HRT with Myomin a Better Choice
Chi Health Letter            August 18, 2014

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August 30 - September 1
Sheraton Universal
Universal City, CA
Booth# 13

September 5-7
Riviera Hotel
Las Vegas, NV
Booth #204

October 3-5
Hilton Hotel
Anchorage, AK

Visit our EVENTS page for more details


Don't miss Dr. Chi's lecture at the following locations.

Aug 31
9:00 am
Cancer Control Convention
Sheraton Universal
Universal City, CA

Dr. Chi will be giving a one-hour lecture on Sea Cucumber Extract and Herbs for Cancer Patients
Schedule to be announced

September 5
3:45 - 4:30 pm
ANMA Convention
Rivieral Hotel, Las Vegas

Dr. Chi will be speaking on Fingernail and Tongue Analysis for Hormone and Cardiovascular Issues, Insulin Resistance and Cancer

September 6
3:00 - 4:00 pm
ANMA Convention
Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas

In this workshop, Dr. Chi will be speaking on managing Estrogen Balance and Cardiovascular Inflammation

October 3
2:00 - 6:00 pm
October 5
1:30 - 5:30 pm
Alaska Chiropractic Society Convention
Hilton Hotel
Anchorage, AK

In this 8-hour CE-Approved course, Dr. Chi will be teaching chiropractors the Fingernail and Tongue Analysis technique.

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(800) 457-5708

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(714) 777-1542

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1435 N. Brasher Street
Anaheim, CA 92807

Office Hours
Monday to Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm PST

Use HRT only when necessary

In the 1960s, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was the “it” anti-aging trend. It was routinely prescribed to women over a certain age to preserve youth and femininity. But in the decades since then we have scientists have discovered that HRT carries certain risks, from increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer to increased risk for blood clots and stroke. For example, HRT users have a 63% higher risk of breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer than non-users. Estrogen use (with our without progesterone) is associated with a 44% increased risk for ovarian cancer. Furthermore, estrogen alone or in combination with progestogen increased the risk for stroke.

Now, in and of itself, HRT is not harmful at all and may be necessary in some cases. For instance, it may be needed in the case of a menopausal woman who is very deficient in estrogen and is suffering from severe menopausal symptoms. HRT, or its more natural counterpart, bioidentical HRT (BHRT) may help in this instance. However, there is still a risk for estrogen dominance with HRT or BHRT. In cases where HRT or BHRT is used, it is best to add Myomin.
Why you should Add Myomin if you are on HRT or BHRT

By reducing aromatase expression, Myomin can help you avoid the unwanted effects (i.e., estrogen dominance) while on HRT or BHRT.

Individuals on HRT or BHRT need to be aware of the estrogen quotient (EQ), a useful tool to determine if you are getting the right estrogen balance. As many of you know, estrogen has 3 forms: Estrone (E1), Estradiol (E2), and Estriol (E3). E1 and E2 are the most potent forms and have been reported to have roles in various diseases. Estriol is considered to have anti-carcinogenic properties in the presence of E1 and E2. The goal is to have more E3 than E1 and E2 combined. An EQ over 1 has been associated with lower cancer risk.

If you look at the diagram below, Myomin can help you achieve a healthy EQ. Testosterone, progesterone and DHEA are eventually converted to E1, E2 and E3 through the aromatase pathway. Myomin limits the production of E1 and E2 from these hormones by blocking the aromatase enzyme. E3, on the other hand, continues to be produced unopposed. As a result, you get more E3 and less E1 and E2. At the same time, you are getting the benefits of progesterone, testosterone, etc., that you need.

Case Reports

Various cases have shown how effectively Myomin has reduced estrone and estradiol. In the following case, Myomin reduced estradiol in a menopausal woman, who should have a very low estrogen level but because she has breast cancer, her estrogen level is high even after mastectomy.

Dr. M. Guevara, MD (California), has a 49-year-old female patient with Stage 3 estrogen-positive breast cancer. After bilateral mastectomy in October 2013, she later found that her estradiol level was high at 278. She started taking Myomin in February 2014. After about 4 months, her estradiol reduced to within normal range (see table below).

In this next case report, Myomin is shown to promote a healthier EQ in a patient with ovarian cyst, an estrogen-dominant condition.

Dr. L. Whitson, MD (California), reports on a 46-year-old female patient with a cyst on her right ovary. You can see from the table below that she started with a healthy EQ in 2007. Over time, her EQ reduced to 0.78 (Dec 2012), indicating a risk for estrogen-responsive cancers. By that time, she already had an ovarian cyst. In early 2013, she started taking Myomin. Within one year, her EQ increased from 0.78 to a healthy 2.21.

Even men should be aware of their estrogen levels. In one such case, Dr. Jonathan Wright, MD (Washington), reports on a male patient with testosterone deficiency. Dr. Wright gave him daily testosterone therapy. While his testosterone did increase to 645 ng/dL, he noticed that his estradiol level also increased to 50.4 pg/mL, way in excess of normal male levels. Dr. Wright immediately added Myomin and his estradiol level reduced to a normal 13.3 pg/mL while his testosterone maintained at 640 ng/dL.

There are many other clinical data supporting Myomin's benefits for balancing estrogen with or without HRT or BHRT.

Want to find out more about Myomin on HRT? Email us at

Or you can try Myomin now!
Thank you to our workshop attendees!

Dr. Chi's recently concluded Fingernail and Tongue Analysis workshop was a great success! We welcomed 35 practitioners from many parts of the United States as well as from Canada and the United Kingdom. Chiropractors, Naturopaths and Acupuncturists from California received 12 Continuing Education Credits for this course.

We would like to thank all attendees for your time and participation. We are sure the knowledge that Dr. Chi imparted will be valuable to your practice. From all the CHI staff, THANK YOU!
See you again next time...

Lost and found
One of the workshop attendees left his/her black bag in our office. Please contact us at (714) 777-1542 to claim it. Thank you.

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