Liver Chi: A Natural Supplement for Fatty Liver, Hepatitis and Liver Cirrhosis
   CHI HEALTH LETTER May 1, 2015

Featured Stories

M. Glodowski, DPM from California, has a 52-year-old male patient with many cherry angiomas on his abdomen, indicating a liver or hormone problem. True enough, his PSA is 4.2, his testosterone is 408 and total estrogen is 321 (should be <130). His liver enzymes, ALT and AST, are both 29. Though within normal range, the AST/ALT ratio is over 0.8, indicating a liver problem.

J. Seibert, ND from Oregon, has a 51-year-old female patient whose grandparents both died of colon cancer and whose father died of lung cancer. Anytime you have two relatives within 2nd degree who have breast, endometrial, colon or lung cancer, the risk for any one of these cancers is high. Knowing this, she became concerned because she noticed many cherry angiomas in the abdomen, indicating a risk for liver problem or estrogen dominance. It turns out she may have both problems. Her estrone is 50, estradiol is < 15 and estriol is < 0.1, so her estrogen quotient is over 1, indicating a risk for breast cancer. Her AST is 20 and ALT is 21, which puts her ratio over 0.8, indicating a liver problem. Years before, she worked for Dow Chemicals which exposed her to substances that are toxic to the liver.

Look for these Early Liver Markers

Many liver problems like cirrhosis and hepatitis go undetected until symptoms develop. Oftentimes, this may be too late; the disease has progressed to a more advance stage. Just as in the featured stories above, there are ways to detect liver problems early. Looking for particular physical signs can be helpful in determining liver disease risk. Checking the liver enzymes, ALT and AST, can also be beneficial. Even if both enzymes may be within normal range, just like in the cases above, their ratio may indicate otherwise.

Dark, branching veins under the tongue

Dark branching veins under the tongue ( Figure 1) can signify a liver problem. The number of veins is associated with certain liver diseases ( Table 1). For example, if there are more than two dark veins, it is associated with liver cirrhosis (74%) or liver cancer (55%). In liver cirrhosis patients, there are more branched veins-- usually 4 of them. Liver cancer patients often have 4 to 5 large veins underneath a wide tongue.

Thick and wide tongue

Having a thick and wide tongue also signifies a liver problem ( Figure 2). Sometimes the tongue is so thick and wide that it fills up the entire mouth.

If you compare the number of veins to the thickness and width of the tongue, it can give you a more specific insight as to the existing liver problem ( Table 1). For example, a liver cancer patient can have a wide tongue with 4 to 5 large dark veins while a liver cirrhosis patient can have a thick tongue with perhaps 4 large dark veins.

Large cherry angiomas on the chest and abdominal area

This is an indication that estrogen attacks peripheral blood vessels, causing an aneurysm. Metabolism of too much estrogen also causes liver problems ( Figure 3).

Spider veins on the chest and abdomen

Clusters of web-like blood vessels resembling spider veins is indicative of liver disease ( Figure 3).

Red palm

Red palms (also called Palmar erythema) develop mainly due to portal hypertension as a result of liver disease.

Acanthosis nigricans

If you see dark and wrinkly pigmentation in the armpits or neck (called acanthosis nigricans), this may signify fatty liver ( Figure 4). This is often seen in children around age 12 or in adults between 40 and 60 years old. The ALT level is usually 3 times higher than normal in this case. The individual may also be overweight and may already have insulin resistance or diabetes risk. If you see this marker along with other markers above, Liver Chi and Slender All are recommended.

Dry mouth, bitter/metallic taste, fatigue, bloating, abdominal pain

These symptoms are typically seen in people with liver disease. Because the liver is responsible for turning food into energy, any impairment will of course cause fatigue. The bitter or metallic taste is due to bile buildup which can occur with liver problems. Bloating and dry mouth are due to associated digestive problems with liver disease. If there is pain in the upper right quadrant area (which can also radiate towards the back), this typically is related to a gallbladder problem, which means the liver may be affected as well.

Liver enzymes (AST/ALT ratio is over 0.8)

Even if both numbers are within normal range but the AST/ALT ratio is over 0.8, there definitely is a high risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver or liver cirrhosis, especially if you are overweight or have metabolic syndrome.

If the AST is two times higher than the ALT level and both levels are moderately high, the risk for alcohol-induced fatty liver is high.
Liver Chi for Fatty Liver, Hepatitis, Liver Cirrhosis

If you see any of the above markers or if your AST/ALT ratio is over 0.8, start taking Liver Chi right away. Its properties will help you protect the liver and correct any liver damage. Among its therapeutic effects are:

It protects the liver from damage – It reduces liver cell necrosis, protecting the liver from damage caused by alcohol or medications.

It increases liver mitosis rate
– This allows the liver to regenerate faster and recover its full function.

It reduces the liver enzymes, ALT and AST, as well as the virus load.
It stimulates interferon production, which can help the liver combat Hepatitis.

Hepatitis – It suppresses hepatitis (RNA and DNA) virus replication and expression both inside and outside the liver cells.

Fatty Liver – It increases fat metabolism and can prevent fat sediments from forming in the liver.

