Signs of Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Can Appear Before Blood Tests
   CHI HEALTH LETTER May 8, 2015

Featured Story

O.V., a 59-year-old female from California, had fluctuating blood glucose (from 110 to 400). She has acanthosis nigricans (dark, wrinkly pigmentation) on the neck as well as skin tags, which are markers for insulin resistance and diabetes. She started taking Diabend OxyPower and Myomin. After 3 months, her glucose reduced to around 110-129. Then she stopped taking the supplements for more than a year. At the end of January 2015, she was under a lot of stress. For over one week she only had 2 hours sleep, swollen feet and liver area discomfort. Her glucose level soared to 398. So she went back on the supplements and her glucose level reduced to 140 within one week.
Markers of Insulin Resistance/Diabetes

Insulin resistance is becoming an increasing health problem these days with about 1 in 4 people in the United States diagnosed with it. Many others do not even know they have it. So why is it a problem?

Insulin resistance occurs when cells fail to respond to insulin, leading to increased blood sugar levels. Over time, this causes your pancreas to lose beta cell function eventually developing into Type 2 Diabetes and its complications: heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney failure and more.

Detecting insulin resistance and diabetes early is vital to managing it. There are markers and symptoms that can alert you to your risk for this condition, just like in our featured story.

Acanthosis nigricans. Having dark, wrinkly pigmentation on the back of the neck (or elbows, knees, knuckles, and armpits), known as acanthosis nigricans (Figure 1), is a strong indicator of insulin resistance and/or diabetes.

Teeth marks on the tongue can signify hypoglycemia, also a precursor to diabetes (Figure 2). This should be taken as a warning to watch and manage blood glucose levels.

Skin Tags – People with skin tags have an 80% risk for Type 2 diabetes (Figure 3). Skin tags may also indicate a colon problem (50% risk for colon polyps).

Hypoglycemia signs and symptoms* – Watching for these signs and symptoms can also help detect insulin resistance and diabetes early:

- Sugar or carbohydrate cravings
- Shakiness when hungry
- Abdominal fat - Males with waist circumference of over 90cm and females with a waist circumference of over 80cm are especially at risk for insulin resistance and diabetes

*Source: Jonathan Wright, MD. “Testosterone Evaluation, Treatment, Safety.” BHRT Symposium. Las Vegas, NV. June 24, 2011.
Check your HbA1c

If you see these signs or experience these symptoms, check your hemoglobin A1c level (HbA1c). This should be less than 5.7. A higher level than that indicates a risk for diabetes. For younger people, the HbA1c should be even lower, around 4, or below 5. You can also start monitoring your blood glucose level, if needed. Studies show that every 1% drop of the Hb1Ac also reduces the risk for heart disease by 18%.

Do you want to know more about HbA1c and other tests
as well as other physical markers to look for
in certain conditions?

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Manage Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Risk with Diabend, OxyPower and Myomin

Sugar and insulin control are obviously the main targets of diabetes and insulin resistance therapy. But there are lesser‐known contributing factors that we should think about: mitochondrial dysfunction and estrogen dominance. Our protocol for insulin resistance and diabetes addresses all three factors:

Blood glucose and insulin management (Diabend)
Mitochondrial Dysfunction/Inflammation (OxyPower)
Estrogen Balance (Myomin)


Diabend naturally helps regulate blood sugar levels and restore pancreatic function. It increases glucose tolerance and insulin receptor sensitivity, allowing muscle and fatty tissues to utilize and convert glucose at its optimal rate. Diabend also helps the intestinal walls to properly degrade and absorb glucose, preventing a sudden and extreme spike in blood sugar level after a meal.

In a clinical study, Diabend was found to reduce average fasting serum glucose level by 43.75% in 60 diabetic patients after 3 months. Furthermore, Diabend also helps the pancreas to produce more insulin. In one study on 30 diabetic patients, insulin levels increased by 37.06% after 3 months.


Since OxyPower improves mitochondrial efficiency, it allows better utilization of glucose and oxygen in the cells. It also promotes insulin sensitivity and repairs mitochondrial DNA damage associated with diabetes.

Moreover, people with insulin resistance and diabetes often have low-level inflammation throughout the body. That’s why they have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease. OxyPower has been shown to effectively reduce inflammation (C-reactive Protein).


