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Photo: Blue Chicago Blizzard - Frank J Casella
The CMCS Fall Appeal
Thanks to readers like you who generously support our expenses, we offer true, uplifting Catholic encouragement for 'Living the Goodness of a Catholic Man' Please consider making a recurring or one-time gift to keep CMCS functioning and free to all readers, in your inbox, and across Chicagoland. 
Dear Donors and CMCS-Men,
What would your life be like without your faith?

How would your life change without your faith?
Who do you rely on during times of need, joy, and gratitude?
How will your faith, along with our mission to help you grow in holiness as a Catholic man, continue to thrive?

Some of our supporters in recent appeals have generously contributed up to $1,200. While you may not be able to give that amount, would you consider making a $50 investment? That’s less than $1 a week to help build a legacy that will endure long after we're gone—a legacy for our sons, grandsons, and nephews. How can you make an impact?

Don’t miss out on this chance—your choice could greatly influence the future of CMCS! The upcoming weeks are filled with exciting possibilities, and we sincerely hope you’ll join us on this journey. 

Thank you for your prayers and support.

We invite you to please send your best financial gift by donating online or by check today, your generosity and support is the only way that CMCS survives.
You can also give to CMCS using PayPal, or by sending a check made out to CMCS to:
VicariateVI  Office C/O
Catholic Men Chicago Southland
3525 South Lake Park Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60653
Catholic Men Chicago Southland
Aplostolate of Very Reverend Larry Sullivan
Founded by Bishop Emeritus Joseph N Perry
Executive Director, Frank J Casella 

Inspiration - ChicagoCatholicMan
Phone calls by appointment via email.
PS. Click here to shop the CMCS special promotion phones or plans. Support CMCS, a Pro-Life charity, with your monthly plan! - When you call Charity Mobile to sign up, remember to mention Catholic Men Chicago Southland and they will send us 5% of your monthly plan price.
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Vicariate VI Office - 3525 South Lake Park Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 60653

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