Living a life that is disconnected from what is happening in the world can be a dangerous thing. We can easily become lost in the noise of the world and miss out on what is truly important. By following God's Word, we can find peace and strength in a noisy world. Hearing God's voice will guide us in the right direction and we can start to see the things that are wrong in our world and fix them.
We have to be intentional about this, because it can easily become, 'out of sight, and out of mind' if we don't.
October is Respect Life Month.
I want to share with you my personal views about abortion (which may or may not be the views of the CMCS Team). Because I recently was sent an email by a pro life organization asking me to reply to them why I am pro-life and why I value human life today.
I was surprised to see that by writing down the answer to this question how much I took for granted abortion directly impacts me, and how much of my views are in line with Catholic Church teachings.
Abortion is the taking of an unborn human life. I think this is a very sad choice someone makes. I also think that it is important to remember that life begins at conception and that everything that happens before and after conception is important.
The scriptures tell us that God knows every strand of hair on our heads. This says to me that He made each of us individually, and with great detail. This means we do not have the say so of another's life (unless they are a menace to society, more on this below), from birth to death. And, yes, this causes us to make some hard decisions, but also relieves us of the weight and burden if we follow God's orders. And it is up to us as men to set the standard, for a woman can not be pregnant without us.
A simple Internet search will show you how abortion kills more babies in America each day than all mass shootings combined. It is a clear and present danger to society, and we need to take action to protect the innocent lives being taken. When we value life and protect the innocent, it will help to heal the many issues in our society.
In other words, we've recently heard about babies being murdered by terrorists across the world, but how many more babies are murdered in America each day by abortion? Murdering another person is a grave sin, no matter what you're doing it for. It's a menace to society when these people are out of control, and they need to be put in prison for the good of society. When we as a country take the hard line against the abortionist, it will help to heal a lot of the other problems we see in our present society.
Jesus says that He will forgive us for abortion, when we repent from our hearts, yet we still have to experience the consequences of our sins.
Revolution or Revival
June 24th marks the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, and now there seems to be a movement in America for another revolution, so that our government becomes a one-party-system, for example. Yet, there also seems to be a movement for revival, believing that through prayer and repentance, we can bring healing to our land.
The only way to achieve reconciliation, they assert, is through turmoil and sacrifice, as Jesus himself practiced on the Cross. I believe that we should all embrace the National Eucharistic Revival and unite with our families, our parish communities, and our country in the fight for justice. Working together, let's make this a time of genuine transformation for all of us.
Let us desire the restoration of the Kingdom of God to this broken world.
"If then my people, upon whom my name has been pronounced, humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven and pardon their sins and heal their land." -- 2 Chronicles 7:14
So now I would like to ask you, please reply to this email (or to and share with me:
Are you pro-life and, if so, why do you value human life today?
You may learn, as I did, by writing it down what you really stand for. Because, as the saying goes, you have to stand for something or you fall for anything. Don't make it
out of sight, and out of mind, this is too important!