Reducing the Risk of Alzheimer's Disease
CHI HEALTH LETTER March 13, 2015

Alzheimer's Disease and Cardiovascular Problems can Manifest Physically

There are many risk factors of Alzheimer’s Disease, such as heart problems and heavy metal toxicity. And you will see in the following cases, these are manifested in our tongue, nail and other parts.

For example, F.F., an 80-year-old female from Florida, has an ear crease (sign of heart problem) and dark, protruding veins under the tongue (heavy metal toxicity) (Figures 1 and 2). She does have hypertension, heavy metal toxicity and now has severe memory loss. Anyone who has these markers have a high risk for open heart surgery.

In another case, T. Callaghan, MD from Mississippi, has a 74-year-old male patient with Alzheimer’s Disease. He has had 3 bypasses and has brain atrophy and balance issues when walking. He presents with a red lunula on the thumb, a sign of heart disease (Figure 3).

Having these markers should already alert you to at least a risk for heart problems. Heavy metal toxicity, too, can lead to heart problems. Both of these affect the brain and cognitive function. In F.F.'s case, hypertension and heavy metal toxicity eventually affected her memory. The other one had heart problems (3 bypass surgeries) that also affected his brain and he developed Alzheimer’s disease.

In addition, if you have ear ringing but have no hypertension or sinus problems, this may signal hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) especially near the brain. Short-term memory loss, balance issues (easily falls down), no sense of direction or time and the lack of desire to read because of confusion are some of the other signals that point towards Alzheimer’s risk.

Alzheimer's Disease: The Most Feared Disease in 2015

In 2006, the #1 consumer health concern was heart disease. In 2010, Alzheimer’s disease became the second most feared disease in the United States next to cancer. Now in 2015, most people worry about Alzheimer’s than other diseases for a number of reasons. First, there are many effective treatments available for cancer and heart disease but not for Alzheimer’s disease. Second, this disease can last 8-10 years, such a long period to consider especially with the debilitating symptoms associated with it.

Most importantly, we are living longer than before, with many people living to 90 or beyond. By 80 years old, about 1/3 already have Alzheimer’s symptoms: memory loss, lack of the sense of direction and time, language impediments, confusion, and so on. Would you want to live a life like that? Eventually, as the symptoms get worse, it would become impossible for you to take care of yourself. Because of memory loss, you forget to take your medications or where to go or what time it is. This makes you a “walking vegetable,” totally dependent on others. The loss of dignity experienced by someone with Alzheimer’s and the burden imposed on family members make this disease feared by most people.

So if you do not want to experience the suffering caused by Alzheimer’s, you need to prevent and address one of its main factors: heart disease.


As mentioned above, heart disease and heavy metal toxicity increases the risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Studies have shown that cerebral strokes cause brain ischemic injury and damage to the hippocampus, making it harder to remember things and recognize words and people, which are some of the hallmarks of AD.

Brain ischemia may be the initial trigger that causes loss of neurons (brain cells) and amyloid deposits (plaques). Ischemia results when there is not enough blood flow and oxygen to the brain, perhaps from a blood clot or from cardiac arrest. About 80% of stroke cases are caused by a blockage (ischemia). Inflammation is also a big factor that restricts blood flow and leads to atherosclerosis. If your C-Reactive Protein (CRP) level is over 3.0, then this signifies inflammation and cardiovascular risk. All these can cause brain cell damage or brain atrophy (Figure 4). Anyone who has aneurysm, brain stenosis, or stroke is at high risk for brain atrophy and Alzheimer’s. In Figure 4B, the hollow areas indicate atrophy caused by ischemia.

Short-term memory loss in AD patients is linked to low levels of acetylcholine. The Mineral Infrared Therapy (MIT) can help increase acetylcholine levels by as much as 70%.

While improving acetylcholine can help with memory, it is not enough. We need to prevent circulation or cardiovascular issues that trigger brain atrophy. Improving blood flow, oxygen, and cardiovascular function as well as reducing inflammation are some of the ways of reducing AD risk. Vein Lite, OxyPower, Asparagus Extract, Metal Flush and Wine Extract are worthwhile supplements to take to for AD.
Vein Lite Improves Blood Flow and Cognitive Function

Vein Lite is a supplement shown through clinical studies to increase blood flow, lower blood pressure, enhance cellular oxygen levels, and improve symptoms of poor circulation. Primarily, it improves blood flow by lowering blood thickness, dissolving fibrinogen and reducing platelet-clotting factors. Furthermore, it increases blood pressure and promotes platelet aggregation. Lowering it can reduce the risk for blood clots, ischemic events and stroke, such as in these cases.

