How to Improve Fertility and Maximize your Chance of Conceiving
   CHI HEALTH LETTER                                                                                                                          March 2016



Promote Ovulation and Reduce Endometrios, PCSO, PID Risks


Improve Testoserone and Sperm Quality

Reduce the Risk of Birth Defects


F-Scope Results (Illustrations)



Wondering what will be recommended for the Zika virus?

Click here to find out.


A must-have for all practitioners!

If you already have the original set of 3 posters, get this NEW Fingernail and Tongue Analysis poster now with tons of new images, such as cherry angiomas, acanthosis nigricans, xanthomas and more!

Or if you do not have any of these, get the complete set!

The posters are a valuable addition to any practitioner's office 



Come visit our booth at the New Life Expo (Booth #201) at the Hotel Pennsylvania. Dr. Chi will be giving a Fingernail and Tongue Analysis on site. 

If you would like a private one-on-one consultation with Dr. Chi while he's there, please call us at
(714) 777-1542.

And don't forget to listen to attend his FREE LECTURE on Saturday, March 19. Time will be announced soon.

He will also be in Brooklyn on March 15 to 17 at these doctors' offices. Please contact them for more details.

March 15
Dr. Weber
(718) 376-2300

March 16
Dr. Lelchuk
(718) 648-4545

March 17
Dr. Dikansky
(718) 236-4057


Access past issues of the newsletter by clicking here


We have had a lot of inquiries about the Zika virus. Everyone now knows that it is a global concern, especially in South America. 

Pregnant women, and their unborn fetuses, are at most risk from the Zika virus. The neurological effects that are supposed to be caused by the virus is, of course, a major fear of every mother-to-be. So what do we recommend for it? 

If you happen to know that you have just been bitten by the mosquito that carries the Zika virus, use Bathdetox right away. Soaking in the Bathdetox bath can help pull out the toxins carried by the mosquito. 

To help fight the infection, take Bamboo Extract. Its antiviral properties will be beneficial in cases of Zika infections. In addition, you can also take Reishi Spore Extract to boost your immune system.


Please visit our booth at these conventions.

March 18-20, 2016
Hotel Pennsylvania
New York, NY
Booth #201

April 14-16, 2016
Town & Country Resort
San Diego, CA

Please call
(714) 777-1542
for more details

Or click here for more events



Chi's Enterprise, Inc.
1435 N. Brasher Street
Anaheim, CA 92807

(714) 777-1542
(800) 457-5708

Monday to Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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Females: Eliminate Factors that reduce Fertility
Age is one of the main factors that decrease fertility. A woman produces about 20,000 eggs throughout her childbearing years. After age 40, only about 500 eggs are produced and not all of them are viable. Other fertility risk factors include endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and environmental hormones. To maximize the chance of conceiving, these factors need to be addressed as well.

  • Endometriosis has been closely linked with luteal phase deficiency. A deficiency in luteinizing hormone can prevent the release of the egg from the most matured follicle.
  • Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), have ovaries that have multiple cysts that affect fertility. They also do not release an egg regularly, further decreasing the chance of conceiving.
  • Fibroids are found in about 5-10% of infertile women. Large fibroids, of course, can cause infertility. However, small fibroids can also affect fertility as well as reduce the chance of the embryo going to full-term. About 55% of miscarriages are caused by small fibroids (source: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 4/14/2003).
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases (PID), on the other hand, can increasingly cause damage to the fallopian tubes depending on the number of PID episodes.
  • Environmental factors include exposure to xenoestrogens, pesticides, radiation, hormone replacement therapy and heavy metals, which assume estrogen-like functions in the body and disrupt endocrine processes.
Chi-F and Myomin for Improving Fertility
Chi-F and Myomin can help addresss many of the factors that reduce fertility. 
  • Chi-F is recommended to promote fertility and regulate hormones both in men and women. More details about its effectiveness will be discussed in a later section. Click here to jump to that section. For PCOS, it can be taken with Myomin.
  • Myomin can reduce estrogen in cases of endometriosis, PCOS and fibroids. Take Myomin for at least 3 months to help clear fibroids and endometriosis. This will also help eliminate the harmful effects of environmental hormones.
  • Kidney Chi can be taken for PID. About 90% of PID cases are due to gonorrhea or chlamydia. Kidney Chi is excellent for genital infections, including sexually transmitted conditions