Clinical reports have shown Liver Chi's effects on hepatitis, fatty liver and liver cirrhosis as well as on symptoms associated with these diseases. When your liver enzymes are elevated, take Liver Chi right away.

Case Reports

These reports are testaments to Liver Chi’s effectiveness in improving overall liver function, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis as well as reducing liver enzymes.

A. Sayler, CN from Florida, reports on a 55-year-old male patient with elevated liver enzymes. After 3 months on Liver Chi, his enzymes reduced to within normal range (Table 2).

S. Burke, ND from New Mexico, has a 40-year-old female patient who was an alcoholic. After 3 months on Liver Chi, she is now detoxified and reliable enough that she can take care of her children herself.

J.G., 51-year-old male from California, had stage 3.5 liver cirrhosis due to Hepatitis C and was due for a transplant. He exhibited jaundice, fatigue, ascites, edema and weight loss (lost 38 lbs). So he started taking Liver Chi, Cordyceps Extract and Reishi Spore Extract. After 1 ½ months, his energy and mental clarity improved. His ascites and edema cleared. He has gained back 15 lbs, which is a very good sign in cirrhosis.

R. Welch, DC in California has a 70-year-old female patient who had Hepatitis C that has progressed to liver cirrhosis. Severe skin itching, a symptom of liver problem, was also exhibited. In September 2002, the patient had elevated levels of liver enzymes, albumin, bilirubin, protein and alkaline phosphate. At the time she started taking Liver Chi and other supplements, she was taking several prescription medications for her liver condition. After two weeks, she was able to reduce five of her prescription medications. After five months on the program, her liver enzymes, albumin, bilirubin, alkaline phosphate, and cholesterol levels were within normal range (Table 3). Her itching was also eliminated and her liver function improved.

K. Hoffman, LAc, DAc from Connecticut, has a 50-year-old male patient whose liver enzymes have been elevated for 22 years due to non-alcoholic fatty liver. After taking Liver Chi for 3 months, his liver enzymes were back to normal.

D. Smith, MD from London, reports on a 31-year-old male patient with Hepatitis C. He was on interferon for 2 months, but he suffered from side effects. He then took Liver Chi, Reishi Spore Extract, Asparagus Extract, Digestron, and Cordyceps Extract. His liver enzymes dropped significantly (Table 4). After 4 months, his virus titer dropped by 80%.

J.S., a 57-year-old female from New York, has had Hepatitis C since 1992. After taking Liver Chi, Vein Lite and OxyPower for about 3 months, her virus titer reduced by 68% (Table 5).

P. Pierce, DO from Michigan, had a male patient in his 60s with Hepatitis C. He was on interferon therapy but had many side effects so he took Liver Chi, Cordyceps and Reishi Spore Extract. After 3 months, his viral load reduced by 59% (Table 6).

L.B., a 60-year-old female from Rhode Island, had fatty liver. After taking Liver for over a month, her AST level reduced from 87 to 28 (Table 7). An ultrasound revealed that she has no fatty liver anymore.

Take Liver Chi when your Liver Enzymes are High, for Hepatitis, Fatty Liver, Cirrhosis and Liver Symptoms

Elevated liver enzymes can definitely signify a liver problem. Take Liver Chi right away to reduce them. In 2 months, individuals with abnormal liver enzymes can be checked for improvement.

But even if they are within normal range but the AST/ALT ratio is over 0.8, there is a risk for liver cirrhosis or fatty liver. So take Liver Chi as well.

If you have no access to a laboratory test, look for liver markers such as dark, branching veins under the tongue, cherry angiomas on the chest, etc. Also watch for symptoms of liver problems like fatigue, bloating, bitter taste in the mouth and dry mouth. After 7 days of taking Liver Chi, energy and other symptoms should start to increase.

For those with hepatitis, Liver Chi can effectively suppress viral expression and replication both inside and outside the cells. This was seen in the reduction of viral load in various case reports. It may not be necessary to eliminate the virus completely. Once the viral load is reduced enough, the body’s own immune response (through increased interferon production and phagocytosis) will be enough to eliminate the virus.

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May 5-7, 2015

Tampa, FL
Sponsor: Abby's Health & Nutrition
(813) 265-4951
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May 8-9, 2015
Largo, FL
Sponsor: Dr. Machelle Perkins
(727) 541-2211
*FREE lecture on May 7 at 7:30pm

May 11-12, 2015
Lake Mary, FL
Sponsor: Holistic Options
(407) 333-1059


May 21-23, 2015
Aiea, HI
Sponsor: Dr. Raymond Yoza
(808) 488-6330


May 15-16, 2015
Redlands, CA
Sponsor: Schwarz Wellness Center
(909) 793-7900
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June 5-6, 2015

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Sponsor: Dr. RJ Rozich
(708) 460-0011


June 8, 2015
Midland,  MI
Sponsor: Dr. Corey Rodnick
(989) 832-7535

June 9-13, 2015

East Lansing, FL
Sponsor: Wycoff Wellness Center
(517) 333-7270
*FREE lecture on Tuesday, June 9 at 6:00 pm


August 3-4, 2015
Colorado Springs, CO
Sponsor: Dr. Duane Smith
(719) 632-1333



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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.
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