True Hope Churches & Ministries

Volume 2 October 14,2011


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To all of you who have become a part of True Hope Churches & Ministries we say THANK YOU for your faithfulness and devotion to the Lord and His ministry!  We believe that our move to Missouri is just the beginning of a transition process into a more powerful and profound dimension of ministry that will add significantly to your lives of fellowship with God in Christ and His ministry through you!

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Many Blessings!
Dr. Timothy


From Dr. Timothy
Dr. Timothy Hoflund

This is an "old" teaching for me but one that needs to be revisited from time to time ... and I believe that in the midst of our current political, financial and social climates we need to do just that!

What is there that offers much if any hope? 

Racism, once in remission for the most part has been revived in a most ugly way - - if you disagree with a person of a different race or ethnic background for any reason at all, you are declared to be a racist!

Politics has become a festering swamp of vitriol with the incumbents and candidates alike being more interested in the demise of the opposition rather than what is good for the citizenry! 

Economically the climate has become intolerable because of certain influences creating a class warfare that is a manufactured perception designed to manipulate the masses of people trying to herd us like cattle into the pens of governmentally controlled provisions.

Churches that have become multi-million dollar corporations with buildings designed as temples that house the altars of worshipping self gratification and indulgence yet turn away the wounded, hurting and hungry!

Where's the hope?  What has become of hope?  Do we even know what hope is anymore?

Good News!  Hope has not moved!  Hope is where true hope has always been - - in The Lord Jesus Christ!

The kind of hope found in Christ Jesus is not the wishy-washy kind of hope the world has created ... wishful desires full of doubt!  NO!  The hope found in Christ Jesus is on this wise - -

    or, said more simply - -

Hope is the first cousin of faith and must be coupled with trust!  The foundation of hope is the same as the foundation of faith which is agreement with God - - with what God says, with what God does and with what God directs us to do!

Hope is the expectation of what is not yet seen but is promised through God's Word or through His Spirit to us personally and/or collectively! 

The world tells us to hope for the best while the Word tells us to "Hope thou in God" and God is far better than "the best" that the world is talking about!

True hope is the confident expectation that what God said He will do, HE WILL DO no matter what things look like at the present!  True hope is the confident expectation that does not require knowing all the details ahead of time due to the fact of WHO is directing the details!

Genuine hope rises above the circumstances of the world around us because THE ONE we hope (have confident expectation) in HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD!  The world cannot stop us and the circumstances of the world is not the final factor of our LIFE - - Jesus is!

Are you called a racist when you merely have an honest disagreement with a person of a different race?  Hope thou in God!  He will vindicate you!

Is the political climate causing you to be apprehensive about our nation's immediate well being and future condition?  Hope thou in God!  He raises up and puts down both leaders and nations!

Does the economic situation have you battling fears within and without?  Hope thou in God!  He supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory and is not limited by this world's parameters!

And remember, true hope has not an inkling of doubt but is full of confidence because our expectations are in THE ONE TRUE GOD!

Many Blessings!
Dr. Timothy

  And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.
Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto.
For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. 
JESUS (Luke 21:20-22)

Prophecy News Watch

Israel continues to be made the hold-up to peace in the Middle East, thus the stumbling block to peace for the whole world. That nation’s isolation is being maneuvered and manipulated by pressures from every direction. 

The Islamist nations of the region hate the Jewish state - while at the same time refusing to acknowledge it even exists. They surround Israel on all sides except the Mediterranean side. 

Submarines of Israel’s enemies even lurk in those waters, awaiting the right time to strike. The countries within the United Nations, led by the Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, are for the most part overwhelmingly opposed to Israel in every vote taken that involves Israel’s right to exist and thrive in that land the UN antagonists proclaim belongs to the Palestinians. 

The European Union (EU) consistently comes down on the side of the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) demands that Israel give up whatever territory necessary to accommodate the two-state solution - thus to construct a homeland for the Palestinian refugees. 