D. Nuzum, NMD from ID, has a 60 y/o/m patient with bilateral Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) from the groin to the ankles on both legs. He tried blood thinners like Heparin, Aspirin (both had no effect) and Coumadin (bad reaction). After taking Vein Lite (3 capsules and 1 tea TID), his DVT cleared completely in 9 weeks.

P.P., a 55-year-old female from California, shares with us how Vein Lite has improved her cognitive function: “If I miss my morning dose of Vein Lite, I have a very hard time thinking and concentrating on minor tasks. I’ve sincerely noticed that my speech will slur when I’ve gone a long time without these extracts. Taking these extracts helps circulate the blood throughout my body. I no longer wake up with numbness in my hands and legs. The other day, my boss even mentioned that my performance at work has visibly improved since starting the Chi program.”

A clinical study was designed to determine the effect of Vein Lite on cerebral function. Out of 109 patients with cerebral infarction (cerebral stroke), 56 cases were randomly chosen as the control group while 53 cases received Vein Lite. After 6 months, the statistical results revealed that the Vein Lite group produced greater levels of improvement than the control group. The researchers concluded that Vein Lite can improve cognitive function after a cerebral stroke. Electroencephalogram (EEG) tests show increased brain wave activity among senile patients after taking Vein Lite.

OxyPower Reduces Inflammation, Protects Cells and Repairs Cell Damage

While Vein Lite improves blood flow, OxyPower reduces C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and inflammation, repairs damage to cells and blood vessels and increases oxygen supply to cells. The brain uses up to 20% of all the oxygen taken up by the body and affects memory and cognitive function. By regulating oxygen supply to cells, OxyPower can improve memory and brain function.

A case from S. Layton, ND from Texas, demonstrates how the combination of OxyPower and Vein Lite can improve heart function and reduces the risk of poor blood flow to the brain. She has a 60-year-old female patient with elevated BNP (brain natriuretic peptide). BNP is a substance secreted from cardiac ventricles. High levels of BNP indicate severe heart failure. The patient took OxyPower and Vein Lite. After a few months, her BNP reduced from 4500 to 2500, a significant improvement.

P. Minkoff, MD from Florida has a 51-year-old female patient with a high CRP level. After three months on OxyPower, her CRP reduced to within normal range (Table 1).

Metal Flush to Reduce Heavy Metal Toxicity and Improve Cognitive Function

Many people know that heavy metals play a role in brain function and AD. Those with heavy metal toxicity often have brain fog and poor memory, among other symptoms. Metal Flush is a natural, oral chelating supplement that effectively and safely removes lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, etc.

G. Simonian, DC from California, has an 80-year-old female patient with memory loss and dementia. A hair analysis revealed that her aluminum level was high. She took Vein Lite, Metal Flush and used Bathdetox and reduced her aluminum level (Table 2).

Asparagus Extract and Wine Extract to Help Reduce Alzheimer's Risk

A recent report from the Mayo Clinic states that AD may also be related to two genes, both of which are related to cardiovascular and coronary heart disease. One gene regulates homocysteine level. Abnormality in this gene can cause high homocysteine (also increases heart disease risk) and lead to low absorption of folate, which is associated with poor memory and cognitive performance.

Asparagus Extract is a rich source of natural folate. In addition, it can lower homocysteine level and reduce the risk of heart disease

The other gene referred to by the Mayo Clinic report makes the LDL (bad cholesterol) high and fat particles small. Again, this increases heart disease and stroke risk which can lead to damage to brain cells associated with AD.

Wine Extract is an excellent natural supplement to correct high LDL, increase HDL (good cholesterol) and reduce triglycerides. It also contains 50% resveratrol which has anti-aging functions.

Address Cardiovascular Disease to Reduce Risk of Alzheimer's Disease

So if you have cardiovascular disease or have a risk for it, you should start correcting it to reduce your risk for developing Alzheimer’s Disease later on. There are many aspects that you can address, as follows:

To improve circulation, cognitive and cardiovascular function, take Vein Lite.
To reduce inflammation (CRP) and repair damage to blood vessels and cells, take OxyPower.
To remove heavy metals, take Metal Flush.
To reduce homocysteine and increase folate, take Asparagus Extract.
To reduce LDL (bad cholesterol), take Wine Extract.
To increase acetylcholine level, direct the Mineral Infrared Therapy towards the back of the neck

All these supplements work together to promote heart function, reduce the risk of brain atrophy and Alzheimer’s Disease.

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