CHI HEALTH LETTER August 28, 2015
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CASE 1: Cherry angiomas on forehead, Aneurysm/Stroke

M. Molina, MD from CA, ahs a male patient in his 50s who has cherry angiomas on his forehead. He was told of his riks for stroke or aneurysm. He then relates that he does have an aneurysm (6.7cm) and a feeling of discomfort in his chest. His doctor suggested surgery but he opted not to have it becuase he knows therei s a 30% chance of death or stroke during open heart surgery. He then said that after drinking Vein Lite and Asparagus Extract tea 3 times in one day, he already felt much difference. The discomfort in his chest has eased. He continues to take the supplements.

CASE 2: Cherry angiomas on forehead, Palpitations, Aneurysm/Stroke

M. Tobias, DC from MI, has a 63 y/o/m patient who had cherry angiomas on his forehead and experienced severe palpitations. After taking Vein Lite, OxyPower and Asparagus Extract, his palpitations are not as severe as before. Then he went to his doctor and a test found that he had a saccular aneurysm (3.1 x 2.8 x 2.7). His physician suggested surgery but was told that 4%-5% die of stroke while on the operating table.

CASE 3: Cherry angiomas, Arterial Blockage

R. K., 70 y/o/m, had 2 cherry angiomas on his forehead and many on his chest in 2009. Dr. Chi told him he has CVD and estrogen dominance. Two years later, he repeated the same finding. In 2015, the cherry angiomas on his forehead have increased to 5. When he went to his physician for a test, he was told that he had 60% blockage in his arteries and he needs 7 stents. His C-Reactive Protein (CRP) was very high at 73. He then started taking OxyPower, Vein Lite and Asparagus Extract.

CASE 4: High CRP, BNP, LDL, HbA1c

P. M., 61 y/o/m from NJ, consulted Dr. Chi about heart failure. His blood tests were indeed a reflection of his heart issues (Table 1). His CRP is over 3, which is a strong indicator of inflammation and cardiovascular risk. His BNP is also high, which is an indicator of congestive heart failure. He is now taking Vein Lite, OxyPower and Asparagus Extract.

CASE 5: CRP, Homocysteine, Lipoproteins Reduced

M. Perkins, LAc from FL, has a 55 y/o/m patient with cardiovascular problems. After 3 months on Vein Lite, OxyPower and Wine Extract, this patient’s cardiovascular profile showed significant improvement (Table 2). His CRP and homocysteine levels reduced and, in particular, there is already a significant reduction in his Lipoprotein(a) and LDL levels. The importance of these biomarkers will be discussed in a later section.


In the past, looking at total cholesterol was considered an adequate predictor of heart issues. Now we know that checking CRP, LDL, homocysteine and other clinical markers can offer a clearer and more accurate picture of our cardiovascular health.


CRP is a marker of systemic inflammation. Because stroke and other cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are primarily inflammatory diseases, it has become a powerful indicator of CVD risk. A CRP level of over 3.0 mg/L already indicates a high risk for CVD, as seen above where Case 3 has arterial blockage while Case 4 has congestive heart failure. A CRP between 1 and 3 mg/L is already associated with moderate CVD risk. Ideally, CRP should be under 1.0 mg/L.

Protocol to reduce CRP: OxyPower, Vein Lite


Homocysteine is involved in mitral valve processes as well as carotid stenosis. It is a protein that indicates a person’s ability to detoxify substances in the body. Elevated homocysteine is associated with thrombosis, thyroid dysfunction and Alzheimer’s disease as well. If homocysteine is over 16 (at any age), it increases stroke risk by 31% and coronary heart disease risk by 33% without any other risk factors. Dr. Chi recommends checking homocysteine especially if you see cherry angiomas on the forehead. Ideally homocysteine should be < 6.If your level is over that, then definitely take Asparagus Extract to help lower it.

