This short note is an URGENT appeal for your immediate financial help.
Catholic Men Chicago Southland exists to encourage and support Chicagoland Catholic men to grow in holiness... and to help them (in the distorted times we live in) to be the Man that God calls them to be.
The recent tremendous growth of our mailing list, and the unexpected need to transition our website / blog to another platform, plus the growing call for a men's Forum for both our Spanish and Polish speaking brothers, were not in our 2022 fiscal budget. They are over and above the funds we need to carry out our much-needed and critically important mission.
Thank you to all of the men who have already donated to this appeal, we are deeply grateful for your generosity!! It takes money to do this work and make this happen. Many men have shared how grateful they are to what you are doing (with providing resources to them without a pay wall, etc.)!
And I want to simply remind you, as always, any portion of your donation above this appeal will be used to fund the work of the CMCS apostolate.
As you prayerfully consider your donation keep in mind the Catechism calls the Catholic home the domestic church (CCC 1655), and the husband and father the priest of the domestic church. And this is the core of evangelization because it has an direct impact on his wife and children, and ultimately the society at large, which our culture rejects.
Though the CMCS main concentration in Vicariate VI in the Archdiocese of Chicago, it is the only men's apostolate of an auxiliary bishop in the archdiocese, and the first of two (that we know of) men's apostolates of a bishop in the country. And we have found that teaching the basic fundamentals of the Catechism to men has been extremely spiritually nurturing to them, and then providing the Forum experience to help men compare notes on their faith journey.
In closing I ask you to pray for the Catholic men who are daily finding CMCS and growing closer to the Church and inviting Christ to be center of their lives, as well as all of the CMCS Men who are striving personally as a work in progress and in getting their families to Heaven.
And know that Bishop Perry prays for you at his Masses, and the CMCS Team remembers you in our prayers.
May God bless you!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Frank J Casella,
CMCS Co-founder & Executive Director