I've had a few dog's in my life, as the saying goes "a house is not a home without a dog on the floor". But one of the things about owning a dog is that they come and go about every dozen years. The thing that I have learned from each dog is a different way of learning about unconditional love. For this reason, I often wonder why 'dog' spelled in reverse is 'god'.
But as much as a dog can relate to us humans, they are not one of us who are more complex. A dog behaviorist once shared with me that a dog does not look at realtionships like humans do. Like, here is what Doctor Gary Chapman shared in his recent newsletter:
"Sometimes we fall into a negative mindset that keeps us from being our best in relationships. Here's an example: "I’ll treat them better when they start treating me better.” Such an attitude misses out on the power of unconditional love. Unconditional love is the choice to love someone else no matter how they treat you. ...
If you are married, say to your spouse, “I’ve been thinking about our marriage, and I realize that I have loved you conditionally. When you are kind to me, I tend to be kind to you. When you help me, I help you. I think that love requires more than that. I sincerely want to learn to love you no matter what. I want to make a fresh commitment to our marriage. I am going to ask you to give me one suggestion each week for what I can do to make your life better. Whatever you suggest, I’m going to do my best to do it.” ...
Get a pencil and paper and write down their suggestion. To the best of your ability, do it. If you do, you will be well on the way toward unconditional love."
The thing that makes us different as a Catholic man, as a CMCS-Man, is how we intentionally live out uncontitional love through the scriptures, and the Ten Commandments, with our role in the mission of the Church to make disciples.
A Woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to see Him just to find Her.
Women were not created to do what men can do.
Women were created to do what men cannot.