Protocol to reduce Homocysteine: Asparagus Extract, Vein Lite


For years, high cholesterol has been a major risk factor for stroke and other CVD. But it is not enough to look at total cholesterol level anymore. Instead it is important to look at the “bad” forms of cholesterol in particular. Lipoproteins have been found to be more significant than cholesterol alone in predicting cardiovascular disease and stroke risk. These are proteins that bind fat and cholesterol to form lipoproteins and transport the lipids through blood. There are several lipoproteins that can be evaluated:
  •  LDL or low density lipoprotein, also known as the “bad” cholesterol, is associated with higher CVD risk. If it is high in young people (in their 20s), their CVD risk is 44% after they reach 45 years old. Even if it is within normal range, there is still an 8% CVD risk after 45 years old. It would not even matter if HDL (good cholesterol) is high; you still have to treat the elevated DLD. Also check if thyroid function is low as it may be an underlying cause of high LDL. Subclinical hypothyroidism is associated with abnormal cholesterol (especially LDL), aortic atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction
  • Lipoprotein a (Lp(a)) is an extremely harmful lipoprotein linked to developing thrombosis or blood clot.
  • Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) is a measure of all atherogenic or harmful lipoprotein particles in the blood and is an important indicator of vascular health and inflammation. A high ApoB is linked to 90% of stroke risk and 52% hypertension risk.
One perfect example is Case 5 above. At first glance, his CRP and homocysteine levels were within normal range; however, his Lp(a) level was high at 50 initially (Table 2). This means that he has a high risk for developing blood clots. Looking more closely at his lipoprotein profile, we see that he has many dense LDL III and IV particles (at 314 and 119, initially). Dense LDL particles are easily oxidized and can eventually contribute to plaque formation and buildup. So reducing these numbers is essential to reduce his risk despite the normal CRP. His homocysteine level, while within normal range, should ideally be less than 6.

Protocol to reduce Cholesterol and Lipoproteins: Wine Extract, Vein Lite, OxyPower


Fibrinogen is a protein involved in the blood clotting process. Chronically elevated fibrinogen increases a person’s risk of thrombosis. This, coupled with an elevated CRP can be a significant indicator of stroke risk. Ideally, fibrinogen should be kept between 200 and 400.

Because fibrinogen is involved in the blood clotting process, it can affect prothrombin time (PT), the time it takes for blood to clot. Vein Lite lowers fibrinogen and increases PT so blood is able to flow more smoothly.

Protocol to reduce Fibrinogen: Vein Lite


BNP is released continuously by the heart at low levels; however, a spike in BNP level indicates congestive heart failure (CHF). A BNP level of over 100 pg/mL indicates CHF. Because it is also a good marker of left ventricular dysfunction, BNP can be used along with CRP, homocysteine and other tests to determine risk for stroke and CVD.

Case 4 above is a great example of how BNP can be a useful diagnostic tool. Both his CRP and LDL are elevated, already pointing towards a heart problem. His high BNP level then confirms that he has CHF. His HbA1c and glucose levels are also elevated, which means he may be at risk for or already have Type II diabetes. Having both CHF and diabetes puts him at very high risk for stroke.

Protocol to reduce BNP: Vein Lite, OxyPower

K. C., 94 y/o/m from CA, has heart failure and taking hypertension and diabetes drugs. His lab tests showed that his BNP is high at 231 (Table 4), confirming his CHF. He is now taking OxyPower and Vein Lite.


The Creatine Kinase (CK) test is used to determine muscle inflammation or damage. For males, it should be < 400 U/L while it should be < 234 U/L for females. If elevated, the CK-MB test is then used as a follow up to determine if the damage is to the heart muscle. CK-MB should be between 2-14 U/L; A value greater than 14 definitely indicates a heart attack. CK-MB may also be checked along with troponin to determine heart attack or heart damage

Troponin is a protein found in the heart muscle and is released when there is heart damage. This has been found to be a better test than CK-MB for heart attacks because it can remain elevated for a longer period of time and can be specific to heart injury. In the case above, K.C.’s troponin was tested because he has congestive heart failure, indicated by the high BNP. His troponin was monitored as well to make sure there is no heart damage.

Protocol to reduce CK-MB and Troponin: Vein Lite, OxyPower


In the past two newsletters, we have presented the different markers for CVD. In addition to clinical markers, you can also use these physical signs to determine stroke risk.


If you have cherry angiomas on the forehead, hypertension and a family history of stroke or aneurysm, your risk for stroke or aneurysm is 8 times higher than people without these risk factors.

We have seen this in Cases 1 and 2 above. The presence of cherry angiomas in these patients already indicates their stroke or aneurysm risk. Indeed, later one, they either revealed or found out that they have an aneurysm. In Figure 1, the cherry angioma is located on the blood vessel, demonstrating her stroke/aneurysm risk. This 54-year-old does have a family history of stroke. Figure 2 is a 92-year-old female patient of L. Swerdloff, MD from California, who also has cherry angiomas right on the blood vessel. She has had a stroke twice already.

It has also been mentioned that estrogen dominance increases the risk for CVD. Cherry angiomas, especially those located in the chest or abdomen, are a sign that excess estrogen (estradiol) is attacking the peripheral blood vessels, causing them to burst and form the angiomas. We see this in Case 3 above, where the patient has cherry angiomas on both the forehead and abdomen. Later on, he found that he has arterial blockage. High estradiol has also been linked to increased risk of blood clots, myocardial infarction and stroke. To reduce estradiol, take Myomin.


