“CMCS has been a great help in my walk with Christ on a daily basis. I am surrounded by secular surroundings everyday and CMCS brings me “home.” This group of men keep me grounded and express charity and humility, which is not easy to find these days. The opportunity to listen to the wisdom of Bishop Perry is always enlightening and helps me in my growth in understanding the beauty of the Catholic faith.”
“My benefit from CMCS comes from the community of men I gather with and, our shared, interests, desires, and struggles with leading a Christian life. Our community helps me realize that I am not alone as I strive to be a servant of God. In this age where we race from chore to chore, and responsibility to responsibility CMCS provides me an opportunity to take time and think about God. A time to step back to think about where I am at, where I have been, and where I want to be in God’s eyes when I enter eternity. Of course the wisdom and guidance provided to us through the words of Bishop Perry are as the commercial says ………….. PRICELESS.”