Stewardship Progress Report |
We appreciate readers like you who kindly help cover our expenses, allowing us to provide genuine and uplifting Catholic encouragement for
'Living the Goodness of a Catholic Man.' We invite you to consider making a one-time or recurring donation to ensure that CMCS continues to operate and remains accessible to all readers, both in their inboxes and throughout Chicagoland |
Dear CMCS-Men and Readers, |
Thank you to the men who responded to last week’s request. We now have an urgent need to raise $130.00 to help us through February. Please consider making a donation today at |
If you benefit from our Catholic manhood commentary, Man Moment videos, CMCSMen Blogs and other resources, please consider a monthly pledge in support of Everything we post is always free, and we depend completely on regular, ongoing support to continue our Catholic mission.
The way you create a monthly pledge is to go to our donation form, enter the amount you wish to give, and then select the tick box highlighted in yellow for Monthly recurring donation. Thanks!
Thank you on behalf of Bishop-elect Larry Sullivan and the CMCS Team, may God bless you in a special way for what you do for us. |
Frank J Casella,
CMCS Co-founder & Executive Director
You can also give using PayPal, or by sending a check made out to CMCS to:
Archdiocese Vicariate VI Office
3525 South Lake Park Avenue
Chicago, Illinois, 60653
Please keep the growing list of Catholic men joining CMCS in your daily prayers.
Catholic Men Chicago Southland
Aplostolate of Bishop-elect Lawrence J Sullivan
Founded in 2004 by Bishop Emeritus Joseph N Perry
Executive Director, Frank J Casella
Phone calls by appointment via email.
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