This is demanded, although the refugees are from the surrounding Arab states, nations that prefer to keep the hapless refugees in geographical limbo so hatred of the Jews and accusations that the Jews are cruel occupiers can continue to spew forth. 

At the same time, Israel has absorbed thousands upon thousands of those refugees under legal emigration practices. Those émigrés are among the most content people in the Middle East because they are treated fairly and allowed to prosper by the Israeli government and the Jewish citizenry. 

The entire world comes against Israel in the form of the Quartet (US, UN, EU, and Russia) who, while putting up a façade that the group of powerful nations wants fairness and peace for all people of the Mid-East region, in actuality works through deceit and subterfuge to force Israel to give up land in every negotiation that comes up in the "Roadmap to Peace" process. 

. . .  The following recent report is a case in point: 

" Israel must find a way to resume negotiations with the Palestinians and has a responsibility to try to ease tensions with its neighbors in the region, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Monday amid prodding from the United States to return to peace talks. 

Standing next to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Barak pushed back a bit on the Pentagon chief's warning that Israel is becoming increasingly isolated in the region, threatening its security. And he offered no new thoughts on the thorny issues that have stymied the peace talks, including the proposed timetable and the contested settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. 

. . .  The U.S. State Department operatives and the Quartet negotiators are concerned about Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas' asking the UN Security Council a couple of weeks ago to acknowledge the presence of an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank, east Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip"

They want to avoid a vote on granting this, and prefer that both parties sit down and negotiate Israel’s acquiescence in giving up land for peace. Regardless of the façade of wanting a peaceful solution, the international community, like Abbas - like all of the Jew-hating Islamists - won’t relent until Israel gives them what they want. 

The deadly, humanistic peace plan stems from a satanic rage long ago prophesied to come to a climax at the end of the age, just before Christ’s return. 

It is an infection that grows more virulent. Anti-Semitism is on the rise around the world. American universities are among the most receptive hosts of the infection. Professors inculcate students with the venom of luciferic hatred for the Jewish state. 

Israel is increasingly made the root cause of all that is wrong within the Middle Eastern cauldron. Like in the days of Hitler’s rise in the mid-1930s, the Jew is made to look like the troublemaker of the world in politics and in business. From the imploding economy to the threatened war over the Palestinian refugees, Israel is the focus of attention. 

Israel - and the Jewish people - are being isolated, just as the prophets of the Old and New Testament foretold.

Read the entire article here



Dividing the land
Written by Chris Perver   
Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Just days after President Mahmood Abbas of the Palestinian Authority addressed the United Nations General Assembly calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state, Fatah Central Committee Member Abbas Zaki told Qatar television that this was only a step towards the greater goal of the destruction of the state of Israel. In his interview with Al-Jazeera, Zaki remarked that even President Abbas knows this, but doesn't publicly state it as it is not “acceptable policy” to do so. He urged those who wanted to 'wipe Israel out' to keep it to themselves and not reveal their true intentions to the world.

Quote: “The settlement should be based upon the borders of June 4, 1967. When we say that the settlement should be based upon these borders, President [Abbas] understands, we understand, and everybody knows that the greater goal cannot be accomplished in one go. If Israel withdraws from Jerusalem, evacuates the 650,000 settlers, and dismantles the wall – what will become of Israel? It will come to an end. If one says that one wants to wipe Israel out... C'mon, it's too difficult. It's not [acceptable] policy to say so. Don't say these things to the world. Keep it to yourself. I want the resolutions that everybody agrees upon. I say to the world, to the Quartet, and to America: You promised, and you turned out to be liars.

While the PLO does recognize Israel's right to exist, Fatah and Hamas as member organizations do not, and are still plotting its downfall. The only thing the parties disagree on is how this ought to be accomplished. Hamas believes that waging Islamic jihad against the Jewish state is the only way it will be destroyed. Fatah is willing to employ 'peaceful means' until Israel is too weak to defend itself. But both will support the establishment of a Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem, for both recognize it as being just a stepping stone towards Israel's destruction. As Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Zahar said last year...

