Managing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Naturally
   CHI HEALTH LETTER June 05, 2015

Featured Story

J. Weber, MA, DC, DCBCN from New York, has a 33-year-old female patient with PCOS. She had hormonal imbalance; her testosterone was high; her progesterone was very low; and her Pg/E2 ratio is less than 200, indicating estrogen dominance (Table 1). Her periods have been irregular since she was 19 years old. She is also overweight, has low thyroid function and has insulin resistance. Dr. Weber recommended Myomin, Chi-F, Pro-Metabolic and Slender All. After only a month, her periods became more regular. A year later, her hormones are more balanced and she lost 40 lbs.

This is a classic case illustrating some of the characteristics of PCOS: irregular periods, hormonal imbalance, obesity and insulin resistance.

PCOS is Much More Than Ovarian Cysts: Beware of Insulin Resistance, Obesity, Infertility, Fatty Liver, etc.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a genetic, hormonal, metabolic and reproductive disorder that can lead to obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, infertility and endometrial cancer. It often goes undiagnosed because many women are not even aware of it. But if you have the following symptoms, get yourself checked.

* Irregular, light or no period
* Hirsutism (excessive hair on face, stomach, back, chest, thumbs, etc.)
* Acne
* Weight gain
* Ovulation or fertility issues

Technically, you must have two out of the three of the following conditions: elevated androgen levels, absent or irregular menstruation, and/or multiple ovarian cysts; however, many women suffering from PCOS do not necessarily have ovarian cysts. What you should be more concerned about are its associated conditions:

* Hormonal Imbalance
* Insulin resistance/ Diabetes
* Obesity
* Infertility
* Cardiovascular Disease and Endometrial Cancer Risk

Hormonal Imbalance, Infertility

While the cause of PCOS is unknown, we do know that the underlying condition that fuels it is hormonal imbalance. In particular, there is typically a lack of progesterone and an excess of androgens (male hormones). Aromatization of these androgens, particularly testosterone, then leads to high estrogen. Due to inadequate progesterone, estrogen becomes unopposed and can cause uterine bleeding. This is why women with PCOS have irregular menstruation, acne and facial hair. This hormonal imbalance also leads to infertility.

In young women with PCOS, testosterone levels are typically elevated while testosterone is low in postmenopausal women.

In addition, the hormonal imbalance associated with PCOS puts patients at higher risk for endometrial cancer. The lack of progesterone and unopposed estrogen can cause the endometrium to become thick. Over time, this leads to endometrial hyperplasia and then to cancer.

Insulin Resistance/Diabetes, Obesity

Not many may know it but insulin resistance is very common among PCOS patients. The body produces more insulin but is unable to use it efficiently. So glucose can buildup in the bloodstream and eventually gets stored as fat, leading to obesity. The consistently high glucose level can eventually lead to diabetes. In fact, studies
show that over 50% of women with PCOS will develop diabetes before age 40.

Many PCOS patients already show early physical markers insulin resistance or diabetes, even before diagnosis. For example, dark, wrinkly pigmentation can appear on the neck
or in the armpit (Figure 1), called Acanthosis nigricans. This is often associated with insulin resistance or diabetes. In addition, skin tags can also be a sign of Type 2 diabetes risk (80%), if not a colon problem (50% risk for colon polyps) (Figure 2).

Furthermore, obesity can lead to many other ailments, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Natural Management of PCOS

PCOS and its associated symptoms and conditions can be well managed with lifestyle changes to help manage glucose and weight. These natural supplements can also help:

* Myomin
* Chi-F
* Diabend
* OxyPower
* Slender All
* Pro-Metabolic

Myomin and Chi-F corrects Hormonal Imbalance

CHI-F contains herbs that naturally balance progesterone, estrogen and testosterone. Because of this, it has been very effective in regulating menstrual cycle (75%) and managing abnormal uterine bleeding (93%). The following case reports show how effective it is for menstrual abnormalities that PCOS patients typically experience.

D. Hoover, DC from Iowa, had a 15-year-old female patient who suffered from cramps and other PMS symptoms. After using Chi-F for 3 weeks, her symptoms disappeared. Two years later, she reports that she never experienced any problems with PMS.

J. Weber, DC, DCBCN, from New York, has a 19-year-old female patient who didn’t have a period for 1 ½ years. After taking Chi-F and Vein Lite for 5 weeks, her period resumed. Now she has regular periods.

MYOMIN, an aromatase reducer, can help balance estrogen levels in PCOS patients. It reduces the conversion of excess testosterone to estradiol. By keeping estradiol (and estrogen, in general) level stabilized, it can help promote normal menstrual cycles, especially when used with Chi-F. Furthermore, keeping the estradiol level balanced helps reduce ovarian cysts and endometrial cancer risk.

Just like in our featured story, the combination of Chi-F and Myomin is effective in addressing hormonal imbalance and menstrual issues. These will also help reduce the size of ovarian cysts, as in these cases.

Liyan Lu, LAc from CA, has a 30-year-old female patient who had PCOS since she was 14 years old. Even after using progesterone for many years, her period was still not regular and she still had PMS. Three months after adding Myomin, her menstrual cycle became regular again and she had no more PMS.

