The Heart is the Matter
CHI HEALTH LETTER                     August 1, 2014      
It's the Heart that Counts

It is a vast understatement that caring for your heart is important; after all, the heart is central to our circulatory system, which keeps blood, oxygen and nutrients flowing throughout the body. A few months ago, we wrote about Life’s Simple 7, the factors that can impact heart health, according to the American Heart Association. Physical activity, diet, and weight management are just some of the things you can do to maintain heart health. While we all strive to follow heart-healthy guidelines, we do not always achieve our goals and, as a result, our health suffers. In particular, our circulatory system is affected. In most cases, we take our health for granted if we do not experience any symptoms. But many heart problems can be asymptomatic...until it is too late, like in the following report.

L. Eberting, DC from Missouri, shares that he has a female patient who, at 65 years old, appeared to be in good health. The laboratory tests seemed to support it. However, with Fingernail and Tongue Analysis, it was found that she showed strong signs of heart disease. Incredulous, the patient dismissed the warning because, as mentioned, she seemed to be in perfect health. Over a year later, however, she had to undergo bypass surgery for artery disease. Two years after that, she underwent a second bypass operation.

The body can show early signs of health issues even if blood tests, or the lack of symptoms, may say otherwise. That was the case of the female patient's case above. So what physical signs should we look for to indicate heart disease? These are just some of them.
Markers of Cardiovascular Disease

Lack of lunulae

The lunulae are the white, half-moon shapes at the base of your fingernails.Normally, each of us should have a total of 8 lunulae, one on each fingernail except the pinkies. Having less than 8 or having very small lunulae signifies poor circulation. Furthermore, the presence of lunulae on the pinkies also indicates a cardiovascular issue.

Ear crease

A diagonal crease on one or both ear lobes also indicates heart disease risk.
The lack of elastin in the arteries is thought to cause the crease. There is clinical evidence that patients with an ear crease had higher levels of arterial plaque, more severenarrowing of the carotid artery and higher risk of transient ischemic attacks and cardiac arrest. Studies show that an ear crease predicts 89% of heart problems.

Nail Clubbing

While nail clubbing primarily suggests lung issues, it has also been associated with heart problems like hemiplegia and endocarditis.

Cherry angiomas on forehead

The presence of cherry angiomas on the forehead or hairline indicates a stroke or aneurysm risk. Cherry angiomas signify estrogen’s effect on the blood vessels. Since blood vessel walls contain estrogen receptors, too much estrogen can attack the peripheral blood vessels, causing the aneurysm or angiomas that are visible. Many studies have already shown that excess estrogen is strongly associated with stroke, deep vein thrombosis, aneurysm and other cardiovascular disease.

Knowing these markers is important. Even if you may appear healthy and your blood tests come out normal, having these markers should warn you to take action. Follow the AHA's Life's Simple 7:

1. Get active
2. Control cholesterol
3. Eat better
4. Manage blood pressure
5. Lose weight
6. Reduce blood sugar
7. Stop smoking

Supplements like Vein Lite and OxyPower can help you achieve some of these goals.
Vein Lite Improves Circulation and Cardiovascular Function

One of the underlying causes of poor circulation is blood coagulation. When the blood is too thick, of course, the flow would be much slower. Normally it takes 2.5 seconds for blood to travel from the heart to the extremities. Coagulation makes the blood thicker and hinders the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues. As a result, fatigue, pain, coldness of the hands and feet and other symptoms can occur.

Vein Lite’s main mechanism is to reduce blood coagulating factors, such as fibrinogen, to improve blood flow. Because of this mechanism, blood viscosity is reduced, circulation improves, high blood pressure normalizes and heart function gets better overall.

One study evaluated the effect of Vein Lite on 300 patients with various cardiovascular problems. They were evaluated according to symptoms that are common among patients with heart problems: headaches, dizziness, palpitations, and cold and numb limbs. Results show that these symptoms were already improved within 2 weeks of taking Vein Lite. After 8 weeks, there was significant improvement, especially with headaches (91.7%), dizziness (66.7%) and palpitations (80%).

Another study, this time on 130 patients with cardiovascular disease, demonstrated Vein Lite’s effect on circulation. After 30 days of taking Vein Lite, tests showed that the patients’ blood flow improved tremendously:

  • Blood viscosity reduced by 28.9%
  • Platelet aggregation reduced by 38.1%
  • Fibrinogen reduced by 26.6%
  • Microcirculation increased by 38.1%

Factors such as fibrinogen can cause blood clots that can eventually cause stroke and other diseases. By reducing this, Vein Lite is able to promote better blood flow, seen in the reduced blood viscosity and aggregation and increased microcirculation.

A case report from N.P. in Texas clearly shows Vein Lite’s benefits. She has been taking Vein Lite and Wine Extract for 18 months. A recent blood test showed that her fibrinogen and cholesterol levels reduced.

OxyPower reduces C-Reactive Protein and Protects/Repairs Vascular Endothelial Cells

Combining Vein Lite with OxyPower will provide synergistic effects for heart health. While Vein Lite reduces blood-clotting factors to enable blood to flow more smoothly, OxyPower reduces inflammation and provides protection and repair of vascular endothelial cells.

Studies we have presented in previous issues of the Chi Health Letter have shown that OxyPower reduces C-Reactive Protein (CRP), an inflammatory marker that is elevated in individuals with cardiovascular risk.

The synergistic effect of OxyPower and Vein Lite with other herbs was seen in a case report from Dr. G. Depke, ND from California. A 67-year-old female patient with ischemia (restriction of blood supply to tissues) had elevated CRP and cholesterol levels. After 3-4 months on OxyPower, Vein Lite, Asparagus Extract and Wine Extract, her levels decreased.


Vein Lite and OxyPower can also be combined with Asparagus Extract for improving heart function. In the last issue of the Chi Health Letter, we presented various mechanisms of Asparagus Extract for heart function. Try them all now.


Still want to read more about the supplements in our cardiovascular protocol? Request the articles now by sendin an email to or by calling (714) 777-1542.
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August 30 - September 1
Sheraton Universal
Universal City, CA
Booth# 13

September 5-7
Riviera Hotel
Las Vegas, NV
Booth #204

October 3-5
Hilton Hotel
Anchorage, AK

Visit our EVENTS page for more details


Don't miss Dr. Chi's lecture at the following locations.

Aug 30 - Sept 1
Cancer Control Convention
Sheraton Universal
Universal City, CA

Dr. Chi will be giving a one-hour lecture on Sea Cucumber Extract and Herbs for Cancer Patients
Schedule to be announced

September 5
3:45 - 4:30 pm
ANMA Convention
Rivieral Hotel, Las Vegas

Dr. Chi will be speaking on Fingernail and Tongue Analysis for Hormone and Cardiovascular Issues, Insulin Resistance and Cancer

September 6
3:00 - 4:00 pm
ANMA Convention
Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas

In this workshop, Dr. Chi will be speaking on managing Estrogen Balance and Cardiovascular Inflammation

October 3
2:00 - 6:00 pm
October 5
1:30 - 5:30 pm
Alaska Chiropractic Society Convention
Hilton Hotel
Anchorage, AK

In this 8-hour CE-Approved course, Dr. Chi will be teaching chiropractors the Fingernail and Tongue Analysis technique.

Contact Us
Chi's Enterprise, Inc.
1435 N. Brasher Street
Anaheim, CA 92807

(714) 777-1542

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