Staying up-to-date on your role as a Catholic man, husband, or father is important, but so is being aware of what’s happening in the Church and the culture at large. Catholic Men Chicago Southland is committed to both sharing content online from a faithfully Catholic man's perspective and publishing columns and videos that provide critical insight on the culture and incisive commentary on Church teachings.
At CMCS, we focus on Catholic fundamentals that often go unnoticed by the general public. As an apostolate of Bishop Joseph Perry, we aren't afraid of difficult topics, and we don't shy away from presenting Catholic doctrine in a way that is both orthodox and modern. This is why men across Chicagoland trust us to provide them with information that is rooted in Catholic tradition, while staying current with the latest teachings from the Catholic Church. And we always provide this content free of charge!
Your support is crucial for Catholic Men Chicago Southland as we continue providing trusted Catholic insight. Would you consider making a gift today to help us stay on top of the news rooted in our faith? Together, we can make a difference. |