The current masculinity crisis has men estranged from marriage and fatherhood. It is essential that we explore the root causes of this problem in order to restore men and families to their rightful place in society.
What is masculinity, and what does it mean to be a man? It is evident that masculinity is under attack, and it's up to us to defend it. We need to help boys to develop a strong sense of masculinity, and to see themselves as valuable contributors to society. We also need to teach men how to be good husbands and fathers.
There is a huge campaign aimed at divorcing men from marriage and fatherhood. Masculinity is seen as toxic, and this has led to the destruction of society and has undermined the traditional family structure, and this is why fatherhood is so important.
Dads are important not only for their children, but also for their wives. This is why it is important for sons and daughters to play with their dad. Playing together helps to foster a close relationship between father and child. Marriage is the cornerstone of the family, and we need to keep it strong if we want to restore stability to society as a whole.