We should have a total of 8 lunulae (the white half moons on the base of the fingernails). Having fewer than 8 or no lunulae at all signals poor circulation and should be addressed right away. Taking Vein Lite, OxyPower and Asparagus Extract can help improve circulation and make your lunulae grow back. It takes approximately 4 months of the supplements to grow each lunula on both hands.


Earlobe creases are clinically associated with many cardiovascular disorders, particularly arterial plaque and coronary artery disease (CAD). The crease is considered to be due to the degeneration of the elastic tissue around the small blood vessels that carry blood to the earlobes. This is also the same type of mechanism in the blood vessels seen in CAD. An earlobe crease is associated with 89% CVD risk.


Xanthomas (white/yellow deposits) around the eyes indicate high cholesterol and a 48% chance of heart attack. If seen in younger adults under 30, it is a sign of arterial plaque and 5 times higher risk for heart attacks.


Nail clubbing primarily signals lung issues but it is also associated with heart problems. This is not surprising because lung dysfunction can affect how the heart functions, and vice versa.

Please check out the rest of the newsletters in our cardiovascular series (August 7, August 14 and August 21 issues) for more detailed information on physical markers of cardiovascular disease.


There are two types of stroke: hemorrhaging, which accounts for 13% of occurrences, and ischemic, which accounts for most of the occurrences (87%). During an ischemic stroke, or transient ischemic attack (TIA), oxygen-rich blood supply to the brain becomes blocked.

When we mention stroke, there are lifestyle and medical risk factors that instantly come to mind.
  • SMOKING – Smoking increases the risk for stroke by 80%
  • DRINKING – Drinking 60 cc alcohol daily increases stroke risk
    • 1L beer or 500 cc wine or 90 cc hard liquor
Many medical conditions increase the risk for stroke or TIA and should be controlled.

ATHEROSCLEROSIS is one of the main causes of strokes. It occurs when plaque builds up in the arteries, narrowing the arteries and limiting blood flow to tissues and organs. A majority of ischemic strokes and TIAs occur when plaque builds up in the carotid arteries in the neck (carotid artery disease) which supply blood to the brain. Inflammation can also cause plaque in the artery to break. Platelets then stick to the area and clump together to form blood clots, again blocking blood flow.

ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (AF) is a condition characterized by irregular, mostly rapid, heartbeat that eventually leads to poor blood flow. In AF, the upper chambers of the heart contract rapidly and irregularly due to damage to the mitral valve. This causes some blood to pool in the heart, increasing the risk of blood clots (thrombosis) in the heart chambers and, consequently, ischemic stroke. People with AF have an irregular pulse (alternating between weak and strong) and shortness of breath as a result.

One in every 6 people who have had a stroke already has atrial fibrillation. To help manage atrial fibrillation, the most important recommendation is a blood thinner. It is also recommended to lower homocysteine level to reduce left ventricle thickness.

HYPERTENSION – Chronic hypertension puts you at risk for both ischemic and hemorrhaging strokes. High blood pressure damages arteries so they either burst or clog more easily. It can create weak places that rupture easily or create thin spots that fill up with blood and balloon out from artery walls (aneurysm).

Left ventricle hypertrophy is also seen in hypertension. This blocks the blood from being ejected effectively through the ventricle, making the heart muscle weak. This cause leg edema, chest heaviness/pain, fatigue and shortness of breath. This may also develop into emphysema, atherosclerosis in the eyes, kidney failure and, worse, coronary artery aneurysm. When you feel heaviness in the chest, this typically means that there is not enough blood supply in the heart resulting in angina and, eventually, heart attack. Hypertension often leads to atherosclerosis and vice versa.

Males over 35 and females over 65 who smoke, drink, are obese and have diabetes and high cholesterol have increased stroke risk. Having a blood pressure of over>160/94, especially if the systolic pressure is> 160, increases stroke and coronary artery disease risk 4 times higher.

Normally, blood pressure should be under 140/90 mmHg. But if you already have existing heart conditions, you need to watch your blood pressure and maintain it, as follows (Table 5).


Diabetes and atherosclerosis are also coexisting conditions of stroke in many cases and need to be controlled. Each point increase in HbA1C can increase the risk of heart attack by 18%. This is illustrated in the following case.

C. Rodnick, DC from MI, has a 56 y/o/m patient whose HbA1c level jumped from 6.8 to 8.9 in less than six months, indicating almost 60% risk for a stroke (June 5, 2015). Indeed, he has cherry angiomas on the torso and hairline. Tests also revealed that glucose, cholesterol and LDL levels were significantly elevated. On July 10, 2015, he did have a heart attack. Now he is on OxyPower, Vein Lite, Myomin, Diabend and Asparagus Extract. His risk/probability is calculated as follows based on a normal A1C level of <5.6: (8.9 – 5.6 = 3.3) x 18% = 59.4%

Diabetes drugs and ACE inhibitors were shown to reduce stroke risk by 25%. Vein Lite can block the angiotensin I receptor, thereby reducing angiotensin II (causes thickening of left ventricle). Asparagus Extract also acts like an ACE inhibitor. To reduce diabetes risk, you need to lower HbA1c level with Diabend, Myomin and OxyPower.

