God Is Love
"I give you a new commandment, says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you." ~ John 13:34
To require change from others it is best that first we must change ourselves. Prayer and example often times can do more than words (that have failed).
Write a journal (links below) -- daily write what the Holy Spirit is saying to you, or what most bothers you for that day, or what the scriptures are speaking to you about. Go back at a later day and read your journals, it will show you many things.
That is, our Faith isn’t a program. Meaning? Our Faith isn’t about doing certain things to get a particular outcome.
It’s about spending time with God.
Our Faith isn’t a program, it’s a relationship.
It is through this relationship that we learn charity for others.
Day One - Your thoughts become words. Captured private, eternal. All your days distilled. - https://dayoneapp.com
Dollar Tree - Notebooks - https://tinyurl.com/Dollar-notebooks
Frank J Casella Spiral Notebooks - https://fjc.tiny.us/notebooks
The Amen Ap Journals - https://tinyurl.com/amenap-journal