? Do you find yourself even doubting whether or not God hears your prayers or cares about your troubles? Every time you try to “look on the bright side” is a dark future all you see? Maybe it’s time to praise Him and ask Him to come and dwell in your life.

When it begins to rain in your life, praise Him. When you can’t breathe, praise him. He is in the midst of it all.

The chorus of one of my favorite Casting Crowns songs says, “And I’ll praise you in this storm — and I will lift my hands — for You are who You are — no matter where I am…” You may not sing your troubles away, but I’ll bet you feel the presence of One who sticks closer than a brother.

And I promise you that when He “inhabits your praise” it will turn your life around.

Now accepting new students!

This month's subscriber appreciation offer is Dr. Timothy's instructional article, "Proving the Prophets!"
On the one hand, the Lord tells us to NOT despise prophecy while at the same time He tells us to PROVE ALL THINGS!

Why?  Because Jesus warns us that in these last days of the Church Age, MANY false prophets will rise - - and they already have!
Jesus warns that they will be so effective that IF it were possible to do so these false prophets would be able to deceive even the elect!
Paul the Apostle warned  "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them."  Acts 20:29-30

From the very beginning of establishing His House, our Father God has both directed and taught us precisely how to PROVE those who claim to be prophets ... which is what this study does!

Order your FREE STUDY - - "Proving the Prophets"!  CLICK HERE!
SUBJECT LINE = Proving Prophets

Donations DO help and ARE greatly appreciated because we do have ministry expenses!
If you wish to contribute, please do so here - - but don't forget to order your free offer above!  (The order link and donation link are not connected.)


Be sure to take advantage of the Subscriber Appreciation Offer described above!

True Hope Times is a service of True Hope Churches & Ministries

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