Keep the Fight Alive Against Breast Cancer

Chi Health Letter                    October 3, 2014

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Breast Cancer Awareness

It is October again and time to promote Breast Cancer Awareness. No, there is no need to dump a bucketful of ice on your head. Just simply wearing the pink ribbon can show your support of the cause.

Over the years, awareness of breast cancer (its early detection, risk factors and so forth) has made great strides. There has been a progressively decreasing incidence rate of breast cancer each year, especially after the year 2000. This was considered to be due to the decline in hormone therapy use after the Women’s Health Initiative Study reported the high risk of breast cancer (and other diseases) with hormone therapy use. And with early detection as well as advances in available treatment, both conventional and natural, breast cancer survivors in the Unites States now number more than 2.8 million.

We would like to help continue to increase this number by making people aware of the importance of early detection of, risk factors for and natural therapies for breast cancer.
Risk Factors and Precursors of Breast Cancer

Besides gender (more women than men) and family history (having a first degree relative with breast cancer), there are other factors that increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

Dense Breast Tissue
Some studies have shown that the risk for breast cancer is up to 5 times greater in women with dense breast tissue. In California, Senate Bill 791 was put into effect in April 2012 requiring laboratories and doctors to inform patients if dense breast tissue is found in a mammogram, as this signals a risk for breast cancer.

Benign Breast Conditions

Even benign conditions like fibrocystic breasts, breast calcifications and benign tumors increase the risk for breast cancer. Although there is still controversy over it, some studies show that small clusters of breast calcification is an early warning sign of breast cancer and should be treated immediately.

Birth Control
Oral contraceptives contain estradiol or progesterone, or both. These hormones are both associated with breast cancer risk.

Hormone Therapy, especially after menopause
There is no disputing the fact that hormones, especially estrogen, play a role in the development of breast cancer. The Women's Health Initiative study was one of the first large-scale study to bring that fact into light. Now we know that hormones, especially estrogen, fuel cell proliferation. Being on hormone replacement therapy (HRT or BHRT) increases the chances of abnormal breast growths.

For premenopausal women, the ovaries are the main source of estrogen. After menopause, fat tissue becomes the largest source of estrogen. Fat tissue has a high concentration of aromatase, which fuels more estrogen production. Studies show that estrogen level in postmenopausal obese women is 50 to 100 times higher than normal-weight counterparts. Currently, 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. For postmenopausal women, this increases in age up to 1 in 6 women past age 80.
Natural Therapies for Breast Cancer

"I felt like my world came crashing down on me." That seems to be a common reaction by individuals diagnosed with breast cancer. Don't let it be a death sentence. There are many options for you out there, both conventional and natural. There are also many support groups that can guide you through each step as you fight this battle.

What we are going to explore now are natural therapies and how they would be applicable for breast cancer.

Myomin Addresses the Hormonal Aspect of Breast Cancer

There are 4 types of breast cancer. Two of these types are hormonal in nature: Estrogen Receptor Positive (ER+) and Progesterone Receptor Postivie (PR+). Statistics show that 2 out of 3 breast cancer cases are hormone receptor positive.

Myomin would help manage hormone-receptor positive breast cancers so that estrogen and progesterone do not fuel the growth of abnormal breast tissue.

Studies have already illustrated that Myomin successfully reduces estradiol and helps manage the growth of estrogen-responsive tissue through its aromatase reduction function.

Try MYOMIN now!

Angiostop Inhibits Angiogenesis and Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs) in Breast Cancer

The other two types of breast cancer are HER-2 Positive (HER2+) and Triple Negative. In both these types, certain growth factors are overexpressed. Angiostop is a natural targeted therapy supplement from a special sea cucumber extract. It inhibits 4 different growth factor receptors or RTKs overexpressed in cancer. For breast cancer, in particular, it inhibits the following:
  • VEGFR (Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor)
  • EGFR (Epidermal growth factor receptor)
  • FGFR (Fibroblast growth factor receptor)
By inhibiting VEGFR, EGFR and FGFR, Angiostop is able to stop angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation) from the tumor, proliferation, invasion and metastasis. Furthermore, it induces apoptosis (natural cell death) of cancer cells.


Case Reports

The following case reports show that it is important to control risk factors of breast cancer by taking Myomin before they get worse. Some of these risk factors include high estradiol, fibrocystic breasts and breast calcification.

Y. Dikansky, ND from New York, has a 48-year-old female patient who found that she had fibrocystic breasts and high estradiol. Since she had breast cancer twice before, she immediately started taking Myomin. Two months later, a biopsy revealed that it was not cancerous and her estradiol reduced to within normal range.

A 65-year-old female from Florida had breast calcification. After taking Myomin for just over a month (12 capsules daily), the ultrasound reveals no sign of the calcification.

E.D., 63-year-old female from Florida, has had dense breasts since she was younger. Then she found a hard breast lump that is over 2 cm in size. After 7 months of taking Myomin, the lump became smaller in size and softer.

Once diagnosed with breast cancer, the combination of Angiostop and Myomin will help manage the condition, as these cases will illustrate. Adding Revivin, Reishi Spore Extract and Asparagus Extract will have synergistic effects.

A 35-year-old female from Florida has breast cancer and took Myomin, Angiostop, Revivin, Asparagus Extract and Reishi Spore Extract. After 4 months, her cancer markers, CEA and CA 27.29, reduced.

R. Yoza, DC from Hawaii, has a 64-year-old female patient who had breast cancer in 2001 and had a subsequent lumpectomy. Then in 2003 calcification was found. She did not take anything then and her mammogram stayed the same until 2012 when calcification was found to be larger. Her doctor felt it was invasive ductal carcinoma. Surgery was recommended immediately because the doctor feared the cancer may spread to the lymph nodes. She started taking Angiostop, Myomin and Revivin right away.  After 4 months, she underwent surgery in which they found that the cancer was controlled. It has not spread to the lymph nodes.

D. Zackrzewki, DC from Florida, has a 50-year-old female patient with breast cancer. For 7 years, her CA 27.29 has been elevated at 38. After 1 year on Myomin and Angiostop, her CA 27.29 dropped by more than 30 points.

K.S., 41-year-old female from Illinois, has Triple Negative Stage IV breast cancer that has metastasized to the bone and liver. Adriamycin did not have much effect on her cancer. Then she took Angiostop, Revivin, Myomin, Reishi Spore and Asparagus Extract, After 4-5 months, she is very happy with the results. The bone spots have diminished, her back pain has been relieved, and she can walk around.

Get more case reports and read the articles on Myomin and Angiostop for breast cancer.

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