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石巻工房ニュース - KOBO NEWS - Vol.33





As it is now well into November, we hope that all are coping well with this season that grows more and more chilly each day. We also wish to extend our heartfelt condolences to those affected by Typhoon No. 19, and pray for the safety and quick recovery of those affected. 

(Photo above by Ryuichiro Suzuki)

石巻工房ニュース - KOBO NEWS - Vol.33のコンテンツは以下となります。
The contents of Ishinomaki Laboratory's newsletter - KOBO NEWS - Vol.33 are as follows:



◼︎ IFFTインテリアライフスタイル2019に出展いたします

◼︎ 「石巻工房 by Karimoku」ブランドの立ち上げ

◼︎ ハーマンミラーとNPO法人キッズドアのワークショップ

◼︎ OPEN! FURNITUREのフィールドワークとワークショップ

◼︎ 新しい施設のお知らせ

◼︎ Column 工房長のサイケデリックな日々 Vol.31


◼︎ Exhibiting at IFFT/Interior Lifestyle Living 2019 

◼︎ Ishinomaki Laboratory by Karimoku Brand Launch and Exhibition

◼︎ Herman Miller and NPO Kids’ Door Workshop

◼︎ OPEN! FURNITURE Fieldwork and Workshop

◼︎ Announcing a New Facility in Ishinomaki

◼︎ Column: Chiba’s Psychedelic Days Vol.31

◼︎ IFFTインテリアライフスタイル2019に出展いたします

Exhibiting at IFFT/Interior Lifestyle Living 2019




会場 : 東京ビッグサイト(東京国際展示場) 南1-4ホール

ブース : 4E-18

会期 : 11月20日(水)~22日(金)

開催時間 : 10時~18時(最終日は17時まで)

入場料 : 2,000円(招待状持参者およびWeb来場事前登録者は無料)


Ishinomaki Laboratory will be exhibiting again at this year’s IFFT/Interior Lifestyle Living in Tokyo. Our emphasis this time is on the past and future of Ishinomaki Laboratory. Please stop by our booth! 


Location: Tokyo Big Sight, South Hall #1-4

Booth: 4E-18

Dates: Wednesday, 11/20 ~ Friday, 11/22

Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 (Last day until 17:00)

Admission Fee: ¥2,000 (You can enter the fair for free if you pre-register on the event page)


◼︎新ブランド「石巻工房 by Karimoku」の立ち上げとエキシビション

Ishinomaki Laboratory by Karimoku Launch and Exhibition


8月に新ブランド「石巻工房 by Karimoku」の立ち上げに合わせ、エキシビションを開催しました。会場は、弊社代表の芦沢が手がけた原宿の新しいカフェ、dotcom space Tokyoでした。期間中、既存の家具は「石巻工房 by Karimoku」のコレクションに置き換えられ、それぞれのルーツである石巻と愛知で撮影された写真と共に構成された空間の中で、コーヒーを飲んでくつろぎながら実際にプロダクトを体感できる展示となっていました。 


「石巻工房 by Karimoku」の展示会は、皆さまのおかげで無事に終了しました。ご来店いただきありがとうございました。今後の情報にご興味がありましたら、ぜひ @ishinomaki_karimokuをフォローお願いいたします。⁣


Ishinomaki Laboratory by Karimoku officially launched in August with a pop-up furniture installation and photo exhibition in Tokyo. The installation and exhibition was held at dotcom space Tokyo, a Harajuku-area café designed by Ishinomaki Laboratory founder Keiji Ashizawa’s eponymous design studio. Existing furniture was swapped out for Ishinomaki Laboratory by Karimoku’s debut collection, with visitors invited to try out the furniture for themselves in the modern café atmosphere and view a selection of photos that highlight the roots of the collaboration.


Thank you to all who visited the exhibition. For more information on the brand and updates on future events, product launches, and more, please follow @ishinomaki_karimoku on Instagram.

(Photo by Masaki Ogawa)

◼︎ ハーマンミラーとNPO法人キッズドアのワークショップ

Herman Miller and NPO Kids’ Door Workshop


7月に東京ショールームで、ハーマンミラーとNPO法人キッズドアと共にワークショップを開催しました。参加した子供たちは、ハーマンミラーのスタッフと一緒にISHINOMAKI STOOLを組み立てました。


In late July, Ishinomaki Laboratory in collaboration with Herman Miller and NPO Kids’ Door led a DIY workshop for youth in Tokyo. With the help of guest Herman Miller staff from their Hong Kong branch, participants each made an ISHINOMAKI STOOL to take home. With the remaining time, they also utilized spare pieces of wood to create their own imaginative, innovative pieces.

