Housekeeping Items
Dear CMCS Men and Readers, 
I quick yet important note to bring to your attention: 
The next Manhood Monday Discussion will be on Sept. 11 @ 7:30pm. You may have seen the date as September 4th, Labor Day, so please make note of this change: 

Manhood Monday Discussions

You're invited to the next Manhood Monday Discussions, on September 11, 2023, at 7:30pm for an hour or less conference call, topic is coming soon . Each month discussion will be a different topic. Join with your phone, call in at: 

Dial-in number: (667) 770-1231
Participant Code:9242336

If you missed the last discussion on August 7th click here. I have also set up here an playset on our Brighteon Channel as an archive.  Enjoy! 


The Tumblr platform has an active Catholic community, and its main function is the reblog (or sharing). So we're sharing posts that inspire Catholic manhood, as well as other content from around the web (it's like Instagram and much more).  Tumblr is also the platform for the CMCS Blog -   Bookmark both and visit from time to time, click here to learn how to navigate things, or download the phone app and get notified of each new post. (Coming from Twitter or X ?  Sign up here)

Some Email List Housekeeping --  Please hit the 'reconfirm' link below to be sure our emails hit your inbox. Thank you for helping us out!  Likewise if you no longer wish to hear from this email list, click the unsubscribe link. If you need to change your email address click the 'Manage Subscription' link at the bottom of this message. 
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Thank you very much! 
Frank J Casella, 
CMCS Co-founder & Executive Director
Please, remember to support our work at
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