Weekly Newsletter
Welcome to our newsletter from Catholic Men Chicago Southland (CMCS)! Since 2004, we have been dedicated to reminding men of the goodness of a Catholic man and helping them to be holy and courageous, improve their marriages, be better fathers, grow in virtue, and serve others generously. Join us in living the mission of personal holiness and making Jesus Christ the center of our daily lives.
Most Reverend Joseph N Perry
Lenten Meditation by Bishop Joseph N. Perry
(From the archives, in case you need to read this again)

We run into people all the time who admire Jesus Christ as a good man from the past who somehow ran afoul of the authorities and was executed and has nevertheless endured over the long stretch of history as a figure of wisdom. But many of these same individuals will not hand their lives over to Him. Truth be told, Jesus Christ does not want our admiration of Him. He wants our discipleship. There’s a difference. Discipleship entails a well thought-out, calculated, intentional commitment to Jesus Christ with a modeling of our lives after His life.


Bishop Emeritus Joseph Perry, CMCS Founder

Catholic Man Moment Video Message
Learn more about: What do churches mean to men?  Click the button below to watch this week's reflection video:
Nurturing Your Spirituality with Catholic Resources
Explore our inspiration blog featuring support, encouragement, and Catholic information related to our mission of fostering Catholic Men.
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The CMCS Mission: Catholic Men Chicago Southland (CMCS) is engaged in fostering holy and courageous men and proclaiming the importance of husbands and fathers to children and the family.
CMCS is a Catholic Apostolate of Interim Vicar Fr. Larry Sullivan, and founded by Bishop Emeritus Joseph N. Perry, Deacon John Rangel, and (Executive Director) Frank J Casella.
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