You May Be Overlooking a Kidney Problem: Evaluate All Physical Signs and Test Results
   CHI HEALTH LETTER June 12, 2015

Featured Stories

A 61-year-old male consulted Dr. Chi about a heart problem. But his blood test results (Table 1) showed he may have other issues. His HbA1c and glucose levels are elevated as well as his BUN and creatinine. His glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is low at 47. So Dr. Chi informed him of these other possible issues so he can address them early.

Another patient, a female, came in because of a thyroid problem (her hair is coarse). Upon evaluation, Dr. Chi found that her thyroid hormone, TSH, is at 4.22 but what was more worrisome was her kidney function. Her GFR was at already at 59%. Dr. Chi suspects that her coarse hair may be due to a kidney problem as well as hypothyroidism.

Responsible Healthcare Practitioners Should Evaluate Patients Entire Health and Inform them about All Risks

These are classic cases of doctors failing to either evaluate their patient’s entire health or failing to inform patients of all their health risks.

In the first story, the patient was already aware of his GI problems; however, his physical marker indicated an additional problem: his kidneys.

In the second story, his CRP, BNP (a stroke risk marker) and LDL levels all point towards a heart issue and this is what the doctor told him about. But what the doctor failed to address is the possible kidney problem and insulin resistance. The patient already has elevated BUN and creatinine levels as well as the lower GFR, indicating a risk for kidney issues. According to the National Kidney Foundation, a GFR between 30 and 59 already indicates kidney damage and is considered Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease. Furthermore, both his HbA1c and glucose levels are slightly elevated, pointing towards a possible insulin resistance problem and/or diabetes.

But the patient was not aware that these test results were even significant. If he was informed by his doctor, he can start doing something to prevent these from getting worse.

The third case is similar. The doctor did not address the possible kidney problem with the patient as well, probably because her GFR is not low enough yet to warrant a warning for dialysis. But at 59%, she is technically at Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease, just like in the first case.

It is important for a health care practitioner to evaluate the patient’s entire health condition using blood and/or urine analysis as well as visual inspection with Fingernail and Tongue Analysis.

Markers of a Kidney Problem

For this issue, we focus on using both blood test results and physical evaluation to determine kidney issues. Check out past issues of our Chi Health Letter in our archives for early markers of other health conditions.

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Many times kidney disease often only shows up in lab tests when there is only 30% kidney function left. By then, it may be too late to try to reverse it. So it is important to have other determining factors – preferably early markers – that can signal a kidney problem early on in the progress of the disease. These are just some of them (Figure 1):

Puffy face when waking up - This signifies retention of excess fluids.

Foamy urine - This means that the kidneys are not filtering properly. Foam in the urine signifies proteins lost (proteinuria).

Teeth marks - Water retention can manifest on the tongue, making it swell and push against teeth, creating teeth marks.

Edema - Because of the loss of protein, the blood is unable to absorb enough fluids, resulting in fluid retention in the face, hands, feet or abdomen.

Half-and-half nails (Terry’s nails)

Muehrcke’s Lines (Horizontal white lines or strips on nails) – This also shows that the body is losing too much protein

Blood/Urine Tests

Besides physical markers, you can also look at laboratory test results to confirm a kidney problem. A creatinine and BUN test typically will tell you of any issue. Checking for urine protein is also vital to determine if you are losing protein. Also do not ignore the GFR value. Remember in our featured stories today, the GFR values are already at 59 or lower. While some may not consider this a problem; it is in fact considered Stage 3 chronic kidney disease.

In one case, a patient, N.K., 43-year-old male from California, has venous disease. His legs often go numb when he drives 5 hours straight. But he also presented with teeth marks, bubbles in urine, foot edema and puffy face in the morning, all indicating a kidney problem. So he was recommended Kidney Chi, Asparagus Extract and Bathdetox right away to improve his kidney function. After a little over 2 months, his symptoms cleared. And his legs and foot do not go numb anymore.

Kidney Protocol

Just like in N.K.’s case above, addressing all the issues, not just what the patient may be aware of, makes a huge difference in the outcome. N.K. has many of the kidney markers, so he started therapy right away.

So if you notice these markers, or your GFR is low, or your BUN and creatinine are elevated, you need to immediately take action to improve kidney function. These natural supplements can help.


Asparagus Extract is an excellent diuretic, increasing urine output almost after intake, which is particularly useful for individuals with edema and impaired kidney function. It helps to decrease the re-absorptive action of the minute renal ducts in the kidneys thus increasing the volume of urine output.

Besides that, Asparagus Extract’s ACE inhibition function contributes towards managing hypertension-induced kidney failure. High blood pressure is the most common cause of kidney disease. In one animal study, Asparagus Extract increased creatinine clearance by 40% after 10 weeks.

M. McCain, ND from Arkansas, also reports on a 70-year-old male patient suffering from a degenerating kidney condition, which made urination very difficult. Dr. McCain suggested that he try Asparagus Extract. There was a noticeable difference the very next morning. He began urinating and within three weeks, he fully recovered his kidney function.


Kidney Chi is recommended for frequent urination, urinary tract infections (UTI), kidney stones, gout, and many more urinary and genital conditions. It has antibacterial and anti-candida effect. It supports kidney function, allowing the kidneys to process proteins properly, reducing proteinuria. It can adjust urinary pH level, making it effective for kidney and bladder stones. It can also reduce uric acid level, making it recommended for gout patients.

