AHEC's OB/GYN Newsletter - May 2021
Human Trafficking Prevention for Healthcare Personnel Course
Advanced Health Education Center is excited to announce our 1-hour Human Trafficking Prevention for Healthcare Personnel Course has reached phase 2 of the 3-phase approval process from Texas Health and Human Services. We are thrilled to offer this course to all medical professionals who, in addition to satisfying the requirements from the Texas Medical Board, will receive either Category A or Category 1 credit for the completion of this course.
Can Patients Survive A Trip to our Healthcare Facility?
"Post Hospital Syndrome"
In the days of Social Media, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn and other internet platforms, there are many communities where the professional’s “dirty laundry” is aired. We are overworked, underpaid, abused, and changed by the Covid Pandemic. Yet, there are many professionals really sacrificing and caring about their patients. I am not sure that we fully understand the impact that we have on our patients lives and family. Particularly, as our patients get older.
How is Your Mental Health, Healthcare Worker?
Most of the time we know more about how much battery is left in our phones than we know about our personal battery. I wrote that in an AHEC blog some time back. My, how times have changed and how much more we are experiencing in personal battery failure. I spent some time on social media this morning with my coffee and was concerned at the reporting of physical aches and pains from health care workers. Some of this can obviously be blamed on the effects of Covid fatigue as our psychological health is directly tied to our physical health. I don’t know anyone in health care that is not sufferings from burnout and compassion fatigue.
Private Ultrasound Tutorial = Convenience!
Recently, we have seen an increased demand for onsite ultrasound training in various modalities. From Emergency Room OB/GYN training in Tucson to Transcranial Doppler and Carotid ultrasound for Neurologists in Texas, we have you covered! In addition to our onsite programs, we also offer hands on private tutorials at our 12000 square foot office in South West Houston. We are confident our expert faculty can design curriculum to meet the goals and expectations for you and perform the training in your practice, or at our facility in Texas! Call or email Kelli Reddix at 713-772-0157 or kreddix@aheconline.com. Click here to see what upcoming dates are available for Summer 2021.
Something Funny To Lighten The Mood
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