CHI HEALTH LETTER                                                                          April 24, 2020

Improving Sexual Function During Lockdown

Right now, there are many people staying home in order to avoid contracting the Coronavirus. Some of them have sex problems so they ask me how they can improve this issue. First, we need to understand that there are three basic things that are at the center of what is causing sex problems. Those three things are Testosterone, Oxytocin, and Circulation.



I. Testosterone

Usually, men’s testosterone reaches its peak at 18 years old.  Most people’s testosterone level drop 2% every year after the age of 30. In the United States one out of six men suffer from erectile dysfunction also known as ED after age 40. In the human body, there are three different types of Estrogen: Estrone (E1), Estradiol (E2), Estriol (E3). Too much estrogen is what can cause erectile dysfunction among other things. So we need to prevent testosterone’s level from dropping, by blocking the aromatase enzyme conversion from Testosterone to Estradiol (E2), Androstenedione from converting to Estrone (E1), and DHEA from converting to Estriol (E3) (see Figure 1). Testosterone can convert to two directions, either to Estradiol (E2) or Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by enzyme 5-α reductase.



At 40 years of age for both men and women, the aromatase enzyme is all increased by the DNA expression (aromatase is the conversion of androgens to estrogen). High estrogen will cause symptoms such as low libido, lessening muscle tone, & rapid weight gain. When men stop getting morning erections it is a strong indication that they have low testosterone or more accurately, their free testosterone is too low. What men really need is free testosterone to avoid Erectile Dysfunction. When testosterone is low and Estrone (E1) & Estadiol (E2) is high, men will start to develop lots of belly fat which can also lead to gynecomastia.


So, how do we increase testosterone? We need to block the aromatase expression by DNA with Myomin (see Figure 1 above). If we are able to block this aromatase enzyme, testosterone will go up, consequently E2 & PSA will go down.


In Case 1, Dr. Fox had a male patient, 54y/o who had high level of Estradiol (E2) and low levels of testosterone and free testosterone in blood test. The patient was given Myomin and he was able to reduce E2 and increase his Testosterone & Free Testosterone. Myomin also helped him reduce his belly fat so he lost 35lbs in the process.


In Case 2 Dr. Depke had a patient with high levels of Estrone (E1) & Estradiol (E2). As you can see in as quickly as 4 months he was able to get the patient’s estrogen back down to healthy range in saliva test.


Some people test with high testosterone level but their sexual function is still poor. This is because the Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is high and too much protein is binding to testosterone which makes Free Testosterone too low. Most testosterone binds to protein so it is not useful for helping sexual performance .Use Diabend to reduce SHBG level and release free testosterone from protein binding situations. SHBG level for male should be 10-57 nanomoles/L, female should be 19-44 nanomoles/L. 

II. Oxytocin

The most important aspect one should consider at when trying to improve sexual enjoyment is Oxytocin. Many people think that oxytocin is only responsible for signaling contractions of the womb during labor, but it also plays a role in sexual desire and arousal. Men and women’s orgasms are also dependent on Oxytocin. A lot of times, couples will have sexual relationships but they do not always achieve an orgasm.  Oxytocin levels reach its highest peak in both men and women around 10pm.

To best improve sexual desire and performance, take Super-X in late afternoon or after dinner because we want the oxytocin to be at its peak around 10pm. Super-X contains Wild Cordyceps which were known to be used by ancient Chinese emperors and wealthy families to maintain their vitality and help stimulate oxytocin, aphrodisia, and increase sperm ejaculation. Today, many studies suggest that Wild Cordyceps help neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine to work together and release GnRh (causes the pituitary gland to make and secrete hormones) and produce testosterone. Wild Cordyceps is an important herb to improve the function of the hypothalamus-pituitary axis (HPA). It has been well known to improve brain function, including those areas that are responsible for sexual desire and libido. Wild Cordyceps also helps increase Oxytocin, testosterone, and improve the functionality of the brain.

It is important to note though that Wild Cordyceps, like other wild species if taken away from their natural habitat can become unstable and or lose its potency in a matter of weeks. Using proprietary NANO Technology, Chi’s Enterprises is able to consistently purify, isolate and stabilize the active fraction in the Wild Cordyceps, making each capsule of Super X extremely potent even at an extended shelf life.

Super-X can be used by both men and women. Super-X should be taken as follows: 2-3 capsules for 3 days straight. Then take 2 capsules every 3 days or every week as needed. Most people get morning erection back on 3rd day of taking Super-X.

