Alternative Medicine and Herbs May Be a Better Option
   CHI HEALTH LETTER                                                                                                       December 2017

Why alternative medicine and herbs are a better option

Many Reishi Supplements do not contain Reishi

Pure and Potent Chi Supplements

Wine Extract: Natural Resveratrol Extract

Got xanthomas? 

Natural vs Synthetic

Wine Extract Clinical Reports


Bamboo Extract for the Flu Season



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 Alternative therapies like herbs may be a better option than conventional treatments and, in many instances, they provide better results. Here are some examples.

Constipation or Diarrhea – If you already had an endoscopy or colonoscopy and couldn’t find the reason for these symptoms, then herbs may be the route you need to take for solutions.

Female Reproductive Problems – If you have a discharge, bleeding, pelvic pain, PMS, hormonal imbalance or fertility issues that still exists despite conventional treatment, then you need to explore alternative herbal therapies.

Autoimmune conditions – If you have rhinitis, dermatitis, urticaria (hives), Rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune diseases and don’t want to use steroids (or steroids have not worked for you), then there are alternative herbal remedies available.

Just like in the case of Erik Williams, the Western Regional Sales Director for 3M... About 18 years ago, he had been diagnosed with focal segmental glomerulonephritis, an autoimmune condition of the kidneys. He noticed that there was a lot of foam in his urine, to the point that the foam would overflow out of the toilet bowl. A friend recommended that he see Dr. Chi right away. Without knowing his diagnosis, Dr. Chi accurately pinpointed his condition using Fingernail and Tongue Analysis and recommended the Chi kidney protocol (Kidney Chi, Asparagus Extract, Bathdetox and Cordyceps Extract). His doctor had recommended he take prednisone but he refused to do so and instead started on the Chi kidney protocol entirely. Within 4 months, his kidney panel test results were within normal range. His doctor was amazed at his results! To this day, he never used Prednisone, only the supplements, and he’s as healthy as he’s ever been. His eGFR used to be under 30 for 18 years. Now it has increased and maintained at 57.

Click here to watch Erik Williams share his story

Blood and Blood Vessel Disease
– If you have peripheral artery disease, circulatory issues (cold hands and feet) or anemia and have not been successfully treated by conventional medicine, you need to consider herbal supplements that may be better. Herbs can help improve blood flow and blood vessels in order to prevent stroke.

Of course, if you have hypertension, diabetes or cancer, you can combine your prescriptions with herbs. Cancer patients, for example, can add herbs to their chemotherapy or radiation treatments to help improve immunity, increase strength and reduce chemotherapy or radiation side effects.
Pharmacopeial Convention News (August 2017): Many Reishi supplements actually do not contain the ingredient they claim to have
When considering herbs or other supplements, you have to make sure that they are indeed natural and of good quality. There are many supplements in the market today that are either chemically synthesized or do not even contain the active ingredient they claim to have.

Recently scientists from the United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) found that 75% of Reishi supplements in the US do not actually contain Reishi mushroom! These products do not contain the characteristic triterpenes in Reishi products. Instead they have a starch-like polysaccharide profile that was inconsistent with Reishi mushroom (Source: Scientific Reports. 2017 Aug 10;7(1):7792). Our Reishi Spore Extract is very pure from broken-cell wall Reishi Spores and contains only active ingredients, including triterpenes, adenosine, amino acids and, most importantly, ganoderic acid and the active compound I-Lys. Our Reishi Spore is harvested at the right time, when the spores are released. After this the reishi body significantly loses potency. Reishi Spore is 75 times more active than the Reishi body. Breaking the cell walls involves technologically advanced methods, like what we employ with all Chi products.

So in order to make sure you getting quality supplements, you need to go to a place that you trust has quality supplements.

