A Follow Up from Frank J Casella, CMCS Director,
We're grateful to our volunteer CMCS Team, and to the men and women who partner with us for the past two decades to help us reach our goals. While our expenses are low compared to other Catholic Apostolates, we still need financial support from you to continue our work.
To enlighten you a bit from what His Excellency shared above ..
CMCS is committed to being debt-free, and
now takes $200 a month to sustain our outreach. This means that if everyone who clicks open this email and contributes at least $4 we'll together cover this need.
We rely on (digital technology with) a freemium business model when possible that allows us to provide high-quality content and services at no cost, while collecting donations to cover our other expenses. This has resulted in a significant impact with Catholic men, who are a essential part of our mission.
If you're able to donate, please do so now so we can continue to serve Catholic men for the months to come in 2023. However, not all of you are in the position to do this and, if so, we ask for your prayers.
Short of the long, I know that times are tight and things are costing more. And I hope you are doing okay. We pray for each of you every day, so please click here and let us know your private petitions. Or private email me at contact@cmcsmen.net
I'm sharing this because people don't know your needs unless you tell them what they are.
As the Gospel message for next Sunday examples:
"But the woman came and did him homage, saying, "Lord, help me." He said in reply, "It is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs." She said, "Please, Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the table of their masters." Then Jesus said to her in reply, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish." And her daughter was healed from that hour." (Matt 15:25-28).
When you financially support CMCS, you are enabling us to continue our work of creating holy and courageous men and proclaiming the importance of husbands and fathers to children and the family.
Your donation goes a long way in aiding our efforts to provide resources and opportunities for men to grow in their faith and become the best possible role models for their families. Thank you for your support!