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Advanced Health Education Center OB/GYN Newsletter
Surgery In The Dirt
Doctors File Lawsuits Against Hospital for Failure to Provide Fluoroscopic Radiation Safety 


In Iraq in 2007 five hundred pounds of explosives detonated beneath Combat Medic Greg Dotson’s Bradley Fighting Vehicle. His unit soldiers, trained by Greg, pulled him and his medic bag from the wreck and began work. While a furious firefight was going on around them, they applied tourniquets high on his shredded legs, slid a breathing tube down his nose and throat and got a field dressing secured tightly around the shrapnel wounds in his abdomen. They tried to start an IV, but his veins were flat. Splints were taped to his legs and they strapped his 6”6” frame to a stretcher and a Blackhawk medevac helicopter picked him up. Minutes later he was on the operating room table at the closest U.S. air base.


RSNA 2019 – Discovering Possibilities - Together
Doctors File Lawsuits Against Hospital for Failure to Provide Fluoroscopic Radiation Safety 


Last week was busy and cold as AHEC representatives joined thousands of attendees from around the world in Chicago at RSNA-the 105th Scientific Assembly and annual meeting.  As usual it was a challenge to get up from our Thanksgiving dinners and board a plane to Chicago but as so many people have done before, we soldiered on!  This year was filled with new information about Artificial Intelligence in Radiology and the new technology that is already available or will be shortly.


To put it into perspective just how large this meeting is, our humble 4 joined 50,000 attendees and 700 vendors!  With 400 educational courses and 3 huge exhibit halls to conquer we were up for the challenge.


Welcome to Advanced Health Education Center

Advanced Health Education Center is located in Houston, TX and has been a leading provider of continuing education for healthcare professionals in the imaging sciences since 1988. Our mission is to provide you the radiologic technologist, physician, sonographer, nurse, etc. with evidence-based education and training that will increase your knowledge, enhance your competency, and improve patient care.

Education for those who expect more!
Radiology Funny of the Month

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The Technologist's Toolbox
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Ultrasound Courses
Medical Radiation Safety Officer
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AHEC Live Webinars
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8502 Tybor Drive, Houston, TX, 77074