Chi Supplements are Pure and Potent
Chi’s Enterprise products are always pure and potent. For example, our Asparagus Extract is so pure at 100:1 extract ratio, you can imagine the huge amount of fresh asparagus used to yield the pure extract. In order to get the best quality of Asparagus, it is best harvested in the summer. Typically, up to 4 tons of Asparagus are cut and washed and must be processed for extraction within 3 hours of harvest (Figures 1 and 2).

Because of the hot weather, Asparagus can ferment and turn sour so they need to be processed quickly to ensure thir potency is intact. The fresh Asparagus are then loaded into four huge 6 m3 reactors for extraction (Figure 3). Totally, about 50 tons of Asparagus are continuously processed over a period of time to yield about 1 million capsules.

The same thing is true for Bamboo Extract, which is also a 100:1 pure extract (100 kg of bamboo yields about 1 kg of extract). An enormous number of bamboo are harvested because only the fleshy inner portion of the stalks are used to get the active ingredient. For instance, in Figure 4, two tons of this fleshy inner part of Bamboo are removed from the stalks and processed for extraction. Typically a total of 25 tons of the fleshy part of Bamboo are processed continuously over a period of time, yielding approximately 500,000 capsules.

Extraction and purification processes are conducted in state-of-the-art facilities. Identification tests are also performed to ensure that the quantity of active ingredients in each product meets specifications.
Don't forget your Bamboo Extract
Now that the flu season is here, it is a great time to take Bamboo Extract. If you work in high-risk environments like hospitals, medical clinics and schools or if you go to public areas like airports, shopping malls, theme parks or theaters, where this is a lot of people traffic, it makes you more prone to contracting the flu and other types of viruses. Taking Bamboo Extract before you head out can help protect you against these viruses. One of its active ingredients, guaiacul, is similar to that of Tamiflu.

Click here to listen to Dr. Chi talk about the many benefits of Bamboo Extract

WINE EXTRACT: Natural Resveratrol Extract for Cholesterol, Neurogenesis, Anti-Aging
The production of Wine Extract is no different. Wine Extract is a natural resveratrol extract. It goes through the same rigorous extraction and purification processes in order to get the natural, pure resveratrol. Impurities in resveratrol, in fact, can cause diarrhea.
Wine Extract Reduces Cholesterol and Triglycerides
For years, we have heard so many amazing results from patients who have used Wine Extract for naturally reducing cholesterol and triglycerides. Wine Extract contains polyphenols that decrease the liver's production of cholesterol and balances unsaturated fatty acids and triglycerides, a mechanism similar to red yeast rice. In a clinical study on 155 patients, Wine Extract reduced cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing HDL, the good cholesterol (Figure 5).

Many people use prescription statins to reduce cholesterol; however, there are risks and side effects involved with it. Statins can cause muscle pain. In addition, it also lowers the body’s levels of coenzyme Q10, which leads to muscle breakdown. Wine Extract does not have these side effects.
  If you have Xanthomas, check your cholesterol, CRP or Homocysteine. You may need Wine Extract, Vein Lite, OxyPower and/or Asparagus Extract
If you haven’t had a blood test and don’t know if you have high cholesterol or not, just look for xanthomas. Xanthomas are yellow fatty deposits in the skin that indicate a risk for high cholesterol and heart disease. They can develop anywhere in the body, including the eye area (Figure 6), elbows (Figure 7) or knuckles (Figure 8). Around the eyes, it is called eyelid plaque, which signifies a risk for atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease and stroke. If seen in individuals under 30 years old, it signals a 5 times risk of arterial plaque. In those over 30 years old, it is associated with 50% increased risk.

So if you see xanthomas, take Wine Extract right away to lower your cholesterol and triglycerides. You can also check your homocysteine or C-Reactive Protein (CRP) levels. If they are elevated, you can add Vein Lite, OxyPower and Asparagus Extract. You see that in the following example.

P. Atkins, MD from TX has a 63 y/o/m patient with nail clubbing and xanthomas around the eyes (Figure 9). Indeed, his cholesterol and LDL were elevated (Table 2). Furthermore, his homocysteine and CRPH levels are also high, which can signal a risk for stroke. He also has insulin resistance, red dots on the tongue and cherry angiomas on the torso. He is now on Wine Extract, Vein Lite, OxyPower, Asparagus Extract, etc.

