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Weekly Catholic Manhood Nuggets

Hey CMCS Men and Friends,


A new episode of  Manhood Nuggets was just released.


In this installment Frank talks about: Everyone's Invited: Not Everyone Is Accepted.  Click here or the image below to watch. (View on the Blog)

God bless you and the ones you love.

Everyone's Invited: Not Everyone Is Accepted

October 15, 2023
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Parable of the Wedding Feast

Mt 22:1-10
" The king said to him, "My friend, how is it that you came in here without a wedding garment?" But he was reduced to silence. Then the king said to his attendants, "Bind his hands and feet, and cast him into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth." Many are invited, but few are chosen (Mt 22:12-14)."

In the parable of the wedding feast as recorded in the book of Matthew, Jesus issues a solemn warning against repeating the foolishness of the Pharisees. Although we have been granted the privilege of receiving the invitation to the heavenly banquet through our baptism, it is imperative that we adorn ourselves with the wedding garment of virtue and grace. It is incumbent upon us to remain cautious and vigilant against the allurements and pleasures of the world which can dangerously impede our journey towards salvation. We must earnestly engage in the daily struggle against our sinful inclinations, whilst cultivating a genuine love for God and our fellow human beings. This may appear to be an arduous endeavor, but let us not forget that Christ Himself has led the way, inspiring countless individuals to strive for eternal glory. Our benevolent Lord, in His infinite wisdom, has endowed us with plentiful graces and assistance through His Church; hence, it is our own responsibility to diligently employ these divine aids. Should we neglect to do so and find ourselves devoid of the wedding garment, we shall have none but ourselves to hold accountable. Let us recognize that we have been called alongside many others and endeavor to be counted among the chosen ones.
The CMCS Mission: Catholic Men Chicago Southland (CMCS) is engaged in fostering holy and courageous men and proclaiming the importance of husbands and fathers to children and the family. CMCS is a Catholic Apostolate founded in 2004 by Most Reverend Joseph N. Perry, Deacon John Rangel, and Mr. Frank J Casella.
Catholic Men Chicago Southland
Founded By Bishop Emeritus Joseph N Perry
Executive Director, Frank J Casella 

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