Detect Liver Problems Early
Chi Health Letter              September 29, 2014


October 3-5
Hilton Hotel
Anchorage, AK
Booth #2

November 7-9
Catamaran Resort Hotel
San Diego, CA
Booth #29

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October 3
2:00 - 6:00 pm

October 5

1:30 - 5:30 pm
Alaska Chiropractic Society Convention
Hilton Hotel
Anchorage, AK

In this 8-hour CE-Approved course, Dr. Chi will be teaching chiropractors the Fingernail and Tongue Analysis technique.
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The liver is one busy organ. It performs over 500 functions daily,
so you can imagine how easy it would be for the liver to become overworked and sluggish. It is involved in detoxification, hormone synthesis and metabolism and glycogen storage, among other processes.

Since it is responsible for so many processes, it is only logical that other systems will be affected when liver function is impaired. In some cases, symptoms such as fatigue, bitter taste in the mouth, bloating, etc., will alert you when this happens. At other times, unless a blood test says so, you will have no clue if your liver is impaired because there are no symptoms.

The good news is that, with Fingernail and Tongue analysis, you will be able to determine liver problems early, even before blood tests.

Detecting Early Markers of Liver Problems

Besides symptoms associated with liver disease (e.g., fatigue, bloating, bitter taste, bad breath, etc.), there are physical markers that will indicate a liver issue. Knowing what these markers are can help you take action to improve your liver function.

  • Dark, branching veins under the tongue
  • Red or dark spots on the sides of the tongue (blood stasis spots)
  • Thick and wide tongue
  • Large cherry angiomas on the chest and abdominal area can be due to either a liver issue or estrogen dominance. Too much estradiol has been proven to cause liver problems.
Anytime you see these markers, there is a likelihood of a liver problem, especially if you are also experiencing fatigue, bloating and other symptoms. Liver impairment is serious, so any dysfunction needs to be addressed because it can affect other systems. For example, if the liver is not able to get rid of biowaste like bilirubin, then it can accumulate in the body and cause jaundice and other issues.
Liver Chi for Liver Detoxification, Fatty Liver, Hepatitis, Liver Cirrhosis

At the first sign or symptom of a liver issue, steps can be taken to help correct it. Liver Chi is an herbal formula with proven mechanisms to aid proper liver function and to help recover from conditions such as fatty liver, hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.

Some of Liver Chi's functions include the following:
  • Detoxification - It aids the liver in removing toxins from the body.
  • Liver Protection and Repair - It protects the liver from damage and increases liver mitosis rate to help the liver regenerate faster.
  • Interferon Production - It stimulates the production of interferon, helping the liver to recover from various ailments
  • Hepatitis Virus Suppression - It significantly suppresses Hepatitis B DNA and Hepatitis C RNA virus expression and replication. It has also been proven to improve Hepatitis A.
  • Liver Enzymes - Studies show that Liver Chi effectively reduces the liver enzymes, AST and ALT, and hepatitis virus titer.

When compared with milk thistle, a popular herb for liver problems, Liver Chi was much better at relieving various symptoms associated with impaired liver function, such as abdominal pain, vomiting, bitter/dry mouth, poor appetite and acidic stomach. In addition, Liver Chi has more functions than milk thistle (see table below).

Do you want to find out more about Liver Chi functions? Read the Liver Chi article now. Email us at to request the article.

Ready to see what Liver Chi can do for you?


Case Reports

A. Sayler, CN from Florida, has a 55-year-old male patient who reduced his liver enzymes after 3 months on Liver Chi.

J.S., a 57-year-old female from New York, has Hepatitis C. After taking Liver Chi, Vein Lite and OxyPower for about 3 months, her titer reduced by 68%.

R. Welch, DC from California, reports on a 70-year-old male patient with liver cirrhosis. After 5 months on Liver Chi, his liver enzymes, Alkaline phosphatase, albumin and bilirubin levels improved. His water retention also reduced.


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