Bathdetox for Fungal Infections and other Skin Problems
CHI HEALTH LETTER                     August 31, 2014      
Fungal Infections

Many people suffer from stubborn skin and nail fungal infections. Approximately 25% of the world’s population suffers from some form of fungal infection of the skin, scalp and nails. While these may not be life threatening, the symptoms associated with the disease (e.g., itching rash, red, cracking and scaly skin pain, discomfort) can have a huge impact on a person’s daily activities, not to mention the impact they have on emotional health.
Bathdetox Effectively Resolves Fungal Infections

Bathdetox is a topical solution to fungal infections. Its detoxifying properties make it effective for eliminating symptoms of fungal infections and reduces the chance of recurrence.

Fungal Infections

In one case, a 30-year-old female had a fungal infection on her toes. After using Bathdetox as a paste and applying it to her toes for 7 days, the infection cleared.

Similarly, a 50-year-old male had fungal infection on his toe and heel. He used Bathdetox as a daily foot soak and as a paste to the nail base. He did this daily until the infection cleared and the new fungus-free nail grew back.


Bathdetox is also effective for other skin issues like eczema or dermatitis. A 57-year-old female has been suffering from eczema/dermatitis on and off for 25 years. She has tried many medications but she did not get complete relief. Her skin was often red with lesions. Then she tried Bathdetox. She used it as a foot soak for an hour daily. After 1 ½ months, her skin completely cleared.

How to Use Bathdetox for Fungal Infections and Other Skin Issues

For itching, peeling feet

  • If not serious, soak foot once daily in Bathdetox ( 1/4 pack to ¼ pack) for 20-30 minutes
  • If serious, soak foot twice daily

For nail fungus

  • Make a paste out of Bathdetox and apply on affected area(s) and leave overnight
  • Apply paste on the nail fold of affected nails for better results.
  • For faster results, use a more concentrated solution for the soak
    • Use ¼ - ½ pack Bathdetox in 5L of water, soak for 20-30 minutes
    • By 2nd day, itching should reduce. In 2-3 days skin peeling should improve significantly
Besides fungal infections and other skin issues, Bathdetox can also be used as a skin dialysis formula in a full body bath for kidney problems. Email us at to request the Bathdetox article and find out what a rejuvenating and healing bath it is. 



September 5-7
Riviera Hotel
Las Vegas, NV
Booth #204

October 3-5
Hilton Hotel
Anchorage, AK

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Don't miss Dr. Chi's lecture at the following locations.

September 5
3:45 - 4:30 pm
ANMA Convention
Rivieral Hotel, Las Vegas

Dr. Chi will be speaking on Fingernail and Tongue Analysis for Hormone and Cardiovascular Issues, Insulin Resistance and Cancer

September 6
3:00 - 4:00 pm
ANMA Convention
Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas

In this workshop, Dr. Chi will be speaking on managing Estrogen Balance and Cardiovascular Inflammation

October 3
2:00 - 6:00 pm
October 5
1:30 - 5:30 pm
Alaska Chiropractic Society Convention
Hilton Hotel
Anchorage, AK

In this 8-hour CE-Approved course, Dr. Chi will be teaching chiropractors the Fingernail and Tongue Analysis technique.

Contact Us
Chi's Enterprise, Inc.
1435 N. Brasher Street
Anaheim, CA 92807

(714) 777-1542
Have a Happy and Healthy Labor Day!

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