If you are taking a statin already and it is not reducing your cholesterol, you can add Wine Extract or take it instead for better results.
Wine Extract Contains Resveratrol for Insulin Resistance/Diabetes, Anti-Aging and Neurogenesis
More importantly, Wine Extract contains natural resveratrol. We all know how beneficial resveratrol can be. Resveratrol has benefits for insulin resistance/
diabetes, anti-aging, and neurogenesis.

Insulin resistance/Diabetes
Resveratrol has been shown to improve glucose homeostasis and improve insulin sensitivity.

Studies show that resveratrol activates the SIRT1 enzyme, promotes activity of mitochondria. The presence of new mitochondria can boost the body’s metabolic rate and slow the aging process.

It is popular belief that we stop producing neurons (nerve cells) as we grow older, leading to memory loss and other cognitive issues. This is false. We actually grow new neurons in our brains, a process called neurogenesis. Resveratrol can improve the production of these new neurons and promote their survival. This is especially important for the following:
  • Improving memory capacity and quality
  • Improving cognitive ability
  • Reducing depression
  • Preventing decline associated with aging or stress
Resveratrol: Natural vs Chemically Synthesized
Resveratrol has so many health benefits but how do you know if the resveratrol you are taking actually produces those benefits? You have to choose the right kind of resveratrol. It has two kinds: chemically synthesized or natural. Chemically synthesized resveratrol is very cheap but, needless to say, ineffective. Wine Extract contains only pure natural resveratrol.
Wine Extract Reasonably Priced for Such a Highly Potent and Effective Supplement
Considering its multiple benefits, Wine Extract is reasonably priced compared to many comparable products. In order to get the same benefits as Wine Extract, you would have to buy a resveratrol supplement plus a red yeast rice supplement. You can check prices at your local health food store and they wouldn’t be able to compare to the price of Wine Extract.
Actual Case Reports Show Clinical Benefits of Wine Extract
CASE 1: M. Perkins, LAc from FL, has a 55 y/o/m patient with cardiovascular problems. After 3 months on Vein Lite, OxyPower and Wine Extract, this patient’s cardiovascular profile showed significant improvement. His CRP and homocysteine levels reduced and, in particular, there is already a significant reduction in his Lipoprotein(a) and LDL levels (Table 3). It is important to note that statins do not reduce small LDL particles (dense LDL III and dense LDL IV). In this case, Wine Extract was able to do so significantly.

CASE 2: P. Schwarz, ND from CA, has a patient with high cholesterol and taking a statin for it. She stopped taking the medication when her cholesterol kept increasing. Dr. Schwarz put her on Liver Chi in December 2014 and Wine Extract in May 2015. Her cholesterol levels showed much improvement after 3 months (Table 4).

CASE 3: J. Iannetta, DC from ME, has a female patient who took Wine Extract for her elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides (Table 5).

So remember that there are many cases where herbs and alternative medicine may be the better option for you for certain health problems. As mentioned, for example, if endoscopy or colonoscopy could not find the cause of your constipation or diarrhea, you can turn to alternative medicine for diagnosis or treatment.

Or if you see xanthomas, for example, and have not had a blood test yet, you already know that they are a sign of high cholesterol. You can start taking Wine Extract right away.

Wine Extract is a natural resveratrol extract that combines the mechanisms of both red yeast rice and resveratrol, leading to benefits such as:
  • Reducing cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Improving insulin resistance/diabetes
  • Promoting anti-aging
  • Enhancing neurogenesis for memory, cognitive ability, depression and more
If you are already on a statin for high cholesterol and it is not producing its desired effect, you can add Wine Extract. It is a very pure and potent natural supplement that is highly effective and reasonably priced.

 Click below to try Wine Extract now!



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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. 


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