Is Your Blood CRP High? Lower It With OxyPower
CHI HEALTH LETTER                November 14, 2014      
Is your C-Reactive Protein (CRP) level over 3.0?

Then you may be at risk for heart disease... or much more. Did you know that high CRP causes heart disease more than high cholesterol? CRP is a marker for inflammation, which is now considered to be the major cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD), 5 times more than cholesterol!

And statistics show that at least 7 out of 10 leading causes of mortality in the United States is associated with inflammation: heart disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and nephritis are among them. It also plays a major role in autoimmune disease such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc.

So if your CRP is high, now is the time to do something to reduce it so your risk for these conditions will be reduced as well.

Reducing CRP and Inflammation with OxyPower

OxyPower has proven time and again that it is an excellent supplement for reducing CRP and inflammation. In animal studies, it reduced CRP significantly after CRP-induced inflammation. The reduction is even much lower than that of the negative control group where no CRP was added. This effect can be visualized in another study comparing OxyPower to CoQ10. OxyPower was found to have more potent effect in reducing inflammation in the coronary artery as well as heart muscle tissue (Figures 1 and 2).

We further see OxyPower’s effect on inflammation through its reduction of the Intima Media Thickness (IMT) of the artery. IMT is the combined thickness of the 2 innermost layers of the aorta, tunica intima and tunica media (Figure 3). Elevated IMT signifies inflammation and contributes to increased blood pressure and atherosclerosis. A study shows that OxyPower reduced IMT to 101.9 um after CRP was added (Table 1).

Clinical Case Reports

The following are just some of the case reports attesting to OxyPower's effect on CRP and inflammation.

CASE 1: P. Minkoff, MD from Florida, has a 51 y/o/f patient with a
high CRP level. After three months on OxyPower, her CRP reduced to within normal range.

An increase in CRP level has been shown to reduce survival within 10 years (see figure below). In this case,
if the patient did not reduce his CRP level, his survival rate would have been less than 5 years.

         Reference: Circulation 2004; 106: 2818-2925.

CASE 2: G. Depke, ND from California, has a 67 y/o/f patient with ischemia and high CRP. After taking OxyPower for almost 4 months, her CRP level reduced to 1.7, within the normal range.

Reduce CRP and inflammation now!


For more information, read the OxyPower articles. Send your request to


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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any diseases. Individual results may vary.

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