N. Kozhin, MD from New York, has a 46-year-old female patient with a history of abnormal uterine bleeding. She would usually have bleeding 20 out of 30 days in a month. She also has a 3-cm cyst in the left ovary. Her doctor recommended a D&C, hysteroscopy and mammogram. Two days after that, she started taking Myomin and Chi-F. On the 2nd day, her bleeding stopped. Three months later, she maintains a 5- to 6-day period every month.

H.R., 19-year-old female from California, had irregular and heavy periods. Birth control pills did not regulate her cycle. She used progesterone for 1 ½ years but heard about its side effects so she stopped. Two months later, she started having continuous bleeding. Then she took Chi-F and Myomin. After only 2 days, her continuous bleeding stopped. Now she has a regular 28-day cycle.

A. Sayler, CN from Florida, has a 30-year-old female patient who suffers from hormonal imbalance and irregular periods. Her menstrual cycles usually last for 17 days. With Chi-F and Myomin, her cycles are now normal at 28 days. Her acne has already cleared as well.

J. Staniland, MD from Texas, has a 16-year-old female patient with a painful ovarian cyst. Birth control pills did not help at all. After 3 weeks on Myomin (3 BID), her pain cleared. After 3 months, her cyst resolved.

J. Wright, MD from Washington, has a 62-year-old female patient who had a 2cm ovarian cyst. Two years with conventional treatment had no effect. After Dr. Wright gave her Myomin for 2 to 3 months, the ovarian cyst quickly cleared.

Diabend, Myomin and OxyPower for Insulin Resistance, Diabetes

Insulin resistance and diabetes are becoming more problematic among PCOS patients because, if left uncontrolled, they can lead to obesity and make PCOS worse. So detecting it early and addressing it promptly are very important.

Besides looking at blood test results to check for insulin resistance or diabetes, there are physical markers that can indicate these conditions. In our previous issue of the Chi Health Letter, we presented some physical signs of insulin resistance or diabetes: acanthosis nigricans, or dark, wrinkly pigmentation on back of neck, armpit, etc. (Figure 1), skin tags (Figure 2) and teeth marks on the tongue. If you have these signs or if you know your blood levels of insulin, glucose and HbA1c are abnormal, take Diabend, Myomin and OxyPower right away to naturally manage these levels.

DIABEND naturally adjusts blood glucose and insulin levels. In two clinical studies, it was able to reduce average fasting glucose by 43.75% in 60 diabetic patients in 3 months. Its mechanism involves increasing insulin receptor sensitivity and preventing the binding of protein to insulin, allowing it to function efficiently and uninhibitedly.

MYOMIN can reduce estrogen by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme. This is imperative because insulin resistance is caused by high estrogen. Furthermore, taking Myomin can help reduce HbA1c level.

OXYPOWER, on the other hand, works on the mitochondria in order to increase its efficiency in turning over glucose and oxygen within the cells. This promotes insulin sensitivity as well.

Slender All, Pro-Metabolic and Myomin for Obesity

SLENDER ALL can help manage overall weight. When taken before meals, Slender All helps remove ingested fat up to 50% by binding to fat molecules and preventing them from being absorbed into the system. When taken before exercise, Slender All helps the body to burn off more fat by utilizing the ATP pathway.

PRO-METABOLIC is recommended for women who are unable to lose weight despite regular exercise and a healthy diet. In these cases, low thyroid function is often fueling the weight gain. Women who experience fatigue, dry skin, unexplained weight gain, cold hands and feet (if circulation is good) most likely have low thyroid function and should start taking Pro-Metabolic which increases metabolic rate and induces a happy feeling to reduce cravings 

MYOMIN is particularly effective for reducing abdominal fat. Abdominal fat tissue has the highest concentration of aromatase. Since PCOS patients have high testosterone, they are more likely to have excess conversion of testosterone to estradiol, promoting fat accumulation especially in the belly. Myomin can interrupt this cycle by reducing aromatase expression and estradiol level. 

In our featured story, the patient was overweight and did have a thyroid problem. So with Slender All, Pro-Metabolic and Myomin, she was able to lose 40 lbs of overall weight. Similar results were achieved in these cases. 

K. Kaplan, DC from Florida, has a female patient in her early 50s who was severely overweight. After taking Myomin (5 capsules TID) for less than 6 months, she lost about 40 lbs, mostly around the abdomen. 

S.L., a 29-year-old female from New York, weighed 190 lbs when she started Myomin, Slender All, Pro-Metabolic. After 2 years, she has lost 65 lbs.

T. Waldron, DC from Nevada, reports that his wife was depressed and gained a lot of weight years ago. Then she took Myomin, Pro-Metabolic, Slender All, OxyPower and Chi Happiness. After 4 years, she lost approximately 127 lbs and has no depression anymore.

Focus on all Aspects of PCOS, Not Just Ovarian Cysts 

If you do have PCOS, you can address hormonal imbalance, menstrual abnormalities and ovarian cysts with Myomin and Chi-F. But do not focus only on these issues. PCOS patients are also insulin resistant and have a high risk of developing diabetes. In this case, take Diabend and OxyPower. Lastly, obesity needs to be managed because it can also make PCOS worse as well as increase the risk for heart disease and other conditions. For weight management, take Slender All, Pro-Metabolic and Myomin.
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