While campus rush weeks might be over, the fun of searching for and welcoming new members doesn't stop there! Recruitment is a continuous effort that is everyone's responsibility - and is low-key the most fun!
If your chapter hasn't met its recruitment goals for the year, there's still time to grow the chapter and ensure that APO stays on your campus to enact positive change and build leaders to support our communities now and in the future. 
Check out the tips and resources below to help come up with ideas that don't require a lot of time and money - just effort and energy!

7 Tips to Step Up Recruitment


1. Host an "APO for a Day"

Give students a taste of Alpha Phi Omega by hosting “APO for a Day” over a weekend where non-members can attend a leadership, friendship and/or service event hosted by the chapter.


2. Create Chapter Recruitment Challenges

Have recruitment challenges amongst chapter members (throw in a few fun rewards like merch from the APO Shop). 


3. It's The Little Things!

Grand recruitment activities are great, however, don't forget the value of doing little things to create positive energy for someone and improve visibility on campus, like holding a door.


4. Put Strategy into Social Media

Social media is undoubtedly a great (and budget-friendly) tool for building a digital community if used effectively. To make the most of it and expand your reach, consider adding strategy to what is shared and how.


5. Show 'Em How You Serve!

APO is at its best when our members are providing service together and building relationships. Why not plan a service project that's open to anyone on campus a few times each semester?


6. Connect with Faculty & Staff

Campus resources can expand beyond material things – connect with faculty and staff members to start the conversation and act on opportunities that allow chapter members to get in front of other students. 


7. Help w/ Campus Events

Collaborate with the student life office or career services to inquire about sponsoring events on campus.


💡 Think About It! 💡 If each member of a 20-person chapter helped recruit two new members each... That doubles the size of your membership in year one and increases your service impact by an additional 1,600 hours of service if the average service hours in a year is 40 per member.


Need more details putting these 7 tips into play? Click here!

Innovating Recruitment and New Member Education
Answering Hard Questions from PNMs
Recruitment Tips, Tricks, Tools and Ideas!
Social Excellence Guide by Phired Up
Elevator Speeches that Make an Impact
Building Connections: Opening Lines for Text and DMs
Is your chapter done with fall recruitment? It's never too early to start evaluating and fine tuning your plan for the spring! Check out Innovating Recruitment & New Member Education and the Recruitment Planning Guide to help you explore new recruitment tactics and prepare for an amazing spring new member class!
Not getting the results your chapter hoped for when it comes to growth? Sometimes membership is hard and it helps to reset and evaluate. Take a look at the Membership Revival Plan.This plan will help your chapter explore ways to grow and create goals for the future!
And finally... Need help? Want to talk through something you saw, a hurdle you are working through or an idea you heard and want to explore more? Contact chapter_services@apo.org or send us a text at (816) 342-5945 so we can connect you with someone to help!
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