Quote: “We have liberated Gaza, but have we recognized Israel? Have we given up our lands occupied in 1948? We demand the liberation of the West Bank, and the establishment of a state in the West Bank and Gaza, with Jerusalem as its capital – but without recognizing [Israel]. This is the key – without recognizing the Israeli enemy on a single inch of land. This is our plan for this stage – to liberate the West Bank and Gaza, without recognizing Israel's right to a single inch of land, and without giving up the Right of Return for a single Palestinian refugee. Our plan for this stage is to liberate any inch of Palestinian land, and to establish a state on it. Our ultimate plan is [to have] Palestine in its entirety. I say this loud and clear so that nobody will accuse me of employing political tactics. We will not recognize the Israeli enemy.




'God the Father' banished by mainline denomination

United Church of Christ prefers 'to leave that more open for different expressions of the Trinity'


Messages From Leaders
Michael Carl
Have you ever wondered how we can have million dollar church buildings and pack-in huge crowds on Sunday, but have no power in our witness? Do you wonder how about half of the people in this country claim to have had a born again experience and how the churches are having so little of an impact? Have you been amazed at the fact that American society is becoming increasingly antagonistic to the church?

How can this be?

The answer seems to be that it’s because the pastors in the pulpits
have sold out to the ‘Seeker Sensitive’ movement. We’ve opted for
programs, lights, smoke machines, stage props, and the prosperity

Pastors preach the Gospel of Self-Fulfillment and talk about how we’re
destined to reign. Our pulpits echo with: ‘God wants you to be happy’
and ‘You can have your best life now’. We have major tele-preachers
holding ‘camp meetings’ where the ‘preacher’ shouts, ‘Let’s celebrate

I heard a preacher say once that if you have trials in your life, then
you don’t have enough faith. What a ludicrous statement and how
utterly un-Biblical!

Paul had more faith than most of us and he never stopped going through
trials. We talk faith and prosperity while the church around the world
grows in not merely number, but in depth and maturity. They see
miracles and God’s power; they sense His presence.

How? They’ve learned to persevere through trials. A Charismatic
Episcopal Church Bishop in Pakistan had a Muslim slit his throat,
throw him off of a bus and leave him for dead just because the Bishop
was a Christian. But the Bishop’s ministry grows and he sees the fruit.

Christians in other parts of the world weep for revival in the
American church. What does that say about us?

It means that we are weak and self-absorbed.

I heard another television preacher turn the tables and suggest that a
preacher who focused on subjects like F. F. Bruce’s The Hard Sayings
of Jesus was not preaching the Gospel and ignoring the truth of the
Word! ‘They didn’t want to hear that’ he claimed!

What utter disregard for the truth! Jesus said, ‘”The Son of Man has
nowhere to lay His head,”‘ and told His followers of His coming
arrest, trial, torture and crucifixion.

This means we’re deceived and taken with greed.

There are no tears for revival and the only One weeping is Jesus. He
bled and died for us and we proclaim that the Gospel is a means to
prosperity, power and influence. Church services look more like pop
concerts and the preaching is only a babbling collection of self-
absorbed slogans and how God wants us to be happy!

No, God wants us to be holy!

Where is the message of repentance? Where is the ‘”If anyone would
come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and
follow Me”‘?

Folks, the message of the cross is foolishness and offensive to the
world. Paul told us that 191/2 centuries ago.

Paul also told us that if he wanted to please the world, he would not
be a follower of Christ.

Can you imagine Elijah having a chat with the wicked King Ahab about
how we can ‘Coexist’? Or, do you think John the Baptist should have
opened a dialogue with Herod about tolerance?

No, those mighty men of God were sent to confront the leaders of their
time about the sin in the society! Why is it that our evangelicals
spend their time trying to cozy up and make nice with our politicians
while there are souls perishing hourly and going into a Christ-less

This is the message that will transform this culture and turn this
country around.

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Dr. Timothy

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