Daily inspiration before Father's Day
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Vision: To Foster Catholic Men's Spirituality in Chicago Southland

Note:  With Father’s Day this weekend, I know you’ll enjoy this fresh look at the important role that dad's play in family life!  We're taking this week to send you encouragement about what it means to be a Dad.  A Catholic Dad. Your Kid's Dad. ... and a father figure to the youth in our society, even for those of you who do not have a son or daughter in the flesh, to the children who do not have a father present in their lives.  So that, by Father's Day, we can all have useful and powerful tools in our Manhood tool box to be even more the man, husband, and father that God calls us to be.  Look below for today's edition. You can also bookmark this webpage to come back to, or move these (and all CMCS) mails to their own special email folder for archiving.   If you were forwarded this E-mail and you like it, sign up here.  Thank you very much!  Happy Father's Day! Frank J Casella
From the 2012 CMCS archive (not edited)
Being The Dad That God Has Called You To Be

If you have been reading these blog posts over the past three years, you know that I had a Dad who’s love for God was the core of his being and mentored this to me and my siblings.  You also know that a part of the fabric of CMCS is about how recent studies tell us that Dads determine the church habits of their children and thus to a significant degree their eternal destiny.  According to one study, if a father doesnʼt go to church no matter how faithful the mother is, only one child in fifty will become regular church goers.

Beginning July 1, 2012 the Archdiocese of Chicago Pastoral Plan will focus on “Year of the Sunday Mass”: educating Catholics on the critical importance of Sunday Mass attendance and encouraging reflection on the Mass to foster a deeper appreciation and appropriation of the value of the Eucharist.  This reminds me of when I was first training my dogs. The dog trainer instilled in me that walking the dog everyday, and taking it through the drills, establishes what is acceptable ( at home ) … and this never stops throughout the dogs life.  Likewise, bringing your family to the pew every Sunday establishes the foundation of your household and what is acceptable .. and has a tremendous impact throughout your child’s life.  Said another way, children are like flowers in the garden of the family, the more you water them ( with the Faith ) the more they nurture and grow.
Alongside a mother’s unique and nurturing role, a Father is to model St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, and the Holy Family.
It’s all about being the Dad that God has called you to be.  Bringing your family to Mass may sound like a simple thing, though it seems, but the benefits are tremendous.  You are not to worry though what becomes of your children in adulthood, but rather that you fulfill your obligation to how God calls you to be as a Catholic Man and Father.
If your children are grown and out of the house, this is your season to pray for them and encourage your Grand-children’s ( spiritual ) welfare.
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Catholic Men Chicago Southland
"Living the Goodness of a Catholic Man"
Aplostolate of Bishop Joseph N Perry
Executive Director, Frank J Casella 

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