Men, what I'm about to say, we need to lead this. Because when men put God first all else falls into place. We are called by the Church to be the priest of our homes, known as the domestic church. God will bless our country again with triving families and churches when we lead.
Prayer, Eucharist, Mission, and Revival are important aspects of the Catholic faith.
Prayer is essential to connecting with God and expressing our gratitude for blessings received.
Eucharist, or the Supper of the Lord, is a time of reflection and communion with God. It is through the sharing of this sacrament that believers are strengthened and guided in their lives.
Mission is the call to go and make disciples of Jesus Christ. Whether it is working in a soup kitchen or sharing the gospel in a new community, our Christian discipleship is vital in fulfilling God's purpose for us.
Through Revival, people are drawn closer to God and His love for them. This can lead to change in their lives and in the communities they live in.
As a Catholic man what does a good life look like? It is when you give your life away. This is true Joy -
'Living the Goodness of a Catholic Man'
I came across a video interview with Bishop Andrew Cozzens, Bishop of the Diocese of Crookston, Minnesota, and leader of the U.S. Eucharistic Revival. Below are some important things I have learned and would like to share with you.
The US Bishop's are excited about the National Eucharistic Congress now in progress, they are committing their hearts to this movement found at - - June 2023 begins the year of the parish revival.
The Bishop's see clearly the moment of crisis whe are living in.
A nationwide revival is being called by the Holy Spirit. This revival will inspire people who don't have faith to come to the faith and repent. There is a three-year framework to get all involved, which can be found on the website -
Everyone is invited to deepen their faith and then share it.
The real goal is to set hearts on fire.
Many Catholics only have a limited connection with their parish, and we now have an opportunity for hosting Eucharistic events to get parishioners involved, not only with the Mass.
July 2024 in Indianapolus is the Revival Mass. We need as a Church to turn us towards mission. As we come to a deeper understanding of the Eucharist, it helps us understand our own mission.
What we do in prayer is more important than the things we have to get done. It's never wasted time. It makes you be the kind of person God wants you to be.
Look for ways to grow in your own prayer life, to renew the love of the Eucharist in your own life. Study and be involved in learning and sharing the Eucharist - get involved. Find ways to develop groups, especially for people who do not go to church (like with a parish men's group or the CMCS Annual Men's Forum).
Relationships develop because of vulnerability, and the deeper relationship we have with God helps us to develop relationships with others, to help us live the Christian life well.
Conversion of the heart is us coming to the realization that I am a sinner. Jesus loves us and says "
Come follow me". Holiness is the depth of receiving His love.
God has a plan for your life, and your job is to find out what that plan is. Once you know what God's plan is, you can help your family and loved ones find out what God's plan is, and help them follow that plan too, to get them to Heaven.
Look towards participating in the processions of the Eucharist across the country, and inviting others to join you. Let's pray for America, and help it grow toward Heaven.