CHI HEALTH LETTER August 21, 2015

CASE 1: High CRP, Homocysteine

C. Winkler, DVM from CA, has a 53 y/o/f patient who has lunulae only on the thumbs, indicating poor circulation or cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Indeed, her CRP, homocysteine and cholesterol levels are high (Table 1). In the August 7 and August 14, 2015 issues of the Chi Health Letter, we discussed CRP and homocysteine as indicators of CVD risk. In this patient’s case, her cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol) are also elevated, further reinforcing her high CVD risk.

Her recommended protocol: Vein Lite, OxyPower, and Asparagus Extract to reduce CRP and homocysteine. Wine Extract to reduce cholesterol and LDL.

CASE 2: Hypertension, High uric acid, Low eGFR

F. A., 73 y/o/m from CA, has hypertension and high uric acid level. Dr. Chi checked him and found he has clubbing nails, an indication of heart/lung issue. His lab results showed he has elevated cholesterol and LDL (Table 2). Dr. Chi also asked him about his kidney function. Sure enough, his eGFR was very low at 35, which his doctor has never addressed, and his creatinine, uric acid and potassium levels are high.

His recommended protocol: For his hypertension, OxyPower, Vein Lite, and Hypertine were recommended and Wine Extract for his cholesterol. To address his kidney function, Bathdetox and Kidney Chi were suggested. Asparagus Extract was not recommended because of his high uric acid.

CASE 3: Prevent Stroke

F.A., 66 y/o/f from CA, has hypertension. Her blood pressure is usually 180-185/100 while lying down. She also has high cholesterol (>240), edema and trouble sleeping. She is taking medications and supplements: lisinopril, nadolol and chlorthalidone for hypertension, policosanol for cholesterol and melatonin for sleep. Upon analysis, she has clubbing nail and cherry angiomas on the forehead, all CVD indicators, making it very important for her to prevent stroke. Dr. Chi asked her to check her CRP (should be <1), homocysteine (should be <6), GFR (should be>75), and nighttime cortisol (if>1.5).

Her recommended protocol: Vein Lite, Oxypower, Asparagus Extract and Hypertine for her stroke risk and hypertension, Wine Extract for cholesterol, Bathdetox for the edema and Relaxin for sleep. She was also asked to avoid salt, soy and sugar.


In the past two Chi Health Letter issues, we stressed the importance of CRP and Homocysteine as indicators of CVD risk. Now we look at blood pressure and cholesterol as factors that also need to be controlled to reduce that risk. As seen in Case 1 above, we can sometimes see elevated CRP, homocysteine, blood pressure and cholesterol go hand in hand.


In hypertension, the left ventricle is often thicker. The problem with this is that blood cannot be effectively ejected through the ventricle, making the heart muscle weak. This results in edema, chest heaviness and shortness of breath. This may develop into emphysema, atherosclerosis in the eyes, kidney failure and, worse, coronary artery aneurysm leading to sudden death.

The shortness of breath associated with hypertension is a sign that blood supply is not enough. Aneurysms and myocardial infarction can occur because of the lack of oxygen. Also, because of the thickening of the left ventricle, there is pain when the heart contracts (angina). Hypertension often occurs with atherosclerosis. The loss of flexibility of blood vessels eventually leads to plaque buildup.

If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high sugar and are also overweight, your risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) increases. Especially if you don’t exercise and are a smoker, the risk for heart attack, myocardial infarction, cardiac ischemia and atherosclerosis is even higher. Having a blood pressure of over>160/94, especially if the systolic pressure is> 160, increases stroke and coronary artery disease risk 4 times higher.

Asparagus Extract, Hypertine, Vein Lite and OxyPower for Hypertension

ASPARAGUS EXTRACT: Natural Diuretic and ACE Inhibitor

Asparagus is well-known for its natural diuretic property. Many doctors recommend a diuretic as first-line therapy of choice for hypertension. Many cases have attested to Asparagus Extract’s effectiveness in increasing urine output and lowering blood pressure. In fact, some studies show that Asparagus Extract could lower blood pressure and expand the minute cardiovascular blood vessels of the heart as well as strengthen the heart’s pumping rate. In one clinical study on 28 subjects, Asparagus reduced diastolic blood pressure significantly after 10 weeks (Source: J Tradit Complement Med. 2013; 394): 250-5).

Furthermore, an in vivo study shows that green asparagus prevented hypertension by inhibiting the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in the kidneys of hypertensive rats. The ACE inhibitor from asparagus was isolated and identified as 2”-hydroxy-nicotianamine. It was found to relax the blood vessels, allowing them to expand and promote blood flow. An in vivo study shows that systolic blood pressure reduced from 143.2 mmHg to 134.6 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure reduced from 80.6 mmHg to 75.2 mmHg after 10 weeks of taking asparagus bottom-stems (Source: J Agric Food Chem. 2013; 61:5520-25).

Asparagus Extract also reduces carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) through its high folate content. Increased IMT is seen not just in hypertensive but also atherosclerotic patients. Analysis of 10 randomized trials involving 2052 subjects found that folate delayed the progression of carotid IMT, especially among patients with high cardiovascular disease risk or with chronic kidney disease (Source: Int J Cardiol. 2010; 143(1): 16-9).

Asparagus Extract also has many other functions (for the kidneys, immunity and pregnancy), which will be discussed in future issues.

HYPERTINE: Anti-Hypertensive Supplement

Hypertine is a natural vasodilator, increasing blood flow even to the peripheral blood vessels. It manages blood pressure through the brain within two hours after consumption. The maximum effect occurs within a day and a half and is often maintained if Hypertine is taken regularly. In a study on 199 hypertensive patients, Hypertine was effective on 42.6% while improvement was seen in 25% (Figure 1).