Those who are at risk for stroke/CVD or who already have had a stroke can benefit from these supplements.

Vein Lite (Anti-coagulant, Reduces Homocysteine, CRP, Fibrinogen, Lp(a), and ApoB)

Vein Lite has many mechanisms that improve circulation and cardiovascular function. It is an anti-coagulant/anti-thrombosis supplement, enabling increased blood flow and protects against heart and brain ischemia. It also reduces coronary, pulmonary and peripheral blood pressure. By blocking calcium channels and adjusting the sodium potassium pump, it can maintain normal cell membrane voltage and regulate heart contractions. It also reduces left ventricle thickness and improves the heart’s ejection fraction rate. Finally, clinical case reports have demonstrated that Vein Lite effectively reduces homocysteine, fibrinogen and CRP as well as Lp(a) and ApoB.

More information on Vein Lite’s mechanisms can be seen in our August 14, 2015 Chi Health Letter.

OxyPower (Reduces CRP, Improves Heart Ejection Fraction)

In past newsletters we have presented OxyPower’s many benefits. For the heart in particular, it is very effective in quickly reducing CRP. Furthermore, studies show that it reduces left ventricle thickness and intima media thickness which helps improve the heart’s contractility and ejection fraction rate. It also offers vascular endothelial cell protection and repair.

Read our August 7, 2015 Chi Health Letter for more details on OxyPower’s cardiovascular mechanisms.

Asparagus Extract (Reduces Homocysteine)

Asparagus Extract reduces homocysteine. Its rich natural folate content helps reduce homocysteine as well as carotid intima media thickness (IMT). Reducing IMT is beneficial for reducing the risk of atherosclerosis. Asparagus Extract is also a natural diuretic and ACE inhibitor so it helps reduce blood pressure.

For more information on Asparagus Extract, Wine Extract and Hypertine, please check out our August 21, 2015 Chi Health Letter.

Wine Extract (Reduces Cholesterol, LDL and Lipoproteins, Increases HDL)

Wine Extract reduces cholesterol production in the liver and balances unsaturated fatty acids and triglycerides. Studies show that it reduces total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL (the bad cholesterol). At the same time, it increases the good cholesterol, HDL. Wine Extract also contains over 50% resveratrol, which has been shown to have anti-aging properties.

Hypertine (Reduces Blood Pressure)

Hypertine naturally dilates blood vessels in order to facilitate blood flow and reduce blood pressure. It can effectively reduce blood pressure within two hours of taking it and help maintain normal blood pressure when taken continuously.

The effectiveness of these supplements for CVD and stroke is seen in Case 5 above. After 3 months on Vein Lite, OxyPower and Wine Extract, this patient’s CRP, Homocysteine, Lp(a), total LDL and dense LDL particle levels reduced.G. Depke, ND from CA, has a 67 y/o/f patient with ischemia and high CRP. After taking Vein Lite, OxyPower, Asparagus Extract and Wine Extract for almost 4 months, her CRP level reduced to 1.7, within the normal range (Table 6).

S. Layton, ND from TX, has a 60 y/o/f patient with a high BNP level. After taking Vein Lite and OxyPower, her BNP reduced from 4500 to 2500 (Table 7).


Stroke is a silent killer but we can determine our risk for it if we know what to look for and can immediately take steps to reduce that risk.

Clinically, we can check CRP, homocysteine, cholesterol, LDL, fibrinogen and estradiol. If these levels are elevated, there is a risk for stroke and CVD. The table below summarizes the ideal levels and which supplements can help to reduce them.

Physically, we can also look for markers of stroke and CVD risk, such as cherry angiomas on the forehead, lack of lunulae, earlobe crease, xanthomas, nail clubbing and others. If you have any of these markers and also have increased clinical levels of CRP, homocysteine and fibrinogen, then your risk for stroke is even higher. You should start taking OxyPower, Vein Lite and Asparagus Extract right away. If your cholesterol and LDL are also high, then add Wine Extract. If you are estrogen dominant, also add Myomin.

Try these supplements now





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We have started distributing our new batch of organic Germanium-132 on august 25, 2015. As announced, the price has increased to $50.00 per bottle of 60 capsules for this new batch.

Please also take note that this new batch will have a different capsule color. It will be red instead of white.

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