Dear CMCS-Men and Readers,
From Tuesday's first reading from Ephesians 5:21-23, I found some manhood points you might find interesting.. . at the links below.
Short of the long, Paul is not advocating for wifely submission to men - he is advocating for mutual submission to God. Wives are to submit to their husbands because they are to be subject to God. God is the head of the family, not the husband.
For this reason the Catholic Catechism calls the husband the priest of the home, known as the domestic church.
This passage is often misunderstood because it can be used to justify abusive or dominating relationships between husbands and wives. Read Ephesians 5 in its entirety to put this all into right perspective. Husbands are to serve their wives out of love, not out of fear or intimidation, then wives should submit to their husbands out of respect and admiration for what God has called them to do.
Hope you find this insightful and meaningful. Reply to this email with comments or questions.
Thank you very much,
St. Joseph pray for us!
PS. Husbands - If your love is motivated by God, your wife will know it, and it will be reflected in the climate of your relationship.