I don't pray as often as I ought. But, I trust
you know my heart.
Forgive me for the times I have not been
a dutiful son, obeying the commandments,
and making my life a sacrifice in tribute to your
sacrifice on calvery to forgive my sins.
I need your powerful graces, O Lord,
to live for you alone through my dedication to
serve my family and firends, and my Church.
Watch over all those who are important to me.
Help me to shed what is unworthy in my that
my heart and soul may ever increasingly
absorb your goodness.
Give me not riches but a discerning heart to do
always that which is good despite the cost to me.
Help me Lord to be a Christian servant to others,
to lead them where I want to go and be, your kingdom
promised to all who acknowledge you to be Lord,
forever and ever, Amen.