A Manhood Moment from Frank J Casella.
Video: Listen To One Another
Click above for the latest Manhood Nuggets: Listen To One Another
Listening to one another keeps us from being 'blind'.
Watch (and listen) to this manhood nuggets video to learn more!
Here are some words of Pope Francis: 
" “Communication does not take place if listening has not taken place, and there is no good journalism without the ability to listen.” 
“The lack of listening, which we experience so often in daily life, is unfortunately also evident in public life, where, instead of listening to each other, we often ‘talk past one another.’” 
“Among the five senses, the one favored by God seems to be hearing, perhaps because it is less invasive, more discreet than sight, and therefore leaves the human being more free.” 
" "Whoever does not know how to listen to his brother or sister will soon no longer be able to listen to God either." 
-- Dietrich Bonhoeffer " "
"Saint Augustine used to encourage listening with the heart (corde audire), to receive words not outwardly through the ears, but spiritually in our hearts: “Do not have your heart in your ears, but your ears in your heart" "
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Vision: To Foster Catholic Men's Spirituality in Chicago Southland
Aplostolate of Bishop Joseph N Perry
Executive Director, Frank J Casella 

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Catholic Men Chicago Southland | Vicariate VI Office - 3525 South Lake Park Avenue | Chicago, Illinois 60653
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