◼︎ OPEN! FURNITUREのフィールドワークとワークショップ

OPEN! FURNITURE Fieldwork and Workshop


今年もまたトラフ建築設計事務所やSHIBAURA HOUSEと共に「OPEN! FURNITURE」プロジェクトを主催しました。9月は街の中にてフィールドワークを行い、10月にはフィールドワークを経てデザインしたベンチを参加者の方々と一緒に組み立てるワークショップを行いました。組み立てた後は、依頼先に訪問させていただき、新しいパブリックファニチャーとして設置させていただきました。


In continuation of last year’s OPEN! FURNITURE project with SHIBAURA HOUSE and TORAFU ARCHITECTS, Ishinomaki Laboratory participated again in the fieldwork and workshop phases in September and October, respectively. Workshop participants joined us in putting together the custom-made benches that, through the previous fieldwork, addressed the needs of different members of the local community while functioning as new public space. After the benches were put together, the group walked together to deliver them to the project sites.

(Photo by Ryuichiro Suzuki)

◼︎ 新しい施設のお知らせ

Announcing a New Facility in Ishinomaki




We are excited to announce that in summer 2020, a new facility in Ishinomaki will be open to the public. The facility will function both as a multipurpose, DIY-oriented space, as well as a showroom for our products. Stay tuned for more updates.



◼︎ Column 工房長のサイケデリックな日々 Vol. 31

Chiba’s Psychedelic Days Vol.31 (English below)






















































































"I am a Cat, I suppose”

*Editor’s note: Look up the novel “I am a Cat” by Natsume Soseki for context, especially parallels in the text. 


It seems I am a cat. As yet I have no name. 

I have no idea where I was born,

but somehow I have found myself at a furniture maker called Ishinomaki Laboratory.

For the first time, I encountered something called “design” here. 

Moreover, I learned later that out of the many different types of design, “product design” is apparently the most ferocious.


This Ishinomaki Laboratory that goes around selling designs has recently been quite busy.

There is an exhibition called IFFT that is drawing near. 


So long as I am supplied with my food, despite how preoccupied these humans may get, it matters not to me. 

Sometimes, I am called out to,

Nyanko, what do you think about this?”

but even if I have something to say, I cannot speak in their tongue, so all I can do is feign ignorance. 

Yet for some reason the humans are elated at that behavior - how they can be so easily satisfied is beyond me. 


Recently, I have begun to question whether I am a cat or not. 

When the humans try to find me, they call out with a range of names like “ neko”, “ nyanko”, “ nya”. 

That is why I initially thought that was what my name was,

but it seems that is just how they greet me.

Neko” is a keyword that comes up often, so I must not be a human, but a cat. 


the humans that I meet call me whatever they want anyways.

I am now not too bothered by the concept of a name… it is simply too troublesome to have to oppose each name, so I let them have their way.


This Ishinomaki Laboratory that I stay at has 7, 8 people coming and going regularly. 

Inside, the conspicuously large man seems to be the one who does the least work,

constantly venturing in and out, in and out, slumping down near where I am,

and sometimes from the two holes at the center of his face, smoke comes out in little puffs.

I was troubled by the smoke, as it led to a feeling of suffocation. I learned recently that the smoke the humans consume is from a burnt substance called “tobacco”. 

Something else I learned was that this man is the leader of the workshop. 

I do not think I have ever actually seen this workshop leader work.



it seems like they make tables, chairs, and other furniture for humans here. 

But it is not just any furniture - rather, it is furniture thought of by humans referred to as “designers” whose minds are constantly churning with no end in sight. 

I have only laid eyes on a designer once, but they seem like humans who cannot help but to be busy.


the designs they produce are made into a reality by the people at Ishinomaki Laboratory.

And not just that.

It appears that the products are packed and sold from here as well. 


Once, I snuck a look at the room called the “office”.

I heard words such as “estimate” and “delivery date” thrown around, and saw perturbed faces fixated on rectangular, glowing boxes in front of them. 


Sometimes as I am roaming in a carefree manner outside, 

a truck with a black cat drawn on its side will pull in, and the delivery man brings in boxes of my favorite size, but does not take anything back with him. 


a truck with a messenger drawn on its side will pull up and take a large box I presume was put together by the humans away. 

Humans that think, humans that make, humans that transport. 

I had heard of this type of economic activity called “business” that these humans’ lives consist of,

but seeing how much time and effort it takes, I see how troublesome life as a human is.


From my point of view, while these so-called “furniture” appear to have no set standard of value,

those that have been well-designed seem to be a different story. 

While design may be extremely subjective, in that subjectivity there are those with whom it resonates. 

How does one unearth greater value in furniture that is otherwise made simply to be used, and how does one reveal that to the world? 


In a similar vein,

an exhibition is actually quite a clever system.

From what I have heard,

exhibitions are when, in a large building where crowds of people gather, you reveal to each other the furniture you have made.


If the number of those who find a sense of kinship with Ishinomaki Laboratory increases,

things might get even busier around here.


But no matter how busy these humans might get, it does not concern me.


All day long, I sleep on top of my favorite Monotaro cardboard box, eat, and sleep again.

Occasionally I will venture out, but there is no place I want to go to in particular, so this situation is inevitable. 

I cannot do much, but if I am not careless and keep quiet, I do not anticipate having any worries about what I will eat next. 


I am grateful that before winter arrives,

I have found a safe place to live peacefully.



it seems I will continue this leisurely existence.

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