Estrogen dominance leads to insulin resistance and vice versa. When cells fail to respond to insulin, blood sugar increases. The excess sugar in the bloodstream gets stored as fat. As you know, fat tissues produce estrogen. Excess estrogen then leads to weight gain, which increases insulin resistance risk. And so the cycle continues.

Myomin can interrupt this cycle by reducing the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. It also blocks estrogen and environmental hormones at the receptors (xenoestrogens act on receptors and modify pancreatic beta cell function).

According to Dr. Jonathan Wright, MD, pioneer of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, insulin resistance is present in at least 1 in 3 men with below-median testosterone, which is caused by its hyperaromatization to estrogen. So anytime you see low testosterone levels in men or postmenopausal women or high testosterone level in premenopausal women, check for insulin resistance.
Case Reports

Our featured story is an ideal example of how the combination of these 3 supplements can help with insulin resistance and diabetes. The following cases also support their effectiveness.s

O.G., a 53-year-old female from Texas, had breast cancer and is a diabetic. After taking Diabend, Myomin and OxyPower for 3 months, her glucose level reduced (Table 1).

H.B., 59-year-old male from Texas, has diabetes and hyperlipidemia. After 3 months on Diabend, OxyPower and Myomin, his glucose level reduced and his cholesterol level is now within normal range (Table 2). He used to go right to sleep after work. Now he isn’t tired at all. He can even work more at night (e.g., paint the house) and has a better relationship with his wife.

L.H., 65-year-old female from New York, is a diabetic and had an HbA1c level of 7.6. After 6 months on Diabend, Myomin and OxyPower, her HbA1c level reduced to 6.5 (Table 3).

A 69-year-old female from New York had a slightly elevated HbA1c level. After taking Diabend, OxyPower, and Myomin for 5 months, her HbA1c level reduced by 5% (Table 4).

A 74-year-old male patient has diabetes. He took Gliquidone but his HbA1c was still elevated at 7.6. After taking OxyPower and Myomin, his level decreased to 5.4 (Table 5).

Take Diabend, OxyPower and Myomin if you have Insulin Resistance or Diabetes

If you already have diabetes or insulin resistance, start taking Diabend, OxyPower and Myomin to naturally manage glucose and insulin levels. You can check your HbA1c level after 3 months to find out any improvement. A 1% drop of the Hb1Ac reduces the risk for heart disease by 18%.

If you are unsure whether you have insulin resistance or diabetes, check for markers such as acanthosis nigricans, teeth marks or skin tags. Also watch for hypoglycemia symptoms.

Your hormone levels can also determine if you are insulin resistant. If you are estrogen dominant, this can increase your risk for insulin resistance. If you are male or postmenopausal and your testosterone level is low or if you are premenopausal and your testosterone level is high, most likely you are insulin resistant.

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Interested in a Fingernail and Tongue Analysis screening by Dr. Chi himself? He may be in your area. Check out the schedule below. 

Please call the sponsor for details about registering for the screening.


May 11-12, 2015
Lake Mary, FL
Sponsor: Holistic Options
(407) 333-1059


May 21-23, 2015
Aiea, HI
Sponsor: Dr. Raymond Yoza
(808) 488-6330


May 15-16, 2015
Redlands, CA
Sponsor: Schwarz Wellness Center
(909) 793-7900

*FREE lecture on May 16 at 12:30pm
Kingsbury Elementary School


June 5-6, 2015

Orland Park, IL
Sponsor: Dr. RJ Rozich
(708) 460-0011


June 8, 2015
Midland,  MI
Sponsor: Dr. Corey Rodnick
(989) 832-7535

June 9-13, 2015

East Lansing, FL
Sponsor: Wycoff Wellness Center
(517) 333-7270

*FREE Seminar on Tuesday, June 9 at 6:00 pm
Lansing Catholic High School
RSVP via the following:
(517) 333-7270
(800) 471-0255


August 3-4, 2015
Colorado Springs, CO
Sponsor: Dr. Duane Smith
(719) 632-1333

* FREE Lecture on Monday, August 3 at 7:00 pm
Hilton Garden Inn



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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any diseases

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