Get Rid of Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain
   CHI HEALTH LETTER June 19, 2015

Featured Stories

B.W. from Arizona has rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which has flared up on and off for the 10 years. At one time, she had a severe flare-up; the inflammation and pain was so severe that she couldn’t even walk. None of the medications or supplements she took worked. Finally, she was introduced to Autocin, Joint Force, and Myosteo. Within two days, her pain and inflammation alleviated. With continued use, she hasn’t had any flare-ups since..

D. Metcalf, DC from Minnesota, has a 52-year-old male patient who has rheumatoid arthritis. His knuckles are always painful and stiff. It has been difficult to treat because he also has large granular lymphocyte leukemia. Treatment of RA involves suppressing the immune system; however, with leukemia, you need to increase immunity. He tried methotrexate (drug for both cancer and RA) with Celebrex but it had no effect. He was then prescribed prednisone with it. After only two days, he had terrible side effects from prednisone so he stopped it and was given Enbrel instead. Enbrel is a twice weekly subcutaneous injection costing $320/week. He experienced some relief from this combination but still had lingering symptoms. Then he switched to Autocin, Angiostop and Myosteo. His pain was completely alleviated and he regained total movement of his hands.

Is it Really Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain?

Not all joint pain is RA pain. So how do you distinguish RA pain from other types of joint pain? If you have at least four of these symptoms, then you have RA:
  • Knuckle/joint stiffness for more than an hour
  • Pain
  • Inflammation
  • At least 3 knuckles are affected
  • Symmetry (both hands, e.g., are affected)
  • Positive rheumatoid factor
  • Structure change (deformities in joint area)
It is important to address RA because it can eventually affect other organs. For example, RA patients have an increased risk of pericarditis, myocarditis, vasculitis and other heart problems. RA is also associated with pulmonary cystic fibrosis, dry eyes, etc.

Psoricaid or Autocin for Rheumatoid Arthritis

People suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis know what a debilitating disease it is. It is chronic and recurrent, often happening with spontaneous attacks. Because it is an autoimmune disease, there really is no cure; however, its symptoms can be well managed.

The overexpression of cytokines, or inflammatory factors, is the hallmark of RA. Inhibiting these cytokines, therefore, is vital to managing its symptoms and reducing frequency of flare-ups.

Psoricaid Naturally Inhibits TNF alpha, Interleukin-1 and Interleukin-6 in RA

Evidence shows that TNF-alpha and IL-1 are involved in cartilage damage in arthritis. Studies have demonstrated that Psoricaid inhibits these inflammatory factors, even better than Celebrex, a popular anti-inflammatory drug. It only required 10 mg/kg of Psoricaid to 50 mg/kg of Celebrex to inhibit TNF-alpha and IL-1 (Figure 1).

Blood Tests for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Besides the typical symptoms of RA, there are blood tests that can help either determine its presence or monitor the effectiveness of some medications or supplements. Check serum levels of Rheumatoid Factor, an antibody that is present in at least 80% of people with RA. Often its presence indicates a more aggressive case of RA. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is another test for RA patients. This usually indicates the presence of inflammation. C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is another test that can check for inflammation and is considered a better measure than ESR. Together, both ESR and CRP can be used to monitor inflammation and how well someone is responding to therapy.

Dr. D. Diehn, ND from Kansas, shared two case reports on Psoricaid improving the prognosis of RA patients.

A 56-year-old male patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis took Psoricaid with no other medications. His rheumatoid factor reduced by 25% in 3 months (Table 1). Joint pain, soreness, and muscles aches were relieved.

A 53-year-old female patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis was on several prescriptions: Remicade, Meloxicam, sulfasalazine, etc. She quit all her medications and started taking Psoricaid only. Two months later, her rheumatoid factor dropped below 14 (normal) and all her symptoms were managed.

For RA cases that do not respond to Psoricaid, switch to the stronger formula, Autocin.

Autocin for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Autocin is another herbal formula for Rheumatoid Arthritis (and other autoimmune conditions). It has anti-inflammatory, immunoregulatory, and analgesic effects, making it ideal for managing RA symptoms. It may be combined with conventional medicines for active stage RA and other autoimmune conditions.

Similar to Psoricaid, Autocin modulates TNF-alpha and IL-1. It also inhibits Ras-MAPK down signaling, which is activated in RA. A study on RA patients demonstrates that Autocin was beneficial in recovering joint function (Figure 2). At the start of the study, 10% were classified as Stage III RA (very serious condition), 68.97%) were categorized as Stage II RA (moderate RA) and 19.54% were classified under Stage I RA (mild RA). After 48 days on Autocin, only 12% of the patients remained classified as Stage II RA while the rest of the 88% were now classified as Stage I RA. This means that these patients were able to recover joint function, resulting in their classification with mild RA. Overall, Autocin improved joint function by 67% in 48 days.

One of the concerns of RA patients is that they develop immunity against certain medications when taken for a longer period. This is not a problem with Autocin. A clinical study shows that it is even more effective the longer it is taken, exhibiting an 85.8% improvement in 6 months versus a 79.5% improvement in 3 months (Table 2).

Case Reports

G. Adams, MD from Florida has a Rheumatoid Arthritis patient who had very painful joints that he could not do his daily activities. After taking Autocin for a month, his pain was relieved and he can function again.

M. Rocco, DC from Colorado, has a 67-year-old female patient with rheumatoid arthritis and polymyalgia (pain in the muscles). She used Autocin and Psoricaid alternately for 6 months and the stiffness and pain were relieved.

G. Mitchell, MD from Washington D.C., reports on a 60-year-old female patient with rheumatoid arthritis. She used Autocin, Myosteo, Angiostop, and the Mineral Infrared Therapy machine with excellent results. After one year, her RA symptoms were almost completely alleviated and she is now only using Myosteo.

Safely Manage Rheumatoid Arthritis with Natural Supplements 

When you are suffering from RA, take either Psoricaid or Autocin right away. These supplements will help reduce the inflammation that is cause the pain and will eventually improve the joint stiffness that also comes with the disease. You can also check your Rheumatoid Factor, ESR and CRP levels to monitor your response to the supplements. The featured stories and various case reports show the effectiveness of either of these supplements.

For added pain management, Myosteo can also be taken with it. Myosteo helps with nerve signals to alleviate pain. In some cases, Joint Force may also be added to help lubricate the joints and reduce pain and stiffness. Angiostop is also recommended for very severe cases of RA. It is an angiogenesis inhibitor that reduces expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor, which is overexpressed in RA and also triggers inflammation.

It is also of interest to know that RA is an estrogen dominant condition, with a female to male ratio of 3:1. So it is also important to check estrogen levels: estrone (E1), estradiol (E2) and estriol (E3). The estrogen ratio should be E3> E1 + E2.
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