It is also important to keep the womb warm to make it conducive to conceiving. If you do not have any lunulae (white half moons on the base of nails) or have colds hands and feet, then you probably have poor circulation. In cases like this, take Vein Lite to improve circulation and keep the womb warm.
Reduce the Risk of Birth Defects with Asparagus Extract
For women who wish to conceive, taking folic acid is necessary to reduce the risk of birth defects. Asparagus Extract contains a high amount of natural folate. Studies show that it is beneficial for reducing the risk of neural tube defects such as the following:

  • Spina bifida and Anencephaly by 25%
  • Neurofibromatosis by 47%
  • Brain and spinal cord cancer by 27%
  • Leukemia risk by  39%
  • Cleft palate and cleft lip by 30%
F-SCOPE: Saliva Ovulation Test
There are perplexing cases where women still have difficulty in becoming pregnant even though they have normal hormonal cycles, no preexisting conditions like endometriosis, and significantly diminished exposure to toxins. The reason in some cases is that they have a very narrow ovulation window. The most fertile phase usually lasts 24 hours. However, for some women, this may be 1 or 2 hours only, thereby significantly affecting their chances of conceiving. The ovulation cycle therefore must be closely monitored.

If you are one of these women, the F-Scope is a tool that can help. It is a portable mini-microscope with 3 layers of optical lens designed to determine the phases of the female hormonal cycle using nothing but a drop of saliva.

How to Use the F-Scope

The F-Scope is used ideally in the morning after brushing your teeth. Remove the lens from the scope. Take a small amount of saliva and apply it to the lens. Make sure not to use too much saliva as it can run over or take too long to dry. Air dry the saliva for about 10 minutes. Replace the lens into the scope. Look through the viewfinder of the scope and adjust the focus to see the clear image. You will be able to see one of 3 images, as described below.

Interpreting the Results

The different phases in a woman’s ovulation cycle, normally lasting 28-30 days, are illustrated below. In the infertile phase, bubbles or spots are seen (Figures 1A and 2A). This period usually lasts 6 or 7 days after menstruation (Days 5-10). In the transitional phase (Figures 1B and 2B), there is a combination of ferns and bubbles or spots. In this phase, the estrogen level usually rises. The transitional phase normally lasts 3-4 days and there is a small possibility of conceiving during this stage (Days 11-13). The ovulation phase is signified by fern-like images (Figures 1C and 2C). The estrogen level reaches its peak during this stage, which usually lasts 1-2 days. It is at this time that a woman is most fertile and has the highest possibility of conceiving. After this comes another transitional period lasting 3-4 days in which the estrogen level decreases and progesterone level rises. Then it goes back to the infertile phase and the menstrual cycle starts all over again. If a woman shows patterns that alternate between the infertile period and transitional period, then there is hormone imbalance.
F-Scope Results

Case Reports: Improving Fertility

S. Whitaker, ND from CA, has a female patient who used Clomid, a fertility drug, in 1999 and Depo-provera but did not conceive. Later, fibroids were found in her uterus. In 2006, she used Clomid again as well as in vitro fertilization and a progesterone injection, still with no results. At this point, her fibroids have gotten bigger so she stopped the drugs completely. Instead she used Myomin and Chi-F, which reduced her fibroids enough that she could conceive. Now she has twin boys!

K. Dick, DC from OR, has a 43 y/o/f patient trying to get pregnant. She had reproductive organ problems, hormone imbalance, large fibroids, and heavy and irregular menses. Then she started on Myomin, Chi-F, Vein Lite, Asparagus Extract, etc. After 2 years, at age 43, she had her first child, a healthy baby. “These products really work!"
Do you want a boy or a girl? 
Although most couples do not care whether they have a boy or girl, the reality is that some do. If used properly, the F-Scope can aid in pre-determining the sex of the baby. This is based on the concept of chromosomes that determine the sex of an individual: the X and Y chromosomes. The XY combination characterizes a male and the XX combination characterizes a female. The female only presents the X chromosome, so it’s really the male who determines the sex of the baby by either fertilizing the egg with either an X or a Y chromosome. The Y chromosome is much smaller than the X chromosome and therefore swims faster, but survives for a much shorter period. The X chromosome (female), however, survives longer.