80% of women like to have sexual relationship in the evening. For men, it is split to 50% in the evening and 50% in the morning due to them getting morning erections. However, if one is stressed out, has anxiety, or insomnia this can be related to high cortisol or xanthine levels. Usually estrogen dominant people have high cortisol levels (See Figure 1). If this is the case, you should take Relaxin to reduce xanthine or Chi-Happiness to reduce cortisol so you can prevent stress, anxiety, or insomnia. If you do not suffer from anxiety or insomnia and your sexual function is still not good then you definitely need to use Super-X.

If a person experiences ear ringing it can mean two things: You may have Otosclerosis which causes dizziness or it can also be a sign for weak sexual performance. This means that your HPA needs to be improved, which is a big reason for ED. Take Jujuchi & Super-X to help increase your HPA and stop the ear ringing.


III. Circulation


Circulation is very important for improving sexual function because if your body has poor circulation, cold hands, and cold feet it is going to be difficult for the penis to expand when it is erect. Also, if you are missing some lunulae (normal people should have 8 lunulae) you definitely have poor circulation and may have Erectile Dysfunction (ED) problem in the future if you do not have already. Taking Vein Lite to address this issue will help the blood flow for improved erection.


If you have high CRP (inflammation) you need to use Oxypower. Ideally, CRP should be <1. If there is too much inflammation in the arteries this can lead to plaque buildup in your blood vessels preventing efficient blood flow to your penis. If you have high cholesterol or high triglycerides this is another factor that can cause plaque buildup so you can add wine extract to reduce hyperlipidemia.




Testosterone Replacement Therapy (BHRT/TT) Common Issues & Solutions


Many men use Testosterone replacement therapy via cream, gel, patch, pallets, or shot, but doing that comes with its risks. As shown in Table 1, Testosterone gel/shots dramatically increase your chance of heart disease even if you have no prior cardiovascular issues. Since Testosterone could convert to Estradiol (E2), this can cause blood clots and increase the chances of heart attack or stroke (you are 2-3 times more likely to get a heart attack if you are doing some form of BHRT). 


In Case 3, Dr. Wright demonstrates that testosterone cream increases the patient’s testosterone, but it quickly converts to Estradiol (E2) as well which is known as hyper-aromatization of testosterone. High E1 & E2 for men can lead to prostate cancer and for women lead to breast cancer, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, etc. For this patient Dr. Wright added Myomin (3 caps BID) to reduce Estradiol (E2) to the normal range and in turn reduce the risk of hormone related diseases. Ideally, you need E3 > (E1+E2). You can find these estrogen markers by doing a saliva or urine test because it is difficult to detect E3 in a blood test. Estriol (E3) is “good estrogen”.


In Case 4, Dr. Depke had a female patient, 47y/o undergoing BHRT. She was specifically taking progesterone and DHEA. After adding Myomin (3 caps BID), her Progesterone and Estradiol (2) both went down to the normal premenopausal range for women. 


If you are already using Testosterone gel, shot, patch, or pellets you have to add Myomin with Prosta Chi as well. They can reduce your E1, E2, DHT and in turn preventing Prostate Cancer & benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). For those who have BPH (get up frequently to urinate at night), or experience hair loss you need to add Prosta Chi which will block the 5-α reductase. Then testosterone will not convert to DHT (see Figure 1) which is one of the main causes of hair loss and BPH. Because testosterone cream/gel/shots come with its risks (see Table 1), I think people should try DHEA and Myomin because DHEA converts to Testosterone and can also go to Estriol (E3) (see Figure 1).


50 year old male patient 6’0 145lbs; likes to exercise, takes DHEA, but sex relationship is not good. Patient has ear ringing and frequently gets up to urinate at night. Blood test shows high Testosterone, 

high estradiol (E2),high SBGH, but Free Testosterone is low, DHT & PSA are marginal. 





- Super-X: 2 capsules daily for 1 month, then 2 capsules every 3 days in evening.

- Myomin: 3 capsules twice a day with meals.

- Diabend: 3 capsules twice a day before meals.

- Jujuchi: 3 capsules twice a day with meals for half a year, ear ringing completely cleared.

- Prosta Chi: 2 capsules twice a day after meals.

- DHEA: 1 tablet 25mg daily.

After just 3 days, the patient’s sexual performance was already better. After 1 month, the hormone markers were almost to the normal range. After 6 months, the ear ringing completely cleared. After 1 year the patient’s Estradiol (E2) and SHGB all were reduced to the healthy range, and his Free Testosterone increased to the optimal range.

Many Doctors like G. Mitchell, MD from Washington, DC use this protocol for their senior men and women patients. He gives them: 

  1. Super-X 

  2. Myomin

  3. Oxypower 

Most people after using these 3 products see results and are able to enjoy their sexual relationships once more in as little as 3 days to two weeks.

If you have any questions or want to order any of our excellent products, please call
(714) 777-1542.
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