A large study on 6,512 patients with various urinary and genital conditions showed Kidney Chi’s effectiveness for frequent urination, UTI, kidney stones, renitis, etc (Table 2).


Bathdetox is a unique formula in that it utilizes the dialysis mechanism using the largest organ in the body, the skin, in order to remove toxins. This detoxifying bath formula increases perspiration and urination, thereby expelling accumulated biowastes and excess fluids from the
body, enhancing kidney function and other processes. As a result, creatinine and BUN levels (which are high in kidney failure patients) will start to reduce. Because it also stimulates the lymphatic system and improves circulation, it enhances blood flow through the kidneys.

Studies show that, overall, Bathdetox improves edema, proteinuria by 87% and 83%, respectively (Figure 2). In addition, it reduces creatinine and BUN levels by 26% and 41%, respectively.


Cordyceps Extract has many functions: enhancing kidney function is among them. In particular, it blocks the binding of C3b receptor to the immune complement (IC), allowing recovery of kidney function. It also inhibits atrophy of kidney glomeruli as well as regenerates and repairs endothelial cells of renal tubules.

It balances the nitrogen level in metabolism processing, enabling the decrease of BUN levels in patients with kidney failure. It inhibits kidney glomerulus atrophy and regenerates and repairs the endothelial cells of the renal tubule, preventing the decline of the kidneys’ filtration function.

In one study on 349 patients with chronic kidney failure, it reduced BUN and creatinine levels after 2 months (Figure 3). Moreover, chronic kidney failure patients tend to be anemic, seen as low hemoglobin and RBC levels. In the study, Cordyceps was able to enhance both values after 2 months.

Case Reports

R. Rozich, DC from Illinois, has a 60-year-old male diabetic patient who had a kidney problem. His GFR and creatinine levels were abnormal. After taking Kidney Chi and Asparagus Extract for 6 months, his GFR increased to 75 and his creatinine reduced to normal at 1.2 (Table 3).

E. W., a 36-year-old male from California, initially had a BUN of 34 and creatinine of 2.5 in Nov 2003 and was diagnosed with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. His urine had lots of foam usually going over the toilet. His daily urine output was only 0.799L; normally it should be 1.8 to 2L. Then he started using Asparagus Extract, Cordyceps Extract, Kidney Chi, and Bathdetox (every other day). After 4 months, his BUN, urine protein, eosinophils and urine output all improved significantly (Table 4). Now, after 12 years of continued use, his GFR has increased and maintained at 57%.

G. R. from New York had a stroke a few years ago and currently has kidney issues. She is overweight and had no energy at all. Beginning April, she has been on Vein Lite, OxyPower, Kidney Chi, Cordyceps, Asparagus Extract, Bathdetox and Chi-F. After 3 weeks, she wrote, “I am on the right path with Dr. Chi. I lost 18 lbs since I started the program on April 21. I don’t feel cold anymore. Thank you, Dr. Chi. I am more active, I am not tired. I could cook and clean the house. Thank you so much!”

Rabbi Gertner of Preventive Healing Institute in New York reported on a 60-year-old male with kidney failure who was on a waiting list for a kidney transplant. His creatinine level at the time was 6.8 and he had generalized edema. While waiting for the transplant, he tried Bathdetox and Asparagus Extract. After 2 months, his creatinine level decreased to 4. His physician recommended he continue on the herbs and that his kidney function has improved so much he didn’t need a transplant anymore.

H.K. from South Carolina has a 13-year-old dog with kidney failure. After 15 days on the Asparagus Extract, Kidney Chi, Bathdetox and Cordyceps Extract, the dog’s BUN reduced from 71 to 30.

S. Whitaker, ND from California, has a 62-year-old patient from FL on kidney dialysis. He couldn’t urinate at all. After being on Asparagus, Cordyceps, Kidney Chi and Bathdetox for 1 week, he urinates about 4 times per day.

Evaluate all Test Results and Physical Markers to Determine Health Issues 

Going back to our featured stories today, it is important to pay attention to all test results and find out what they mean. In both cases, kidney issues were either overlooked or ignored. Practitioners have a responsibility to inform patients what all the results mean, not just a select few. Patients can also ask their practitioners to explain any abnormal values on their test results. In this way, prompt action can be taken to prevent any health condition from worsening.

So if you see abnormal values of BUN, creatinine or GFR, immediately take action by either changing your diet or lifestyle or taking natural supplements that support the kidneys, or both. The GFR value should be better than 75% for individuals over 70 years old.

In the same way, if you notice that your face is puffy in the morning, if you have water retention, foamy urine, teeth marks, half-and-half nails or horizontal white lines across the nails, do not ignore them. These are early warning signs of kidney problems even if blood tests may appear normal.

Start on Asparagus Extract, Kidney Chi, Bathdetox and Cordyceps Extract to help you naturally improve kidney function. Just a precaution: if you have gout, avoid Asparagus Extract as it can potentially increase uric acid; however, you can still use the other three supplements for kidney function. Also avoid salt and eat less protein, beans and meat in each meal.

Try the entire kidney protocol now

Asparagus Extract

Kidney Chi


Cordyceps Extract

Or Call (800) 457-5708

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