Knowing this and monitoring a woman's ovulation cycle will help determine the best time to conceive a boy or a girl. If fertilization occurs during the transitional phase, the X-sperm (which can survive 2-3 days in the uterus) has a greater chance of fertilizing the egg at the time of impending ovulation. By that time the Y-sperm would have died (because they can survive only up to 1 day in the uterus). In this case, a baby girl would result. If fertilization occurs during the ovulation period (if you see a fern pattern through the F-Scope), the Y-sperm has a greater advantage at fertilizing the egg that is already available because it travels much faster than the larger X-sperm and can reach the egg first in the fallopian tube. A baby boy will then result in this case.

Case Reports:

F. Hutton from NY and his wife were trying to have a baby for many years without success. They used the F-Scope to monitor her hormone cycle while taking Chi-F and Myomin. After 3 months under this method, Mrs. Hutton got pregnant and they now have a baby girl.

Dr. Winick, also from NY, and his wife had been trying for 12 years to have a baby. After hearing about the accuracy of the F-Scope, they started using Dr. Chi's program. Three months later, Dr. Winick’s wife became pregnant and later gave birth to a baby boy.

K.S., MD from IA, had tried to get pregnant for 7 years with no success. She took Chi-F and used the F-Scope and now has an adorable son.

Of the 15% incidence of infertility in couples, 30% of the cases are attributed to male factors, such as sperm volume, sperm concentration, and sperm motility. A high level of testosterone is necessary for the development of sperm. Testosterone is secreted twice every day and circulates in the free form (2%) and bound to the sex hormone-binding globulin (44%) and bound to albumin (54%). Testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) through the 5-alpha reductase enzyme and to estradiol through the aromatase enzyme. So levels of these catalysts also affect the overall level of testosterone and, consequently, the sperm count.

One interesting study revealed that middle-aged men today have roughly 50% less sperm activity than their grandfathers at that same age. In Japan, men ages 30-50 years old had an average sperm count of 84 million/mL. Men in their 20s produce only 46 million/mL sperm on average.

An evaluation of medical records worldwide has found that in the 1940s average sperm count was approximately 64 million/mL on average. Now sperm count has significantly decreased to an average of 20 million/mL.

All of these studies’ interesting phenomena are attributed to hormonal changes in men caused by xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens are substances that mimic the action of estrogen, causing feminizing qualities in men and increasing their risk for conditions such as low sperm count and infertility.

For infertility and low testosterone/sperm count in men, Chi-F, Myomin, SXD and Cordyceps Extract can prove to be very helpful.

In addition, Myomin, SXD, OxyPower and Super X can be taken to improve impotence in men.
A study was conducted on women with PCOS to see how Chi-F would be effective in promoting fertility in comparison to Cyproterone, an anti-androgen drug for PCOS. Cyproterone and Chi-F + Cyproterone was given to two groups of women with PCOS for 3 months. Results show that Cyproterone alone increased ovulation rate by 23.6% only while the combination of Chi-F and Cyproterone produced a 60% increase in ovulation rate (Figure 3). Furthermore, 35% of the women on the combination therapy were able to conceive after 3 months. For even better results, take Chi-F with Myomin.

Chi-F is also recommended for improving sperm characteristics in men. Abnormally thick semen may cause sperm to move slowly through the cervical mucus, obstructing fertilization. A study on 120 men age 22-39 found that taking Chi-F for 3 months improves sperm fluidity by 81.7%, whereas taking Vitamin C only improved sperm fluidity by 13.4% (Figure 4). In addition, Chi-F also reduced pH of prostate fluid and improved prostate fluid secretion.

For couples who struggle trying to conceive, going through costly fertility treatments may not always be the immediate answer. Try exploring the causes of reduced fertility first.

For women, hormones may need to be balanced (take Chi-F and Myomin) to promote ovulation. Or there may be tiny fibroids that need to be cleared (take Myomin) in order to promote a conducive environment for the fetus to develop. Or getting enough folic acid (take Asparagus Extract) may be necessary to reduce the risk of miscarriage and birth defects. 

For men, low sperm count may be the issue or the sperm may not be motile enough. Taking Chi-F can help both these conditions. Additionally, increasing testosterone with Myomin will also help.

In some cases, determining a woman's ovulation can increase the chance of conceiving. Using the F-Scope can help achieve this. For women who cannot see the fern pattern after 2 months of using the F-Scope, the ovulation period may be too short, so use the F-Scope twice daily.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease.

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