This newsletter is making Catholic men holy again.
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Dear CMCS Men and Friends,
A quick note to thank everyone who participated last week in the CMCS request for financial support. Your replies help us tremendously in setting priorities for our funding and budgeting the next fiscal year. 

If you have not responded to this request, we need your help today before the end of June. Without support from individuals like you, who believe in the importance of Catholic men growing in holiness, we would not have been able to continue our work since 2004. Especailly if you have not donated to CMCS before, or in the past 12 months.

Your contributions help us encourage Catholic men in the Chicago Southland and lift them up to become more Christlike. In these times of cultural confusion, it is especially important for men to connect together with information to grow in their spiritual lives. Thanks for your support! 
CMCS is a Catholic organization that strives to evangelize Catholic men, young and old, and impact their families. This Catholic Apostoalte of Very Reverend Larry Sullivan provides practical guidance on how men an women can relate to one another in a complementary way, as well as encouraging husbands and fathers to be better role models for (their) children. CMCS has been working to remind Catholic men of their fundamentals of the Faith since 2004, and has seen great success in helping them to live up to their God-given potential.
Thank you very much!  Very Reverend Larry Sullivan and the CMCS Team keeping you and your family in prayer.
The CMCS Team
PS. If everyone who reads and clicks on this email and donates .50ยข it would help us tremendously in in the next Fiscal year in connecting with men and continue to reach more men without subscription or paywall.  
But not everyone can or will donate. And that's fine. Your prayers in numbers are powerful and priceless! 
If God however is touching your heart, prayerfully send your best gift today online: 
You can also give using PayPal, or by sending a check made out to CMCS to:
Very Reverend Larry Sulliven
Vicariate VI Office
3205 South Lake Park Avenue
Chicago, Illinois, 60653
Catholic Men Chicago Southland
Aplostolate of Very Reverend Larry Sullivan
Executive Director, Frank J Casella 

Inspiration - ChicagoCatholicMan
Phone calls by appointment via email.
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