Showing your
clients the finished product before it is finished is possible and has been
for a while. "One problem, particularly for Australian and New Zealand
designers using 3D and 2D software for landscape/garden design is the lack of
local plant species included within the software. Using photo-editing software
you can create your own 2D plant cut outs for use in certain design
applications, but be prepared - this can take time, lots of time. How do I
know? Read on." Full article
Dear Subscriber Welcome to the first New Zealand Landscape News!
Welcome to our first issue of the half yearly Landscape News. Our featured article is 3D design for landscape.
Read through and enjoy!
Katrina Layt
Kid safe plants
Which plants are safe for use in playgrounds for kids? Which ones are tough enough to survive kids?Full article
Rediscovering the pleasure of plants
There is a need to educate clients that plants are not always high maintenance and should be chosen over a large hard surfaced area.Full article
What is your ideal plant?
Have you ever wanted a certain plant species with different characteristics? Let us know what plant you are looking for by filling out this quick online form and we will come up with a breeding programme to try and fufill your plant dream!Full article
131 acre green roof planned for Seoul
The degraded wholesale market building is to be upgraded with environmentally friendly features. One being the massive green roof/ public garden.Full article
Photographic plant tour of New Zealand
tour of Ozbreeds plants throughout New Zealand is here for those who
did not receive a hard copy. See which plants work in your area and
some helpful tips on maintenance. Full article
Maintaining turf edges
big chunk of a landscape maintenance contractors time is spent on
trimming lawn edges. Is a dedicated edger better than a brush cutter?
We timed and tested both types of machines, and try to answer that
question. The results could save you time and money..."
Full Article
Plant Profile: Sweet Mist
Sweet Mist is a great plant for New Zealand. It's a dwarf, compact and vibrant foliaged New Zealand Flax.Full article
Plant Profile: Tanika
Tanika is a
tough drought tolerant plant. It has proven itself many times to be a
great roadside plant that will survive and thrive in drought compared to
most others. Tanika has a grass-like effect without the browning off in winter. Full article
Plant Profile: Cassa Blue
Beautiful blue
coloured foliage all year round, clumping Dianella. It is a tough
drought and frost tolerant plant. Perfect size for mass planting or any
home garden. Full article
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