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Be a part of our mission to ignite the flame of Catholic men's spirituality in the bustling city of Chicago. Your contribution, whether through prayer or financial support, is essential in sustaining our efforts. As we strive to provide valuable resources for men seeking spiritual nourishment, we rely on your generosity to keep our mission alive. So, take a moment to offer a prayer for our cause and if possible, consider making a one-time or recurring donation. With your help, we can continue to spread inspiring and uplifting messages that bring hope and strength to all. Your kindness and support mean the world to us, and we promise to keep you in our prayers always. Let us join hands and keep the fire of Catholic men's spirituality burning bright. May God bless and reward you abundantly.
A Catholic Man's Purpose

"How often do we get wrapped up in our 'busyness' and convince ourselves it is all for God or our families when possibly we are doing it for ourselves and for our own self-satisfaction?"

--Randy Hain, author of ' Journey To Heaven - A Roadmap For Catholic Men'

The purpose of a husband and parent is to get his family to heaven.

Yes, (it is God's will) a man is to provide for his family, but as important as this is, this is the very last quality on the list of importance.

A man's identity firstly is to be a child of God. Because when a man puts God first all else that matters falls into its proper place.

The way to God's heart is with holiness. The fastest way to holiness is to change bad habits to good habits... and invite Christ into the center of our lives. 

"Our lives change when our habits change"

-- Author Matthew Kelly

The number one habit that affects all other habits, though, is our intake - what and who we listen to and allow to influence our thinking.

The Bible says we are in the world but not of it. We go through struggles to demonstrate our dependence on God .. an outward expression of our inner belief.

How do we know what our purpose is?  It's the thing we can't stop thinking about … the thing we know we're suppose to be doing, but often allow 'life' to distract us.

Men have no sense of the divine.  When what we do is for the Lord then our purpose changes - A divine calling, something bigger than ourselves.

When a man settles for existence rather than greatness then we fumble and settle for cheap substitutes - when we don't have a divine reason then we spend our lives trying to be someone else.

When we are called to divine greatness we can wear your own jersey... not a 'substitute' of who we want to be.

It is more impacting to leave our families a spiritual legacy than an financial legacy ... don't drop the baton!

Give a Bible to a focused man of God and there should be a cultural phenomenon. Even in bad times.

When a man is fostered in holiness, the positive adjustments that man makes can be felt for three generations.

"The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want now." 

-- Zig Ziglar

Your purpose and identity as a Catholic man is about who you are as a person. Not what you do for a living.
In our modern society, the true scarcity lies not in material possessions but in spiritual fulfillment.  Ourselves, and then others. 
Just as Jesus and Pope Francis remind us, it is our duty to tend to the needy in spirit. So why not start by giving back to your community?  
Whether through donations to your local parish or a charitable organization endorsed by the Church, we can all play a part in alleviating spiritual poverty.  
Let's come together and embrace this mission with open hearts and wallets, as every contribution, big or small, will make a significant impact in the lives of Catholic men in the bustling Chicago Southland.  
Let's unite in spreading the goodness of our faith and uplifting those who may be struggling in finding meaning and purpose in their lives.
Will you join us on this journey of generosity and compassion? Your support will be a beacon of hope, not just for present generations but for those to come.  
Together, let us embody the true spirit of a Catholic man and make a difference in the world.
Let's do this.   
You can also give to CMCS using PayPal, or by sending a check made out to CMCS to:
Vicariate Office C/O
Catholic Men Chicago Southland
3525 South Lake Park Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60653
Christ Is Our Center
The CMCS Mission: Catholic Men Chicago Southland (CMCS) is engaged in fostering holy and courageous men and proclaiming the importance of husbands and fathers to children and the family. CMCS is a Catholic Apostolate founded in 2004 by Most Reverend Emeritus Joseph N. Perry, Deacon John Rangel, and Mr. Frank J Casella.
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