VEIN LITE: Anti-Coagulant, Lowers Fibrinogen, CRP and Homocysteine

Vein Lite reduces coronary, pulmonary, and peripheral blood pressure by dilating the coronary artery of the vascular smooth muscle (through activation of Na+K+-ATPase or sodium potassium pump). Furthermore, left ventricle thickening, as mentioned, is one of the factors causing hypertension. The angiotensin II enzyme causes the heart’s left ventricle to thicken and overgrow, leading to vasoconstriction and increased blood pressure. Vein Lite blocks the angiotensin I receptor so angiotensin II levels are reduced.

In the lungs, Vein Lite reduces pulmonary hypertension by preventing ischemia and hypoxia. Vein Lite also acts as a calcium channel blocker to promote heart muscle contraction.

The above mechanisms contribute to Vein Lite’s effect on lowering blood pressure not just in the heart but in the lungs and peripheral system as well.

Left ventricle thickening is also seen in atrial fibrillation (irregular, rapid heartbeat that causes poor blood flow). Typically, blood thinners are the most important therapeutic recommendations for atrial fibrillation. Vein Lite is an effective natural anti-coagulation supplement.

It is also important to mention that Vein Lite reduces ischemia reperfusion injury. When blood supply returns to the tissue after ischemic events (lack of blood supply/oxygen), damage may occur to the tissue and endothelial cells. Vein Lite not only restores blood and oxygen supply by also prevents damage caused by this reperfusion.

Check out the August 14, 2015 issue of the Chi Health Letter for more Vein Lite functions.


OxyPower can effectively manage blood pressure by lowering C-Reactive Protein (CRP), an inflammatory marker, reducing left ventricle hypertrophy and increasing heart ejection fraction. All these functions allow blood to flow more freely, reducing pressure.


Y. Kim, MD from Korea, reports on an 82-year-old male surgeon who was generally in good health but had hypertension. He had used prescriptions for 40 years but his blood pressure still becomes unstable. After taking extracts of Asparagus, Salvia, and Carthamus for 3 days, his blood pressure became normal. One week later, he dropped all his prescription medications.

A. Khalaf, DC from FL, has a patient with blood pressure ranging from 150/110 to 160/120 mmHg. He took Avapro which reduced his blood pressure to around 150/90mmHg. Then he added Hypertine and Asparagus Extract. After 1 month, his blood pressure became stable and he stopped Avapro altogether (Table 3).

G. Adams, MD from FL, has a 66 y/o/m patient with hypertension who was able to reduce his blood pressure after 2 weeks on Hypertine (Table 4).


When we look at our blood test results for cholesterol, we often just look at the total cholesterol level. But LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol) is really the most important value. For young people in their 20s, if LDL is high (150-190), their CVD risk is 44% after 45 years old. If LDL is normal, their CVD risk is 8% after 45 years old. As we get older, the importance of LDL level is even greater. Even if HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol) is high, it is still vital to treat the high LDL.

People with high LDL need to also control their blood pressure. A blood pressure reading of about 125/85 is better. For those with diabetes, blood pressure needs to be lower at or around 120/80.

Besides blood test results, also look at physical markers to indicate high cholesterol. Xanthomas around the eye area indicate high cholesterol (Figure 2). Particularly, it indicates 48% higher chance of myocardial infarction. If present in those under 30 years old, it signals arterial plaque and 5 times higher risk for myocardial infarction (Source: British Medical Journal. 2011; 343:d5497).

WINE EXTRACT: High Resveratrol for Reducing Cholesterol, Triglycerides

Wine Extract is an effective natural supplement for reducing total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides while increasing the good cholesterol, HDL. It is a special red wine extract containing polyphenols that decreases the liver's production of cholesterol and balances the body's levels of unsaturated fatty acids and triglycerides.

One clinical study demonstrates that Wine Extract reduces total cholesterol (88%), triglycerides (80%) and atherosclerosis index (84%) while increasing HDL (65%) after 3 months (Figure 3).

Many people use prescription statins to reduce cholesterol; however, there are risks and side effects involved with it. Statins can cause muscle pain. In addition, it also lowers the body’s levels of coenzyme Q10, which leads to muscle breakdown. Wine Extract does not have these side effects. Typically within 3 months of taking Wine Extract, you can already see a reduction in cholesterol by approximately 20 points, as seen in the featured story above.

Wine Extract also contains over 50% resveratrol. Research has found resveratrol to be involved in mechanisms that combat anti-aging.


P. Schwarz, ND from CA, has a patient with high cholesterol and taking a statin for it. She stopped taking the medication when her cholesterol kept increasing. Dr. Schwarz put her on Liver Chi in December 2014 and Wine Extract in May 2015. Her cholesterol levels showed much improvement after 3 months (Table 5).

J. Iannetta, DC from ME, has a female patient who took Wine Extract for her elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. All levels improved after 1 ½ months (Table 6).

N.P. from TX has been taking Vein Lite, Wine Extract for 1 ½ years. Her fibrinogen and cholesterol levels reduced (Table 7). High fibrinogen is also a risk factor of cardiovascular disease.

J.E. from NJ reports that he has always had genetically high cholesterol. After taking Wine Extract, his cholesterol reduced from 490 in July 2014 to 345 in Feb 2015.

Controlling high blood pressure and cholesterol (especially LDL) are important in reducing cardiovascular risk, especially if you also have high CRP and/or homocysteine.

  • To reduce blood pressure, take Asparagus Extract, Hypertine, Vein Lite and OxyPower.
  • If cholesterol is high or if you have xanthomas, take Wine Extract.

People with hypertension or high cholesterol also need to check CRP and homocysteine level. To reiterate, the following supplements are recommended for these cardiovascular functions.

**Heavy metal toxicity to be discussed in future issues
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